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As a newly appointed International Marketing Executive for GDK, you are tasked with identifying a new international market for the company. You are to select one new international market from the following: India, Nigeria,

This assignment assesses K1, K2, K3. Upon successful completion of this module, students will have demonstrated:

K1 Evaluate conceptual frameworks related to management decisions on globalisation and international market selection.

K2 Evaluate the strategic impact of the external environment, including sustainable and digital, on the marketing decisions of organisations.

K3 Develop effective and sustainable market responsive marketing programmes.


Assessment Brief: 4,000 words 100% weighting

Format – the assessment will be submitted via Turnitin as one ‘word’ file containing all elements of the report.

(German Doner kebab, 2024)


Background & Context – German Doner Kebab (GDK)

German Doner Kebab (GDK) is a fast food chain that appears to have revolutionised what was traditionally known as a popular street food dish. The company is owned by the Sarwar family (Hero Brands) and is headquartered in Glasgow, Scotland, the home country is therefore the UK. Founded in 1989 the company has enjoyed international expansion opening new franchises and now delivering rapid expansion plans in the following countries: Sweden 2014, United Kingdon 2015, United Arab Emirates in 2018, Ireland 2020, Canada and United States of America 2020. The brand concept originates from the belief that the first ‘döner kebab’ was created in Berlin, Germany by a Turkish guest worker named Kadir Nurman in 1972. (Cichanowicz, 2017).

(Lyons, 2023)

According to the GDK website, the brand’s strapline is ‘kebabs done right’, chain boasting ‘fresh to order premium lean meats, handmade waffle breads, locally sourced vegetables and signature sources’. (German Donner Kebab, 2024) GDK stated recently its meat is 100% Halal (Beardsworth, 2015). The kebab menu has a range of offerings and food is presented in different ways to enabling carry out, sit in or delivery. Outlets are designed around an open kitchen and orders are placed using the App or from easy to use terminals. (German Donner Kebab, 2024).

Kebabs are not usually known as a healthy option it has been reported that a kebab can contain 148% of your recommended saturated fat intake and almost 1,000 calories. The chain however claims standard kebab’s from GDK will contain 344 calories, 1.54g of your recommended 30g or 20g of fat depending on gender. (Beardsworth, 2015).

Reference List

Beardsworth, L.(2017) UK`s first German Doner Kebab to open in Birmingham (04, July) Available at: https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/whats- on/food-drink-news/first-german-doner-kebab-birmingham-9564958 . (Accessed 02/02/24)

Cichanowicz, L. (2017) A Brief History Of The Döner Kebab (09, December) Available at: https://theculturetrip.com/europe/germany/articles/a-

brief-history-of-the-doner-kebab#:~:text=With%20Turks%20comprising%20the%20largest,Berlin%20across%20from%20Bahnhof%20Zoo. (Accessed 02/02/24)

German Doner kebab (2024) German Doner Kebab – Our Story Available at https://www.germandonerkebab.com/(Accessed 02/02/24)

Lyons, B. (2023) German Doner Kebab moves to new unit at Derbion this week (11, January) Available at:German Doner Kebab moves to new unit at Derbion this week - Derbyshire Live (derbytelegraph.co.uk) (Accessed 02/02/24)

Walton, J. (2023) German Doner Kebab launches 150th international site and plans 400 new openings (18, May) Available at: https://www.foodserviceequipmentjournal.com/gdk-launches-150th-international-site-and-plans-400-new-openings-across- globe/#:~:text=German%20Doner%20Kebab%20launches%20150th%20international%20site%20and%20plans%20400%20new%20openings&tex t=Fast%2Dcasual%20dining%20brand%20German,over%20the%20next%20seven%20years. /(Accessed 02/02/24)


As a newly appointed International Marketing Executive for GDK, you are tasked with identifying a new international market for the company.

You are to select one new international market from the following: India, Nigeria, Australia

Your role is to research your chosen international market and make marketing recommendations. There will be focus on standardisation and adaptation to meet the needs of the market and satisfy your objectives.

*You will use the same chosen international market and company throughout all elements of the assignment

Report Contents

Format: One word document containing both Part 1 and Part 2.

Executive Summary (maximum 100 words)

Summarise the report in its entirety, including your recommendations.

Introduction (maximum 100 words)

Briefly outline what you are aiming to achieve, link this to the corporate strategy of your chosen company.

Part 1. Critical Market Analysis (Actual 1000 words)

The Format – Presentation slides cut and pasted into the word document with speaker notes. (You will not physically present). See Formatting Guidelines for Part 1 on Page 10 of this brief. You must format this as specified otherwise it will not be marked. Audience – GDK Board of Directors

Purpose - You are to research your one chosen international market and justify your market choice to GDK’s Board of Directors. Using relevant and current sources the market analysis must critically evaluate the potential market communicating:

  • why this market profitable
  • where there is potential for market growth
  • potential challenges.

Guidance - The presentation must be designed to engage the specified audience. A combination of slides and speaker notes should clearly synthesis and communicate the key insights. Slides should not be overly full of text. Images and other design ideas can be used to convey key points. This element is your opportunity to demonstrate in depth and critical research. You will use this market intelligence to underpin Part 2. Coverage should be specific to the new country market and include for example: relevant historical developments, culture / society, geography, political, economic systems, legal systems (e.g.: regulations and product category may differ by country depending on product content), technological development and infrastructure. The presentation should not take the format of a PESTLE analysis. The word count Part 1 -is 1000 words this includes the words on the slides and in the speaker notes. It does not include the reference list for Part 1 which will be the final slide. Appropriate references for this element; business sources, market trends etc.

Your presentation element is marked for evaluation of market knowledge, design and engagement with its target audience (GDK Board of Directors).

Part 2. Recommendations (Actual wordcount 2,800)

The Format – Word

Audience – GDK Board of Directors

Purpose – You are to make recommendations on an effective and appropriate international marketing strategy. The recommendations will be guided by your insights from the market knowledge in Part 1 Critical Market Analysis.

The recommendations will focus on standardisation and adaptation. The recommendations are to cover the following areas:

2.1 Recommendations - Entry Mode and Organisation Structure (guided wordcount 400 words)

Guidance – based on theory from the module, this element must critically examine the alternatives and recommend the most effective entry solution for this market and organisational structure. The organisational structure should be depicted as an organisational chart.

2.2 Recommendations - Target Market (Segmentation Targeting and Positioning) and Market Research (guided wordcount 800)

Guidance – this element must clearly identify the STP strategy for the chosen international market. Applied discussion to clearly identify the GDK customer, targeting strategy and positioning strategy should be critical and underpinned with STP theory from the module. This element should also include a brief section on how you would approach market research to determine your market.

2.3 Recommendations - Marketing Objectives (guided wordcount 50 words)

Guidance – this element must clearly identify three or four achievable marketing objectives around which your marketing mix recommendations should be formulated.

2.4 Recommendations - Marketing Mix for Standardisation or Adaptation. (guided wordcount 1,150)

Guidance – this element should focus on the 7P’s. Recommendations should be critical, evaluating the opportunities to standardise or adapt each of the marketing mix elements. Recommendations should be justified in terms of your knowledge of the market and underpinned with links to relevant international marketing concepts/ models and theory from the module.

2.5 Conclusion (guided wordcount 200)


To demonstrate application of marketing theory, and contextual accuracy, the report should be supported with referenced evidence from a range of credible academic, practitioner and quality business sources. You must use the HARVARD referencing system – see ‘Cite them right’ -https://library.sunderland.ac.uk/find-resources/referencing/

Relevant theory from the module must be applied to develop the analysis and evaluation. Logical conclusions should be drawn

Assessment Format

One word file containing Part 1 and 2.

IMPORTANT - Turnitin is set up to receive one file only, therefore should you submit the assessment in two parts, the second part submitted will overwrite the first part submitted. Your Tutor will therefore only receive one part and mark one part.

Word Count

4,000 words (+/ - 10%) including in-text citations [e.g. (Smith, 2011)]. Word count excludes any appendices, and reference lists.

Summarising and synthesising the information in your assignment to meet the word limit is one of the skills students are expected to acquire and demonstrate as part of the assignment process.

Word counts indicated in brackets in the assessment brief for each sub-section, are for guidance only however suggest a suitable amount of focus for each element and assist in produce a balanced report if fairly closely followed.

Actual word counts:

Executive summary & introduction – 200 words Part 1 – 1000 words

Part 2 – 2800 words

Front Page:

  • Module Code and Module Title
  • Title of Assignment
  • Module Leader’s Name
  • Your Tutor’s Name
  • Your name (Family name underlined / in capital letters)
  • Your Student Number
  • Date of Submission Wednesday 5th June 2024, latest submission time 23.59

Formatting Guidance - Part 1: Critical Market Analysis (1,000 words)

CUT and PASTE the PPT slides into the word file.

This is a PPT slide cut and pasted from PowerPoint into this word file.

‘This presentation highlights why X company will enter X market’.

Speaker notes are typed underneath each slide, example above in ‘italics’. Speaker notes supplement the information on the slide.

If you try to embed a PPT presentation link in the word file when we come to mark this, it does not link to anything, it simply appears as a PPT logo. Therefore, please cut and paste as above.

Recommended Fonts - make your assignment easy to read – some guidelines

  • Make all general typeface 12pt Arial, Calibri, Tahoma
  • All pages should be numbered
  • PPT should be readable once embedded in the word document.
  • Professional presentation
  • correct spelling, punctuation and grammar are also expected
  • grammar/spell check and proofread your word

Please note:

Submission Details

You must submit electronically in the MGTM27 Canvas site via Turnitin by the deadline Wednesday 5th June 2024.

Turnitin will be set up to enable multiple submissions your final submission, closest to the deadline will be the submission that is marked This must be one word file incorporating both Part 1 and Part 2.

Work not submitted via Turnitin will not be marked and will automatically receive a 0% Please refer to your programme Handbook for the Student Guide to the Academic Regulations. Evaluate conceptual frameworks related to management decisions on globalisation and international market selection.

Plagiarism/Infringement Statement

All assessments are subject to the University’s Policy on `Cheating, Collusion and Plagiarism`. Students found guilty of this are subject to severe penalties.

These are INDIVIDUAL pieces of work - If there is evidence that the work is not wholly attributable to you, the University`s policy on `Cheating, Collusion and Plagiarism` will be applied

Link to University Academic Integrity and Misconduct Policy: Academic Integrity and Academic Misconduct – A Guide

Extenuating Circumstances

If you are affected by any extenuating circumstances and cannot submit your work, for example illness or severe personal difficulties, you must inform your Programme Leader, Personal Tutor, Module Leader and Module Tutor immediately.

Please see below for links to the university’s extenuating circumstances policy

Student Handbook | The University of Sunderland

Important – ‘Fit To Sit’

Any student who presents themselves as fit to submits an assessment cannot then put in a later request for extenuating circumstances. They will be deeming themselves `Fit to Sit` if they thereby engage in the assessment and no allowance will be made for any difficulties, they later wish to claim have affected results.

For information or to discuss an issue you are having, please contact the programme leader or personal tutor in the first instance.

The Use of Tables

Tables included should not include large amounts of text presented as images which represent main discussion - these should be included in the main body of your work. If tables are used inappropriately in this way the wording in question will be deemed to be part of the main body of the work and included in the word count (with the relevant penalty imposed where the maximum word count has been exceeded).