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As a DNP, you have been asked to identify why the patients that are undergoing surgery are complaining that pain experienced after a surgical procedure has not been managed adequately.

Research Project

As a DNP, you have been asked to identify why the patients that are undergoing surgery are complaining that pain experienced after a surgical procedure has not been managed adequately. The patients' need of narcotics is around the clock until the pain subsides. The lack of staff in the surgical floor is a problem the institution has been dealing with for the last year and the problem still has not been corrected. The patient’s satisfaction is compromised, and the nurse patient ratio is high.  

Step 1: Identify the problem - Cultivate a spirit of inquiry
Explain, in your own words, what is the problem?
What are the data and sources that validate the problem?
• Safety
• Quality indicators
• Practice observations
• Patient satisfaction
• Other
Why is the problem is relevant?
What is the current practice?
2. Create the clinical question utilizing the PICOT format - Ask clinical questions utilizing the PICOT format
P = Patient Population
I = Intervention or issue
C = Comparison Intervention or Status
O = Outcome
T = Timeframe to accomplish the O  

Final Clinical Question: _________________________________________ 

3. Searching for the best evidence
The student will look at the different databases to search for the strongest evidence that will be used to answer the clinical question.
4. Critically appraise the evidence – Summarize the evidence
The student will evaluate the evidence and will choose the ones that will help to answer the clinical question. They will create a summary of the best information found and synthesize the findings.
5. Integrate the evidence with clinical expertise
• Develop best evidence recommendations
• Create an action plan
• Implement action plan
6. Reports results to stakeholders
• Create a report to the stakeholders
7. Disseminate findings
• Hospital administration meeting – PowerPoint
General Instructions
1. Remember that your work must be original and must not contain material copied from books or the internet. You must respect the intellectual property of the authors and not commit plagiarism.
2. Examine the criteria used to evaluate your assignment to find out how to get the highest grade for your work. The assignments are graded or evaluated through rubrics or by the distribution of points.
3. Before submitting your entry, read your message several times. This will ensure that it contains the exact information you want to communicate. 

• You must present your writing double-spaced, in a Times New Roman, Arial, or Courier New font, with a font size of 12.
• Pay attention to grammar rules (spelling and syntax).
• Your work must be original and must not contain material copied from books or the internet.
• When citing the work of other authors, include citations and references using APA style to respect their intellectual property and avoid plagiarism.
• Remember that your writing must have a header or a cover page that includes the name of the institution, the program, the course code, the title of the activity, your name and student number, and the assignment's due date. 

Contribute a minimum of 10 pages. It should include at least 10 academic sources, formatted and cited in APA.
Be sure to review the academic expectations for your submission.
Submission Instructions:
• Submit your assignment by 11:59 PM Eastern on Sunday.
• Review the rubric to determine how your assignment will be graded.
• Your assignment will be run through Turnitin to check for plagiarism. 

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- Official Essay Rubric
- Official Essay Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent
Mastery of the Information
30 to >27.0 pts
The essay content properly aligns with the information requested and reflects student exemplary mastery of the content by showing complete information, details, and examples.
27 to >24.0 pts
The essay content aligns with the information requested and shows good mastery of the content. Provides sufficient information, however missed opportunities to demonstrate supporting details and/or examples.
24 to >21.0 pts
The essay content aligns with the information requested and shows fair mastery of the content. Provides sufficient information, but lacks supporting details and/or examples.
21 to >18.0 pts
The essay content does not align with the information requested. Does not demonstrate mastery of the concepts.
18 to >0 pts
The assignment did not reflect the requested outcomes, was off-topic, and/or the assignment was not submitted.

30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization
Structure of the Essay
20 to >18.0 pts
The essay has a clear format, an introduction, a body with clear transitions between evidence and supporting arguments, and a conclusion. The information is presented in an orderly manner. All elements facilitate the flow of the information in the document.
18 to >16.0 pts
The essay has a clear format, an introduction, a body with evidence, supporting arguments, and a conclusion. All elements facilitate the flow of the information in the document, but the essay may miss transitions between sections or have other small organization issues.
16 to >14.0 pts
The essay structure is problematic, lacks logical flow, and has at least one of these issues: The essay does not have a clear introduction or conclusion, or the evidence and supporting arguments are not aligned with the requested requirements.
14 to >12.0 pts
The essay does not appear to have any structure: no introduction, progression of thought, or defined conclusion.
12 to >0 pts
The assignment did not reflect the requested outcomes, was off-topic, and/or the assignment was not submitted.

20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCritical Thinking
Development of Ideas
15 to >14.0 pts
Details are considered, and a point of view, thesis statement, or main idea is clear. Next, the essay presents excellent evidence, arguments, and examples to support the point. Finally, the student draws meaningful and high-level insightful conclusions based on the information presented and explained.
14 to >12.0 pts
Good (12 -11 pts)
Details are considered, and a point of view, thesis statement, or main idea is clear. Next, the essay presents sufficient evidence, arguments, or examples to support the point. Finally, it draws appropriate conclusions based on the information presented and explained.
12 to >11.0 pts
Details are considered, and a point of view, thesis statement, or main idea is identified. Next, the essay presents some evidence, arguments, or examples, but some are not relevant to support the point. Student draws fair conclusions, but not all are based on or supported by the presented information.
11 to >9.0 pts
Details are not considered, and a point of view, thesis statement, or main idea is exceptionally vague. The provided evidence, arguments, or examples are disconnected or not relevant. Additionally, the essay lacks a conclusion or repeats previous statements made.
9 to >0 pts
The assignment did not reflect the requested outcomes, was off-topic, and/or the assignment was not submitted.

15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInformation Literacy
Quality of Resources
15 to >14.0 pts
Supporting information is pertinent to the topic, up to date (depending on what is acceptable in the field), from credible and trusted sources, and the number of sources meets the requested amount.
14 to >12.0 pts
Supporting information is pertinent to the topic, however, 1 source is not a credible and trusted source; they may or may not be the most recent (depending on what is acceptable in the field). Additionally, the number of sources meets the requested amount.
12 to >11.0 pts
Supporting information is pertinent to the topic, however, 2 or more sources are not credible and trusted sources; they may or may not be the most recent (depending on what is acceptable in the field). Additionally, the number of sources meets the requested amount.
11 to >9.0 pts
The following criteria would apply, supporting information is not pertinent to the topic, none of the sources are from credible or trusted sources, or the number of sources requested was not met.
9 to >0 pts
Resources did not reflect the requested outcomes, were off-topic, and/or the assignment was not submitted.

15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting
Mechanics and Grammar
10 to >9.0 pts
Excellence in grammar, spelling, and sentence structure.
9 to >8.0 pts
Minimal (1 - 3) typographical, spelling, grammatical, punctuation, or translation errors.
8 to >7.0 pts
Multiple (4 -7) typographical, spelling, grammatical, punctuation, or translation errors.
7 to >5.0 pts
Severe (8 - 10) typographical, spelling, grammatical, punctuation, or translation errors.
5 to >0 pts
Unacceptable (11 or more) typographical, spelling, grammatical, punctuation, or translation errors, and/or the assignment was not submitted.

10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormatting and APA Guidelines
10 to >9.0 pts
The essay reflects excellent execution and incorporation of APA guidelines. Correct formatting, setup, title page, perfect in-text citations, and reference formatting.
9 to >8.0 pts
The essay offers correct formatting on the setup, and title page, with minimal formatting or punctuation errors within the in-text citations or references.
8 to >6.0 pts
The essay offers correct formatting, setup, and title page but has significant errors within in-text citations and references.
6 to >5.0 pts
The essay offers severe incorrect APA formatting, setup or missing title page, and/or problematic in-text citations and references.
5 to >0 pts
APA style not used and/or the assignment was not submitted.

10 pts
Total Points: 100