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Assessment 2 (AS2) Details: • Question 1: What are the contemporary challenges and trends reshaping the retail industry? Indicative Answer: Students are expected to explain the essence of retail, consumer behaviour, customer service and satisfaction

7. Assessment 1 Task- (AS1)

if you submit in a wrong Turnitin submission point.

Assessment 1 (AS1) Information – What you need to do:
The module assessment is designed to encourage students to analyze and critically review all aspects of business decision making from global perspectives. This is an assessment worth 40% of the overall module mark. It involves a video-recorded presentation with the help of Panopto. The individual presentation is used to help students practice to develop communicative and verbal skills in order to be more successful in interviews and the workplace. Due to the scope of the presentation, students are expected to provide detailed research on their chosen topic. Hence, this will help them get prepared for the essay exam as well. This task enables the students to examine a business-related issue in-depth and gain useful feedback from the tutor. Please, read another file with the instructions on how to upload the recorded video to DMU Panopto.

1.1.1 Task
The students are expected to select any company from the real world and critically evaluate the impact of global economic and political challenges on the business activity of the chosen entity. This can be any company from any industry sector and of any size: small, medium or multinational enterprise. It can be a local business or an international organization. It can even be the business of your parents, brother/sister, friend, and your own existing enterprise. In this task, it is very crucial for the student to demonstrate the ability to apply theoretical knowledge to a chosen case of a specific company. This is a problem-based learning task, which is a student-centered approach where the student learns about a subject by solving an open-ended problem. Hence, apart from discussing the practical aspect of the business case and proposing the solutions, students are expected to provide the academic debate on the chosen topic and apply the relevant theories accordingly. The theme of the problem, as well as the theoretical discussion, must fit one of the lecture topics listed above in ‘Lecture Schedule’.

1.1.2 Instructions
For this task, the students are free to use any video recording device and software. You can use your smartphone and/or laptop camera to record yourself. You can use various software tools depending on your needs and computing skills: Windows Movie Maker, iMovie, etc. Using software tools will probably be an inevitable stage of the process as you are expected to edit and merge separately recorded parts. It will be welcoming if you demonstrate the variety in your presentation delivery, i.e., showing slides together with showing yourself in the camera.
This is an individual assignment. You are expected to record a 10-minute presentation with +/- 10% deviation. Hence, if your video is shorter than 9 minutes and longer than 11 minutes, your

grade will be impacted. The recorded file must be uploaded to DMU Panopto website to the relevant folder for grading purposes: please, see another file with the instructions on how to upload the recorded video to DMU Panopto.

Note: You must submit a copy of your presentation slides in the PDF or PPT formats to Turnitin; otherwise, your submission will not be graded in the system, and you will get zero/fail for this assessment. Besides, if you submit the PDF or PPT files only without a video-presentation, you will get 50% of the mark only.
Note: When you upload and save your video recording on DMU Panopto website, please, name the file in the following way: Full Name_Student ID

1.1.3 The structure of the presentation
There is no limit in terms of the number of slides you are expected to provide. However, taking into account that it must be a 10-minute video-presentation; hence, you are expected to demonstrate approximately ten slides in your presentation, excluding the title, ‘thank you’, and bibliography slides. The approximate structure of the presentation can be the following - it’s just the recommendation):

Slide 1: Title
Your name, student number, the title of the research project, etc.
Note: when you submit PDF or PPT file to Turnitin, you must paste the link to your video file in Panopto folder in the Slide 1 Title or Slide 2. If you do not do that and a member of the teaching staff cannot find your file, you will get zero/fail for this assessment.

Slides 2-3: Background of the study
Description of the chosen company, association theme (Brexit, innovation management, digitalization of the retail industry, etc.) and the relevance of the study/topic

Slide 4: Research aim and objectives/questions
Clarify the aim of your study (what are you trying to find and achieve); state your research objectives and questions.
Slides 5-6: Theoretical discussion
Generally, discuss relevant theoretical frameworks and models related to your case study problem (Porter’s Five Forces, Agency Theory, Liberalization, etc.). This is some sort of ‘literature review’ section; hence, the use of academic sources is compulsory.
Slide 7: Resources used for data collection and analysis
Shortly describe the sources you used for this study. Apart from journal articles and books, you can mention the use of secondary statistical sources such as the World Bank, OECD, National Federal Statistics of any country, FAME database, etc.
Slides 8-10: Analysis and discussion of the findings
In this section, you can discuss the case study in full. You should demonstrate the figures and tables that prove that the problem takes place in a particular industry sector and applies to the chosen company. You are expected here to specifically utilise and connect your case study with the theoretical framework you have mentioned previously in slides 5-6. As a result of the theoretical debate and application as well as demonstration of the figures and tables, you are expected to propose solutions to the problem of your chosen company. You may also want to compare and mention other examples of similar companies in similar or even different industry sectors but with the same problem in order to enrich your findings and support the argument.
Slide 11: Conclusion and summary
List the key findings and points as the result of your work.

Slides 12-14: “Thank you for your attention” slide and bibliography list (Harvard referencing)

Each section above may contain more slides than suggested, obviously. At the same time, don’t overload your slides with information, i.e., text, figures, tables, and pictures. It is still a presentation, not an essay. The quantity of information on each slide must be just enough to deliver the message to the reader, listener, spectator. Only key points and the most important information should be shown on the slides – the rest must be said and explained by the presenter.

10.1.1 Summary
10-minute (+/- 10%) individual video presentation
Deadline: Friday 08th March 2024 at 12:00 PM (Noon) UK Time
 Weighting: 40% of the overall mark Submitted online to DMU Replay
A link to the file in Panopto must be provided in the PDF/PPT file
PDF/PPT file must be submitted via Turnitin; otherwise, the submission will not be graded

Criteria for Assessment - How you will be marked
In your final year on a degree course, you are expected to research your own information. This makes for more varied work as a set reading list does not constrain you. Moreover, it gives you more freedom to generate your own individual perspectives. However, you may wish to ask your tutor for some guidance. Marks will be awarded for logical development and depth of argument, research quality and measured critical analysis. The highest grades are attained by the Uniqueness of the interpretation research sources. Marks are awarded for the ‘professionalism’ of your work.

Logical development and clarity of argument: To convince the Assessor that your point of view is valid and correct, your argument should be clear and straightforward and developed in a logical and understandable manner. Typically, it must be supported by the evidence (citation).

Level of research/theoretical application: Your Assessor will need to be convinced that you have not merely fabricated your ideas. As such, it is absolutely essential that you support your argument or arguments with supporting studies, referenced views, appropriate theories and/or data from reputable sources. Remember to cite and construct your reference list in Harvard format.

Depth of content: To add additional weight to your points, they should be sufficiently well-explained to ensure that they stand up as good and supporting evidence. Too many points covered superficially are usually less effective than a few expressed in detail. Credit is given for the application and critical evaluation of theory.

Measured/critical analysis/synthesis: An argument or point of view is only normally convincing if you clearly demonstrate that you have considered the standpoint of others and either rejected them or used them to support and validate your perspective. Your concluding argument needs to critically reflect on the data and theoretical underpinning (where appropriate) rather than summarize the earlier presented material.

The professional appearance of the presentation: Even though the quality of the video presentation is not strictly judged, you must do your best to make it good as possible. In your video, you should look professional, well- dressed, well-spoken, and confident. Your speech must be clear and distinctive. Your presentation slides should be informative, engaging, free of grammatical, punctuation, spelling errors, etc. Ensure that you write in the academic style as opposed to 1st person. Ensure that margins and paragraphs are aligned. Take care with any loss of visual clarity when copying images from the internet.

Return of Marked Work (AS1):

You can expect to have feedback returned to you on 04/04/2024 at 12:00 PM (noon) UK Time. If for any reason there is a delay you will be kept informed. Marks and feedback will be provided online on your Turnitin. It is important that you access the feedback you receive as this will help to make improvements to your later work, you can request a meeting with your Module Leader or Personal Tutor to discuss your feedback in more detail.
Marks will have been internally moderated only, and will therefore be provisional; your mark will be formally agreed later in the year once the external examiner has completed their review. More information on assessment and feedback can be found here.

Academic Integrity:
In submitting a piece of work for assessment it is essential that you understand the University's requirements for maintaining academic integrity and ensure that the work does not contravene University regulations. Some examples of behaviour that would not be considered acceptable include plagiarism, re-use of previously assessed work, collusion with others and purchasing your assignment from a third party. For more information on academic offences, bad academic practice, and academic penalties, please read chapter four of our academic regulations.

Generative AI tools cannot be used for this assessment. You must not use generative artificial intelligence (AI) to generate any materials or content in relation to your assessment.

Students MUST add a statement acknowledging the non-usage of Generative AI for assessments on the cover page of assessment. Example of a student acknowledgement statement is shown below:

Statement of acknowledgment – This assessment has not used any generative-AI.

You can find the library guide on generative AI use here - https://library.dmu.ac.uk/genai

Academic Support and Your Well-being:

Referencing is the process of acknowledging other people’s work when you have used it in your assignment or research. It allows the reader to locate your source material as quickly and easily as possible so that they can read these sources themselves and verify the validity of your arguments. Referencing provides the link between what you write and the evidence on which it is based.
You identify the sources that you have used by citing them in the text of your assignment (called citations or in-text citations) and referencing them at the end of your assignment (called the reference list or end-text citations). The reference list only includes the sources cited in your text. The main referencing guide can be found here and includes information on the basics of referencing and achieving good academic practice. It also has tabs for the specific referencing styles depending on whether you require Harvard style used in business or OSCOLA style used by the Law school.
The University has a wealth of support services available to students; further information can be obtained from Student Gateway, the Student Advice Centre, Library and Learning Services and, most importantly, your Personal Tutor. If you are struggling with your assessments and/or deadlines please do seek help as soon as possible so that appropriate support and guidance can be identified and put in place for you. More information can be found on the Healthy DMU pages.

8. Assessment 2 Task - (AS2)

if you submit in a wrong Turnitin submission point.

It is compulsory to use Harvard Style Referencing (Cite Them Right)

DMU will use Harvard (Cite Them Right) as the university Harvard referencing style for all students.

Academic assessments are SNAPSHOTS of what you know. Not “everything” that you know. So be selective, be strategic and showcase

Assessment 2 (AS2) Information – What you need to do:
2nd Assessment is an individual written essay – 2,000 words (+/- 10% allowed)
This is a traditional essay assignment with 2000 words, which will worth 60% of the overall module mark. Due to the highly contemporary nature of the module, the syllabus and its emphasis can change from year to year. The students are expected to demonstrate both theoretical and practical knowledge while answering the question. Students are expected to develop a greater understanding of the subject by continued and extensive reading using a range of sources while getting prepared for the assessment. It will not be sufficient to rely on material given in lectures only. Instead, the student should develop an awareness of diverse opinions, theoretical frameworks, and practical examples.

This is an individual essay assignment that must be submitted online before the submission deadline. The questions are based on the taught material throughout the academic year. Please follow all instructions carefully.
• You must choose only one question out of four.
• You must prepare your answer in a single word document so that it can be submitted as a single document via Turnitin.
• Word limit is 2000 words (+/- 10%) excluding references
• Please, name the document as “CORP3543 – Pnumber”
• You must submit your essay via Turnitin on or before Friday 10th May 2024, 12:00 PM (Noon) UK Time
• You may submit your answers at any time up to the submission time.
• You are allowed to resubmit once you have uploaded a document.

Assessment 2 (AS2) Details:

• Question 1: What are the contemporary challenges and trends reshaping the retail industry?
Indicative Answer: Students are expected to explain the essence of retail, consumer behaviour, customer service and satisfaction, and some elements of marketing. They also need to clarify how digitalisation changes the shape of retail as well as consumer behaviour and expectations. Emphasis should be given to the discussion of contemporary customers’ expectations and link them to the theories of sharing economy and experience economics, which companies should take into account and adjust their business strategies accordingly. Students must provide a specific case study example(s) in their discussion: e.g., John Lewis, Thomas Cook, Deliveroo.

• Question 2: Has the COVID19 pandemic disrupted the landscape of standard supply chain management concept and how?
Indicative Answer: Students must discuss the standard theories and models of the supply chain and lean management. They are also expected to examine how current pandemic challenges these existing models and debate whether businesses (and scholars) should rethink them. Specific emphasis should be given to a particular case study example of the industry sector: for instance, car manufacturing (e.g., VW, Toyota), clothing (textile) industry (e.g., Nike), technology production (e.g., HP), maritime transportation, etc. Students must demonstrate the ability to apply theories in their discussion of real-life examples.

• Question 3: Mission impossible? What are the motivating factors and challenges to businesses being sustainable and how effective are contemporary sustainability strategies?
Indicative answer: Students must discuss some of the motivating factors to business being sustainable (such as consumer/NGO pressure, legislation, SDGs, climate change and threats to long-term business survival as a result of inaction) as well as the challenges to businesses being sustainable (e.g., cost, consumer apathy, shareholders, weak legislation, ‘unreachable’ parts of the supply chain etc.) Students must also discuss the effectiveness of sustainability strategies such as making changes to supply chain or manufacturing practices, adopting the SDGs or a certification system (such as ISO26000, Fairtrade etc.) and how effectiveness can be ascertained/measured. The analysis must include real-life case study examples and practical recommendations for businesses.

• Question 4: Critically discuss the challenges and opportunities for businesses within Industry 4.0.
Indicative Answer: Students must assess and debate the changing landscape of the world economies and the impact of technologies on the labour market. Good answers should include the critical discussion of how digitalisation has created new types of jobs and now requires new skills of potential employees. Students should also provide how digitalisation influenced other spheres of doing business and how technologies are being implemented there: supply- chain, sales, customers service, and public, private sectors, in general. Students must provide a specific case study example(s) in their discussion by examining a particular industry sector or a company: e.g., financial industry, deliveries (e.g., Deliveroo), or streaming services (Netflix vs Blockbuster).

Cover page, list of contents, list of tables, list of figures and the end Harvard Reference list are not included in your final word count.
1- PLEASE check the Rubric before starting your assignment 2. This will help you to identify the key and important factors for each marking criteria.
2- You MUST use main titles and sub-titles to divide your arguments/ chapters/ assignments to a number of clear sections. This will help the examiner/moderator to follow your arguments better.
3- You MUST use academic sources such as academic text-books and academic articles from academic journals and credible sources to support your arguments.
4- DO NOT use only one or a very limited number of sources as your citations. You need to use a good mixture of sources. Please check your BB / Assessment Briefs Folder / Source Selection Guideline.
5- Your Rubric shows “Depth of Academic Knowledge 30%”. This means you need to show how you could develop your Academic Knowledge. Depth of Academic Knowledge will be developed by reading academic sources. Reading and citing ONLY ordinary non-academic sources will NOT add value into your assignment.
6- Your Rubric shows “Application of Theory and Critical Evaluation 30%”. This section will be developed by reading and citing academic sources (academic text-books and academic articles). You can use official websites or credible sources to gain numbers and figures to support your main arguments. Please check your BB / Assessment Briefs Folder / Source Selection Guideline.
7- Make use of your tutors, we are here to help and advise you through this assignment.

8- You need to answer the question and apply your academic knowledge to support your arguments.

How to Submit your Assessment 2 (AS2):

The assessment must be submitted by Friday 10/05/2024 at 12:00 PM (Noon) – UK Time. No paper copies are required. You can access the submission link through the module web.

• Your coursework will be given a zero mark if you do not submit a copy through Turnitin. Please take care to ensure that you have fully submitted your work.
• Please ensure that you have submitted your work using the correct file format, unreadable files will receive a mark of zero. The Faculty accepts Microsoft Office and PDF documents, unless otherwise advised by the module leader.
• All work submitted after the submission deadline without a valid and approved reason will be subject to the University regulations on late submissions.

o If an assessment is submitted up to 14 days late the mark for the work will be capped at the pass mark of 40 per cent for undergraduate modules or 50 per cent for postgraduate modules
o If an assessment is submitted beyond 14 calendar days late the work will receive a mark of zero per cent
o The above applies to a student’s first attempt at the assessment. If work submitted as a reassessment of a previously failed assessment task is submitted later than the deadline the work will immediately be given a mark of zero per cent
o If an assessment which is marked as pass/fail rather than given a percentage mark is submitted later than the deadline, the work will immediately be marked as a failure.

• The University wants you to do your best. However, we know that sometimes events happen which mean that you can’t submit your coursework by the deadline – these events should be beyond your control and not easy to predict. If this happens, you can apply for an extension to your deadline for up to two weeks, or if you need longer, you can apply for a deferral, which takes you to the next assessment period (for example, to the re-sit period
following the main Assessment Boards). You must apply before the deadline. You will find information about applying for extensions and deferrals here.
• Students MUST keep a copy and/or an electronic file of their assignment.
• Checks will be made on your work using anti-plagiarism software and approved plagiarism checking websites.

Academic Integrity and Generative AI Use:
In submitting a piece of work for assessment it is essential that you understand the University's requirements for maintaining academic integrity and ensure that the work does not contravene University regulations. Some examples of behaviour that would not be considered acceptable include plagiarism, re-use of previously assessed work, collusion with others and purchasing your assignment from a third party. For more information on academic offences, bad academic practice, and academic penalties, please read chapter four of our academic regulations.
Generative AI tools cannot be used for this assessment. You must not use generative artificial intelligence (AI) to generate any materials or content in relation to your assessment.
Students MUST add a statement acknowledging the non-usage of Generative AI for assessments on the cover page of assessment. Example of a student acknowledgement statement is shown below:
Statement of acknowledgment – This assessment has not used any generative-AI.
You can find the library guide on generative AI use here - https://library.dmu.ac.uk/genai

Academic Support and Your Well-being:
Referencing is the process of acknowledging other people’s work when you have used it in your assignment or research. It allows the reader to locate your source material as quickly and easily as possible so that they can read these sources themselves and verify the validity of your arguments. Referencing provides the link between what you write and the evidence on which it is based.
You identify the sources that you have used by citing them in the text of your assignment (called citations or in-text citations) and referencing them at the end of your assignment (called the reference list or end-text citations). The reference list only includes the sources cited in your text. The main referencing guide can be found here and includes information on the basics of referencing and achieving good academic practice. It also has tabs for the specific referencing styles depending on whether you require Harvard style used in business or OSCOLA style used by the Law school.
The University has a wealth of support services available to students; further information can be obtained from Student Gateway, the Student Advice Centre, Library and Learning Services and, most importantly, your Personal Tutor. If you are struggling with your assessments and/or deadlines please do seek help as soon as possible so that appropriate support and guidance can be identified and put in place for you. More information can be found on the Healthy DMU pages.

AS2- Rubric 90-100% 80-89% 70-79% 60-69% 50-59% 40-49% 39-0%
1st Class honours Distinction Upper 2nd Class honours (2:1)
Merit Lower 2nd Class honours (2:2) Pass 3rd Class honours Pass Fail

Depth of Academic Knowledge and Understanding

Excellent knowledge and understanding, exploring and analysing key areas. Excellent analysis of key areas and broadened subject.
The work demonstrates a confident, independent and well-judged response to the assessment brief.
There is evidence of exceptional research based on a broad scale of quality sources of information and you demonstrate excellence in critical information literacy and digital information literacy. Very good knowledge and understanding of key areas with detailed and accurate application in practical scenarios. Very good different views and perspectives are shown. The work provides a very good detailed and systematic response to the assessment brief.
There is evidence of very good wide-ranging research. Very good mixture of sources used. Very good evidence of digital information literacy and very good critical judgement
regarding sources to use.
Good knowledge and understanding of key areas with detailed and accurate application in practical scenarios. Different views and perspectives are shown. The work provides a detailed and systematic response to the assessment brief. There is evidence of wide-ranging research, but sources may be dated and/or mostly industry / opinion- based sources. There may be evidence of digital information literacy but a lack of critical judgement regarding sources to use. Satisfactory, the work provides a systematic response to the assessment brief. Critical awareness of current issues is informed by research- based/theoretical knowledge at the forefront of the area of study, but the research may lack breadth and/or depth.
Sources may not be critically evaluated before selection. This may come across as a lack of relevant sources / dated articles / too many opinion pieces and or lack of evidence-based research.
Limited knowledge and understanding
of theories, accurate application in practical scenarios.
Unsatisfactory, as sources are not critically evaluated before selection. There is very limited evidence of information literacy and digital information literacy and/or selection lacks quality.
Unsatisfactory, as a very limited / lack of knowledge and understanding of well- established theories. Incorrect application to practical scenarios. Not making sense and has a very limited area of depth.
The work effectively integrates the
Where appropriate, work demonstrates applied research skills and/or advanced scholarship to a very good standard. Explores and critically analyses key areas. Justified personal opinions/ideas. Good recommendations and improvement plans. Very good range of theories considered with a very good evaluation/ justification for preferred theory as applied. Detailed and accurate application in practical scenarios. Different views and perspectives are shown. Very good solid answer with very good analysis of the underpinning theory with elements of generalisation and descriptiveness. The work integrates a good skill of
Satisfactory, the work offers a more limited application of knowledge and/or conceptual understanding of advanced scholarship. However, it nonetheless contains evidence of critical awareness concerning analysis, synthesis, evaluation and application.
This work demonstrates initiative as an independent and self-critical learner but in a limited form.
Competent problem analysis/problem- solving. Original and retrospective thinking. Limited evaluation of key points. This work is mainly descriptive. A limited range of theories appropriately included applied.
Accurate application in practical scenarios. Satisfactory theoretical underpinning, but highly descriptive and generalised More work is needed to improve
advanced skills of analysis, synthesis, advanced analysis, synthesis, the selection of sources and to
evaluation and application. There is evaluation and application. There is demonstrate theoretical
very consistent evidence of excellent, consistent evidence of the exercise of understanding. You may need to
measured judgment. Self-direction, Good and considered judgment. Self- review how to undertake a
(2) creativity and practical understanding
are evident, demonstrating the qualities
expected of an effective self- critical direction and critical independent
learning is demonstrated. Where
appropriate, work demonstrates literature review or how to cite
sources to evidence critical
analysis. A very limited / lack of
independent learner. applied research skills and/or analysis with a very limited
Application of Where appropriate, the work
demonstrates consistent research and advanced scholarship. Explores and
critically analyses key areas. Justified depth. A very limited discussion
and insufficient detail. A very
Theory & Concept, advanced scholarship. The outstanding personal opinions/ideas. Good Limited / Lack of ability of
Critical Analysis & Evaluation ability of problem-solving. Original,
retrospective thinking. Excellent critical analysis and reflections. Original ideas recommendations and improvement
plans. A good range of theories is considered with some evaluation/ problem analysis/problem-
solving. Incorrect application to practical scenarios. Not making
supported with comprehensive justification for the preferred theory sense. A very limited/lack
(30%) research. Pertinent recommendations.
Excellent range of theories and as applied. Detailed and accurate
application in practical scenarios. amount of evidence of
application. A very limited or no
experiences considered with full Different views and perspectives are application in practical scenarios.
evaluation/justification for preferred shown. Good solid answer with some Unsatisfactory theoretical
theory as applied. Excellent level of analysis of the underpinning theory underpinning demonstrates little
overview and analysis in respect of the but elements of generalisation and understanding of relevant
underpinning theory. descriptiveness. theory.

AS2 - Rubric 90-100% 80-89% 70-79% 60-69% 50-59% 40-49% 39-0%
1st Class honours Distinction Upper 2nd Class honours (2:1) Merit Lower 2nd Class honours (2:2) Pass 3rd Class honours Pass Fail


& Conclusions (20%)

You have brought together all your research and study materials from different academic and creditable sources in an Excellent form.

Excellent discovery of the relationship between sources and identifying major themes and concepts and identifying critical gaps and disagreements.
Excellent comparison, contrast and critically evaluation and interpretation

Excellent conclusions which draw together an analysis of authors on the topic or theme. Excellent focus on the assignment brief is evident Extends audience use of vocabulary by clarifying complex/new terms; invites audience participation; spoke with good pace and volume; prepared and used media effectively.

Excellent and Clear and appropriate structure; length indicates in-depth coverage of topic and written work has no major errors.

You have brought together all your research and study materials from different academic and creditable sources in a very good form.

A very good discovery of the relationship between sources and identifying major themes and concepts and identifying critical gaps and disagreements.

A very good comparison, contrast and critically evaluation and interpretation. Very good conclusions which draw together an analysis of authors on the topic or theme. Very good focus on the assignment brief is evident.

Extends audience use of vocabulary by clarifying complex/new terms; invites audience participation; spoke with good pace and volume; prepared and used media effectively.

Very good and Clear and appropriate structure; length indicates in-depth coverage of topic and written work has no major errors.

You have brought together all your research and study materials from different academic and creditable sources in a good form.

A good discovery of a relationship between sources and identifying major themes and concepts and identifying critical gaps and disagreements.

A good comparison, contrast and critically evaluation and interpretation.
Good conclusions draw together an analysis of authors on the topic or theme. Good focus on the assignment brief is evident.

Appropriate use of language; spoke clearly and at an appropriate pace; occasional use of notes; visual aids supported presentation.

Written work has adequate structure, demonstrates logical progression, is within the designated word limit and is relatively free of errors.
You have brought together all your research and study materials from different academic and creditable sources in a Satisfactory form.

A satisfactory discovery of a relationship between sources and identifying major themes and concepts and identifying critical gaps and disagreements. Satisfactory comparison, contrast and critically evaluation and interpretation.

Satisfactory conclusions which draw together an analysis of authors on the topic or theme. Some focus on the assignment brief is evident.

Satisfactory use of language; spoke clearly and at an appropriate pace; occasional use of notes; visual aids supported presentation.

Written work has satisfactory structure, demonstrates logical progression, is within the designated word limit and has few errors.

You could not bring together all your research and study materials from different academic and creditable sources.

Unsatisfactory discovery of a relationship between sources and identifying major themes and concepts and identifying critical gaps and disagreements. Unsatisfactory comparison, contrast and critically evaluation and interpretation.

Unsatisfactory, as a weak conclusion which bears little relation to the main points made in the text. Very little focus on the assignment brief is evident.

Inappropriate language and/or body language; relies heavily on notes; lacking in clarity and difficult to hear; lack of or poorly prepared visual media aids.

The structure of written work has serious and persistent errors. Does not cover assigned topic and assertions not supported by evidence.

AS2 Rubric 90-100% 80-89% 70-79% 60-69% 50-59% 40-49% 39-0%
1st Class honours Distinction Upper 2nd Class honours (2:1) Merit Lower 2nd Class honours (2:2)
Pass 3rd Class honours Pass Fail

Academic writing, Rigour and Harvard Referencing style, quality and quantity of sources, format, structure & flow

Excellent piece of work, with no errors. Achieved all module outcomes.
Evidence of Excellent individual research with very effective Harvard referencing. Citations and References are excellent and meet university standards.

Excellent referencing, no technical issues in respect of referencing.
The number of referenced sources is excellent extensive and shows excellent use of appropriate academic articles, book sources and company/industry materials.

The work is technically Excellent presented, with high standards of presentation and expression. There is an excellent flow throughout.

You have applied word limit/length of video presentation as requested and you followed all the requirements and provided layout, Excellent.

You have submitted your video / your essay as the brief requested. Excellent References and citations are very good and follow protocol a very good piece of work. Only a few errors.

Very good evidence of independent research undertaken with largely effective Harvard referencing.

Well, research academic sources.

Very few technical issues in respect of referencing. The number of referenced sources is reasonable and shows very good use of appropriate academic articles, book sources and company industry materials.

You applied the word limit and video length as requested (but not fully) and you partly followed and applied the requirements and provided layout as expected with few errors. Very Good

References and citations are Good and follow protocol Good piece of work. Only a few errors. Good evidence of independent research undertaken with largely effective Harvard referencing. Well, research academic sources.
Very few technical issues in respect of referencing. The number of referenced sources is reasonable and shows good use of appropriate academic articles, book sources and company industry materials.

The technical aspects of the work are Good, with good standards of presentation and expression.
There is a good flow.

You partly followed and applied the requirements and provided the layout as expected with few errors. Good

Satisfactory referencing and citations but may have errors. Some effective Harvard referencing of various sources was used.
Achieves modules outcomes.

Some technical issues in respect of referencing which you need to work harder at. The number of references is small and tends to lack academically reliable sources.

Satisfactory as the technical aspects of the worksite at the threshold, with appropriate presentation and expression.

You just partly applied the word limit and the length of the video.

You went above or below 10% but it is not very significant.

You partly followed and applied the requirements and provided the layout as expected. Satisfactory. Unsatisfactory, as misspellings, multiple grammatical errors. Some references but not sufficient use of academic sources. An attempt at Harvard referencing of various sources.

Unsatisfactory referencing- considerable technical issues in respect of referencing which you need to work on. The number of references is small and tends to lack academically reliable sources.

Unsatisfactory as improvement is needed for your structure and flow and/or presentation. You did not apply the word limit as requested and you did not follow all the requirements and provided the layout as expected.

You have submitted well below or well above the word count or well above or well below the agreed length for the video presentation. This is very significant and affecting the quality of your academic work.
Total: 100%