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Appendix A.1: Critical Assignment Guidelines Use this guideline to assist you in the development of your program evaluation of an academic or behavioral program implemented in your

Appendix A.1: Critical Assignment Guidelines

Use this guideline to assist you in the development of your program evaluation of an academic or behavioral program implemented in your school, district, classroom, community or agency.

Program Component and Description

Comments/ Notes:

1.      Program narrative. Include program name, program’s history and why the program was developed, who is served by the program, who developed the program, the primary goals, secondary or other goals, strategies and activities (3-7). (1-2 written pages)


2.      Logic Model – Headings for strategies, early and intermediate objectives, and long-term goals. Strategies identified using rounded rectangles (3-7 strategies should be noted. Early and intermediate objectives are represented in rectangles and worded as outcomes. Long term goals identified using ovals and worded as outcomes. All strategies need to link to long term goal. Arrows representing theory are accurate.


3.      Program Theory – Theory linking each strategy to long-term goals clearly identified with bullet points or are numbered. Long term goals worded as outcomes, clearly identified and distinguished (bold or underlined). Strategies are clearly identified with bolding or underling. All strategies lead to a long-term goal. The first objective for each strategy addresses the opportunity for the strategy to be successful. Theory has at least two early/intermediate objectives between activity and long-term goal. Theory is well thought out and logical. Contextual conditions address infrastructure and training necessary for program. Contextual conditions address both program and evaluation funding


4.      Evaluation Design & Matrix --Create an evaluation design for your program, as well as identify and explain the evaluation approaches that will be used. Clearly explains evaluation approach(es), including who developed and how evaluation approach(es) will be implemented within the evaluation. Explains strengths and weaknesses of design, including threats to validity and feasibility of the program. Clearly indicates the number of groups, the number of subjects, and demographics of subjects. Clearly indicates the length of the study. At least one additional method is provided to enrich the evaluation design.


Matrix includes name of program at top, includes proper column headings, rows are grouped correctly by logic model component type (strategies, objectives, goals). Each model component has a separate row in the matrix and every model component is included in the matrix (once). Every model component has at least one question, strategy questions are open-ended and measurable, strategy questions address implementation, early and intermediate objectives questions are open-ended and measurable, Early and intermediate objectives questions address corresponding model component, Long-term goal questions are open-ended and measurable and address corresponding model component


5.      Video record presentation sharing all components. Upload presentation


6.      View assigned peer presentation and provide feedback using assignment rubric and guidelines determine improvement of program. Video record feedback and share with peer.



Appendix A: Critical Assignment Rubric

Program Design & Evaluation Project (Critical Assignment)    ____/60 pts

Through the course students will complete components of an evaluation of a project. Due to the nature of the project it is important for students to identify an educational or behavioral program (reading, mathematics, social-emotional learning, social skills etc.,) implemented in your school, classroom, district, community, or agency designed to support diverse students with exceptionalities in various learning environments within the first two weeks of the course. Components of the plan will include an overview of the program with strategies and activities, draft of a logic model, program theory, one evaluation question per logic model component, proposed evaluation design, and evaluation matrix. A recorded presentation of your project will be uploaded to Canvas and you will be assigned one or two peers to provide feedback based on specific criteria for improvement. (Objectives 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7)


EEX 6320 Program Design & Evaluation Project


(3 pts)

(2 pts)

(1 pt)

(0 pt)

No Submission 
(0 pt)

Program Narrative
(CEC 3.2; ALC Content and DEI)

10% of total points


6 pts



Submission clearly and succinctly includes program name, history, and explains why the program was developed, individuals served by the program, who developed the program and how the program aligns with the needs of diverse individuals and promotes equity, the primary and secondary goals of the program, and a detailed explanation of the activities or strategies of the program.

Submission clearly and includes program name, history, and explains why the program was developed, individuals served by the program, who developed the program and how the program aligns with the needs of diverse individuals and promotes equity, the primary goals of the program, and an explanation of the activities or strategies of the program.

Submission identifies the program name, provides a brief history and explanation of why the program was developed, some of the goals of the program, as well as activities or strategies

Submission is: missing significant elements as described in the Satisfactory column; not in the required format; and/or, not clearly written.

Did not attempt/include this section; and, or failed to submit/submit on time.

Logic Model

(CEC 3.1; ALC Communication)


20% of total points



12 pts


(Use Lammert et al as a guide)

Submission includes the creation of a complete Logic model description and visual. The model includes between five to seven strategies, connecting to long term, short and intermediate term goals. Links from all strategies to goals are clearly and accurately delineated.

Submission includes the creation of a complete Logic model description and visual. The model includes between three to four strategies, connecting to long term, short and intermediate term goals. Links from all strategies to goals are delineated.

Submission includes the creation of a partially complete Logic model description and/or visual. The model includes two or fewer  strategies, connecting to long term or short or  intermediate term goals. Links from all strategies to goals are somewhat delineated.

Submission is: missing significant elements of the Logic model as described in the Satisfactory column; not in the required format; and/or, not clearly written.

Did not attempt/include this section; and, or failed to submit/submit on time.

Program Theory

(CEC 3.1, 3.); (ALC DEI)


20% of total points


12 pts

Submission clearly and comprehensively identifies and explains the theory linking to each strategy supported with connections to the course content. Explanations of theory will include two or more considerations for diverse student populations and providing equitable outcomes for all. Contextual conditions clearly address infrastructure and training needs for the program as well as funding.

Submission clearly identifies and explains the theory linking to each strategy supported with connections to the course content. Explanations of theory will include at least one consideration for diverse student populations and providing equitable outcomes for all. Contextual conditions address infrastructure and training needs for the program as well as funding., then and now.

Submission overall identifies and explains the theory linking to each strategy supported with some connections to the course content. Explanations of theory will may lack  consideration for diverse student populations and providing equitable outcomes for all. Minimal contextual conditions address infrastructure and training needs for the program as well as funding

Submission is: missing significant elements as described in the Satisfactory column; not in the required format; and/or, not clearly written.

Did not attempt/include this section; and, or failed to submit/submit on time.

Evaluation Design & Matrix

(CEC 3.1,3.2, 3.3, 3.4,3.5) (ALC DEI)


30% of total points


18 pts


(Use Lammert et al as a guide)

Submission concisely identifies and explains the evaluation approaches including who developed the approach and how it will be implemented. Evaluation design will be explained to include strengths, weaknesses, and threats to validity. The plan will indicate number groups, subjects, and demographics expanding on how a diverse demographic will be recruited. Two or more enrichments are to be provided to improve the program.

Matrix clearly and accurately aligns with logic model. Every strategy in the logic model will have a minimum one question with some having more than one. Each long, short and intermediate goal has an open-ended and measurable question to support improvement.

Submission identifies and explains the evaluation approaches including who developed the approach and how it will be implemented. Evaluation design will be explained to include strengths, weaknesses, and threats to validity. The plan will indicate number groups, subjects, and demographics expanding on how a diverse demographic will be recruited. At least one enrichment is to be provided to enhance the design are provided.

Matrix aligns with logic model. Every strategy in the logic model will have a minimum one question. Each long, short and intermediate goal will have an open-ended and measurable question to support improvement.

Submission identifies and explains the evaluation approaches generally. Evaluation design will include strengths, weaknesses, and threats to validity. The plan will indicate number groups, subjects, and demographics. An enrichment is to be provided to enhance the design are provided.

Matrix aligns with logic model. Most strategies in the logic model have one question. Most long, short and intermediate goal will have an open-ended and measurable question to support improvement.

Submission is: missing significant elements as described in the Satisfactory column; not in the required format; and/or, not clearly written.

Did not attempt/include this section; and, or failed to submit/submit on time.

Evaluation Presentation & Peer Feedback

(CEC 6.4, 6.5); ALC Content and DEI)


15% total points




Submission includes video recorded presentation of program overview, theory, logic model, evaluation design and matrix in a cohesive and rehearsed video recorded presentation with closed captioning or included text of presentation. Peer feedback is comprised of reflections and actionable comments for each section of the matrix that support improvement of program evaluated supported by evidence for course content. .

Submission includes video recorded presentation of program overview, theory, logic model, evaluation design and matrix in a rehearsed video recorded presentation. Peer feedback is comprised of reflections and actionable comments for most sections of the matrix that support improvement of program evaluated supported by evidence for course content.

Submission includes video recorded presentation of program overview, theory, logic model, evaluation design and matrix however presentation indicates lack of rehearsal and cohesiveness.  Peer feedback is comprised of reflections and comments for some sections of the matrix that lack actionable items for improvement.

Submission is: missing significant elements as described in the Satisfactory column; not in the required format; and/or, not clearly written.

Did not attempt/include this section; and, or failed to submit/submit on time.



5% of total points


3 pts

Paper is typed, double-spaced, utilize Times New Roman font, and 1” margins; title page,  in-text citations, reference (page), and headings strictly adhere to the most recent APA guidelines; and/or contains no more than 1 writing error per page.

Paper is typed, double-spaced, utilize Times New Roman font, and 1” margins; title page,  in-text citations, reference (page), and headings mostly adhere to the most recent APA guidelines; and/or no more than 2 writing errors per page.

Paper is typed, double-spaced, utilize Times New Roman font, and 1” margins; title page,  in-text citations, reference (page), and headings loosely adhere to the most recent APA guidelines; and/or no more than 3 writing errors per page.

Paper is NOT typed, double-spaced, utilize Times New Roman font, or 1” margins; title page,  in-text citations, reference (page), and headings do not adhere to/reflect the most recent APA guidelines; and/or contains 4 or more writing errors per page.

Did not attempt/include this section; and, or failed to submit/submit on time.
