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Assessing credibility in qualitative research The Details of what needs to be done are added as attachment named  Assignment Details. In this paper  you will identify a recent qualitative study, explain why it is qualitative

Assessing credibility in qualitative research

The Details of what needs to be done are added as attachment named  Assignment Details. In this paper  you will identify a recent qualitative study, explain why it is qualitative, briefly describe the research question, methods, and findings, and describe how the authors ensure and report on the rigour of the research methods, using guidelines from papers attached. Additionally three papers have been added as  attachment as well please refer to those and include in reference list (This is important as per 7th point under assignment details)

Please follow all Important Instructions:

Peer reviewed qualitative study. Sound explanation of what makes this qualitative research. Reference to underlying assumptions about the nature of knowledge, the way the research questions and methods reflect these assumptions, or other rationales provided Full reference provided

Clear identification of the core aims or questions under study. Clear statement of methodology and analytic approach; if the authors do a poor of describing their own methods, a brief critique of this needed

Clearly described, connected to findings, methods and aims of study

Clear, concise explanation of why the approaches were or were not appropriate in light of the goals of demonstrating credibility/avoiding bias. Linkage of these to the readings is consistent and appropriate. Shows understanding of the rationale for this approach to addressing bias. Suggestions for alternative or additional measures

Clearly written, logical, and largely free of errors