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A Critical Examination of the Innovative and Transformational Impact and Potential of [select Technology group choice from below] to [select Tourism/Hospitality/Events] at Businesses and Industry Level, with

7BUS2128 Digital Transformation and Innovation in Tourism, Hospitality and Events Assessment Brief- UOH

Assessment Criteria

Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding assessed in this assignment:

1. Demonstrate a deep and systematic understanding of the wide range of digital technologies of relevance to tourism, hospitality and events;
2. Critically reflect upon the transformational and innovation potential of digital technologies in tourism, hospitality and events
3. Critically evaluate the potential challenges, including ethical issues, that may arise from the application of digital technologies in tourism, hospitality and events

Learning Outcomes: Skills and Attributes assessed in this assignment:

4. Creatively integrate relevant sustainability theory to practice in the analysis of digital technologies for the tourism, hospitality and event management industries

Assignment Title:

A Critical Examination of the Innovative and Transformational Impact and Potential of [select Technology group choice from below] to [select Tourism/Hospitality/Events] at Businesses and Industry Level, with Specific Reference to Sustainability Practices and Ethical Issues. 

List of Technology Group Choices

Online Distribution

Social Media

ICT Supported Mobility (i.e. AR, VR, Recommendation Systems and SMART Technologies)

Artificial Intelligence and Big Data

Description of the assignment, task, content and structure:

Individually, you are required to produce a 2,000 words (+/- 10%) report to discuss the innovative and transformational impact and potential of a selected group of technologies (see above “List of Technology Group Choices”), both at business and industry levels - please also select whether to focus on tourism, hospitality or events. Within this, you should also discuss their potential alignment/misalignment with sustainability practices and any other ethical issues of relevance. 

Please remember to introduce theory through your discussion, including reference to business models and technology adoption theory as relevant. 

A suggested structure would be:

  1. Introduction 
  •  make sure you explain what technology group and sector you’ve chosen for your report. 
  1. Description of the technology and its historical evolution 
  2. Discussion 
  •  innovative and transformational value both at business and industry level
  •  remember to consider technology adoption theories when considering its potential
  •  Draw comparisons: how this process was handled before / what other technology could be used / how it’d be without technology. 
  1. Conclusion 
  2. Adoption Recommendations


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  • For further help on module content and assignment details, contact your Module Leader in his or her  drop-in / office hours or by email.
  • Use the Learning Outcomes and HBS Grading Criteria (Rubric) to help inform you of the expectations of the assessment.
  • Use CASE (Centre for Academic Skills Enhancement) website resources: http://go.herts.ac.uk/CASE .  Attend CASE workshops and drop-ins to develop academic skills to meet HBS expectations (see timetable on CASE website homepage or drop-in to CASE in L064, in the LRC).
  • Visit the Academic English for Business Programme Site for tips on developing your academic English and contact hbsacademic-english@herts.ac.uk if you have any questions.
  • For help with Turnitin, look for the “Check your work (Turnitin Originality Report)” practice assignment in the Assignment section of all of your modules.  For help with understanding plagiarism and how to make changes to your assignment, contact hbsacademic-english@herts.ac.uk.
  • Use the Online Library to access quality business information resources:
  • Library Search will help you find books, journal articles and more.
  • Use the Subject Toolkit for Business to access to industry standard databases.
  • Use Library SkillUP for guidance for searching and referencing.
  • Get help: use SkilIUP module chat, visit the Study Success Hub, or book an 1:1 with a librarian