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According to Europa (2022), a significant increase in the number and variety of online courses has been observed in recent years. Although online courses have been welcomed as a great opportunity

The Induction Module

Section 4

Assessment Point 4 Written Assignment


The aim of this assignment is to prepare students for engagement with their programme of studies. In doing so, feedback will be provided to give them an indication of how they are progressing. Choose and answer one of the following questions:

1. According to Europa (2022), a significant increase in the number and variety of online courses has been observed in recent years. Although online courses have been welcomed as a great opportunity by a number of students, others still see them as less useful than traditional face-to- face courses. Evaluate the effectiveness of online education, and discuss to what extent online courses can replace traditional classroom teaching.
2. The CEO and Managing Director of Qantas Airways Ltd Alan Joyce states: “We have a very diverse environment and a very inclusive culture and those characteristics got us through the tough times. Diversity generated better strategy, better risk management, better debates, and better outcomes” (Deloitte Review, 2018, p. 3). To what extend do you (dis)agree with this statement? Discuss the significance of diversity in multinational companies, evaluating the challenges their leaders face.
3. “Tourism should be banned in order to protect local environments, cultures and economies.” To what extent do you (dis)agree with this statement? Evaluate the impact of tourism in these three areas.

Your assignment will be assessed on the following marking criteria. Please read them carefully before and while writing your assignment because it is designed to focus your attention on the weighting of each area.

Criteria Description Max score
Introduction The introduction should present the topic and purpose of the essay clearly and concisely. 10
Structure There should be a well-planned and well thought out structure which includes title, introduction, main content, summary, conclusion and references. 10
Organisation Paragraph level All paragraphs should have clear ideas and be supported by examples. There should be a smooth flow of ideas from paragraph to paragraph. 10
Content The content needs to answer the question and provide an indication of analysis. 20
Development The main points should be well-developed with supporting evidence and are appropriately referenced. 20
Grammar & Punctuation The text needs to be free of grammatical errors and the punctuation should be accurate. 10
Style The assignment should be written in academic language which demonstrates engagement with the supporting literature. 10
Format The assignment should be well-presented with consistent font and font size, margins, indentation and spacing. 10
Total 100

Minimum Requirements

A qualifying assignment must demonstrate that a student has made a reasonable attempt at answering one of the questions in line with the marking criteria. They must also meet the following standards:
✓ Word limit: 1500 words (+/- 10%). This excludes the cover page and reference list.
✓ Minimum number of credible sources: 5
✓ Cover page
✓ Page numbers
✓ Font size: 12, Font type: Times New Roman, Line spacing: 1.5

Time constraints: Students are reminded that they cannot attempt the written assignment until they successfully pass the three quizzes. The assignment must be submitted before the end of the four (4)-week module. Students will receive informal feedback on their qualifying submission from their module tutor. There are no extensions granted for the Induction module final assignment.
Important notes:

• All qualifying submissions will be graded with the number ‘100’ to indicate that a student has successfully completed the module and can progress to his/her first core module. The informal grade is recorded in the feedback box to give students an indication of the standard of their work.
• All non-qualifying submissions as well as non-submissions for students who have completed at least one of the three quizzes are recorded with the number ‘30’.
• Students lack of engagement with any of the assessment points is recorded with the number ‘0’.
• Both ‘30’ and ‘0’ indicate that the module was not successfully completed and, in this case, students need to enrol on a new offer of the Induction to repeat the module.

Good luck!