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Assessment 2: Digital Storytelling Type:Audio Visual Presentation Weighting:40% Method:Independent Length:6-8 minutes Submission type:Video file (.mp4 or .mov

Assessment 2: Digital Storytelling Type:Audio Visual Presentation Weighting:40% Method:Independent Length:6-8 minutes Submission type:Video file (.mp4 or .mov)... 1 answer below »

Assessment 2: Digital Storytelling

Type:Audio Visual Presentation



Length:6-8 minutes

Submission type:Video file (.mp4 or .mov) and transcript of presentation and reference list (.docx)

Unit learning outcomes assessed:

Examine codes, guidelines, policies and legislation that address discrimination and harassment in healthcare and workplace contexts; and
Examine codes, guidelines, policies and legislation that address racism in healthcare contexts and reflect on personal responses to racism in healthcare

Assessment description

This assignment focuses on institutional racism in healthcare through an ethical framework informed by legislation and policies.

This assignment will be a digital storytelling, encompassing the art of storytelling with digital tools and multimedia.

Assessment instructions

Within your digital presentation, you are to use Gibbs Reflective Cycle and address the following points:

Reflecting on your clinical practice,describea situation where yourself, or another person (such as patient, patient’s family member or healthcare professional) may have been at risk of bias, harassment and/or racism within the Australian healthcare system.

Reflect onyour thoughts and anyfeelingson the situation.

Evaluatethe situation and how it was handled, either by yourself, or other people present in your clinical practice. Identify how yourself and others reacted.

Analysewhy you think the situation occurred and examine the codes, guidelines, policies and legislation that are embedded within your situation that either supported or prevented harm from occurring.
Describethe impact learning about the situation has had on you as a student healthcare professional andsummarisewhat you think needs to be done differently within the Australian healthcare system, supported by peer-reviewed evidence.

Develop an action planusing three (3) clear strategies that you canpersonallyimplement as a future healthcare professional to address future instances of bias, harassment and/or racism, with linkage to ethical principles and profession specific codes, guidelines, and policy.

All presentations are to be in third person and from a professional/healthcare lens. All descriptions of the situations are to follow Privacy Laws and Confidentiality principles – no real names of healthcare professionals, patients, fellow students or healthcare facilities are to be discussed within presentations.

If you have no previous instances of clinical practice, or exposure in the Australian healthcare system, you can use the following link for your presentation:https://www.ahpra.gov.au/News/ XXXXXXXXXXNo-place-for-racism-in-healthcare.aspxLinks to an external site.

For your presentation, imagine you are a student healthcare professional (from your future chosen discipline) and have been working with one of these doctors whilst on clinical placement.

The digital storytelling must be both an audio and visual presentation (examples: narrated PowerPoint, animation, video recorded speech with background/imagery) that engages the audience and shares peer reviewed high-quality evidence linked to the situation.

Your digital presentation is to be 6-8 minutes in duration. Students are also required to submit a full transcript for text matching, (including relevant in text citations). A reference list is also required at the end of your presentation.

Any content presented after eight (8) minutes, will not be marked. Penalties related to duration will be applied in line with the marking rubric provided on canvas. Students are strongly encouraged to avoid presentations that do not meet the minimum duration of six (6) minutes, it is unlikely that the assessment will address the requirements of the assessment as set out in the marking rubric.

Submission requirements

Students are required to submit both:

A copy of their audio/visual presentation using one of the following file extensions (.mp4 or .mov)
A copy of their transcript with relevant citations using the following file extension(.docx). Please save your submission as STUDENTID_10201_AT2_Transcript for example u123456_10201_AT2_Transcript. This component is to be submitted to Turnitin for text matching purposes.
The transcript is to include all audio and written content from presentation.
Please note this assessment will be reviewed by the University’s plagiarism checking software (Turnitin) and, with reasonable grounds, be subject to further inquiry through the Office of the Associate Dean of Education. Students must not use artificial intelligence platforms and services in the preparation and completion of the assessment.

APA 7th referencing style for presentation and transcript. One reference list to be submitted within presentation.

Students' names are not to be included on any assessment tasks/submissions. Only student ID numbers should be included (as per theAssessment PolicyandAssessment Procedures).

For additional enquiries and support, students are encouraged to make a time to meet an ASK (Academic Skills and Knowledge) Advisor.

The following video is a recording of the assignment 2 drop in session:


Assignment 2 Rubric 2024

Assignment 2 Rubric 2024

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a learning outcome

Criteria 1: Gibbs reflective cycle Step 1 - Describe
Clear introduction of the situation includes brief description of what occurred within Australian healthcare system.

Full marks

Outstanding, logical, and well-articulated description of the situation.

Exceeds expectations

Very good, clear, and logical description of the situation.

Meets expectations

Good introduction that mostly describes the situation.


Limited description of the situation identification.


Unsatisfactory description of the situation with insufficient and/or inaccurate detail.

No marks

Criterion not addressed.


This criterion is linked to a learning outcome

Criteria 2: Gibbs reflective cycle Step 2 - Feelings
Reflect on thoughts and feelings of the situation described, including acknowledgement of bias, assumptions, and awareness of the situation.

Full marks

Outstanding reflection of self in relation to existing thoughts and feelings of the situation. Outstanding exploration of bias, assumptions and awareness is acknowledged and explored.

Exceeds expectations

Very good reflection of self in relation to existing thoughts and feelings of the situation. Clear exploration of bias, assumptions and awareness is acknowledged and explored.

Meets expectations

Good reflection of self in relation to existing thoughts and feelings of the situation. Bias, assumptions, and awareness are mostly explored.


Partial reflection of self in relation to existing thoughts and feelings of the situation. Limited acknowledgement of bias, assumptions, or awareness.


Unsatisfactory reflection of self in relation to existing thoughts and feelings of the situation. Insufficient or no acknowledgement of bias, assumptions, or awareness.

No marks

Criterion not addressed.


This criterion is linked to a learning outcome

Criteria 3: Gibbs reflective cycle Step 3 - Evaluation
Evaluation of the situation and how it was handled, either by self or others. Clear discussion of how self and others reacted.

Full marks

Outstanding, logical, and well-articulated evaluation of the situation.

Exceeds expectations

Very good, clear, and logical evaluation of the situation.

Meets expectations

Good evaluation that mostly describes the situation.


Limited evaluation of the situation identification.


Unsatisfactory evaluation of the situation with insufficient and/or inaccurate detail.

No marks

Criterion not addressed.


This criterion is linked to a learning outcome

Criteria 4: Gibbs reflective cycle Step 4 - Analysis
Analysis of why situation may have occurred. Codes, guidelines, policies and legislation are examined to determine if they supported or prevented the situation or possible harm from occurring.

Full marks

Outstanding analysis of situation with well-articulated examination of how codes, guidelines, policies and legislation impacted possible harm from occurring. No mistakes or omissions.

Exceeds expectations

Very good analysis of situation with examination of how codes, guidelines, policies and legislation impacted possible harm from occurring. Minimal mistakes or omissions.

Meets expectations

Good analysis of situation with codes, guidelines, policies and legislation mostly linked to situation and possible harm occurring. Some mistakes and/or omissions.


Limited analysis of situation that somewhat examined how codes, guidelines, policies and legislation could impact harm occurring. Significant mistakes and omissions.


Unsatisfactory analysis of situation. codes, guidelines, policies and legislation are not explored and/or relevant to analysis.

No marks

Criterion not addressed.


This criterion is linked to a learning outcome

Criteria 5: Gibbs reflective cycle Step 5 - Conclusion
Description of what has been learnt about the situation and the impact learning has had on self, with acknowledgement of changes required in healthcare system to reduce bias, harassment and/or racism that is supported by peer-reviewed evidence.

Full marks

Outstanding, logical, and well-articulated conclusion that explores the impact of learning has had on self and changes required in Australian healthcare system. Statements are supported by relevant contemporary peer reviewed evidence. No errors or omissions

Exceeds expectations

Very good conclusion that explores the impact of learning has had on self and changes required in Australian healthcare system. Statements are supported by relevant contemporary peer reviewed evidence with minimal errors and/or omissions.

Meets expectations

Good conclusion on the situation and what learning has had on self, with good discussion on changes required in Australian healthcare system. Statements are somewhat supported by relevant contemporary peer reviewed evidence. Some errors and/or omissions.


Partial conclusion on learning about situation has had on self, with limited awareness and discussion. Partial discussion on changes required in healthcare system with minimal evidence to support statements made. Significant errors and/or omissions.


Unsatisfactory conclusion on impact of learning to self and/or changes required in healthcare system. Statements are not support by relevant contemporary evidence.

No marks

Criterion not addressed.


This criterion is linked to a learning outcome

Criteria 6: Gibbs reflective cycle Step 6 - Action Plan
Creation of an action plan with three strategies for self.
Strategies described are for own future professional practice with clear linkage to ethical principles, codes, guidelines, and policy.

Full marks

Outstanding presentation of three strategies to inform future self-practice, with outstanding linkage to relevant ethical principles, codes, guidelines, and policies. Well-articulated strategies that reflect conclusion on changes required in healthcare system.

Exceeds expectations

Very good presentation of three strategies to inform future self-practice, with clear linkage to relevant codes, guidelines, and policies. Strategies reflect conclusion on changes required in healthcare system.

Meets expectations

Good presentation of three strategies to inform future self-practice, with relevant ethical principles, codes, guidelines, and policies mostly linked. Strategies are mostly linked to conclusion on changes required in healthcare system.


Partial presentation of up to three strategies with limited linkage to appropriate ethical principles, codes, guidelines, and policies. Strategies require further linkage to conclusion on changes required in healthcare system.


Unsatisfactory presentation of less than three strategies that do not link to future self-practice, with limited to no use of ethical principles, codes, guidelines, and policies relevant to future practice. Strategies do not link to discussion on changes required in health care system.

No marks

Criterion not addressed.


This criterion is linked to a learning outcome

Criteria 7: Design and Presentation
Presentation encompasses both audio and visual elements. Use of media is visually appealing with consideration given to graphic design including use of colour, fonts, and imagery.
Audience is engaged by both audio and visual mechanisms for digital storytelling.
Audio elements is clear and relates to visual elements of presentation.
Content in audio elements represents safe, appropriate, and effective communication with clear presentation of information, and consideration given to clarity of delivery and use of professional and culturally appropriate terminology.

Full marks

Outstanding presentation of digital storytelling incorporating imagery, audio, and visual elements to engage audience. Excellent structure and articulation of ideas within the assessment that reflects assessment instructions. Insightful design and presentation techniques are utilised to ensure clear, effective, and culturally appropriate communication and terminology of complex concepts to the target audience.

Exceeds expectations

Very good presentation of digital storytelling with use of imagery, audio, and visual elements. Very good structure and articulation of ideas within the assessment that reflects assessment instructions. Very good design and presentation techniques are utilised to ensure clear, effective, and culturally appropriate communication and terminology of complex concepts to the target audience.

Meets expectations

Good presentation of digital storytelling with use of imagery, audio, and visual elements. Good structure and articulation of ideas that mostly reflects the assessment instructions. Good design within presentation that mostly provides clear, effective, and culturally appropriate communication and terminology.


Partial demonstration of digital storytelling, with limited engagement of audience with some use of imagery, audio, or visual elements. Mostly adequate structure and articulation of ideas that partially reflects the assessment instructions. Use of effective and culturally appropriate communication and terminology is limited.


Unsatisfactory demonstration of digital storytelling with missing elements (either audio, visual and/or imagery to engage audience). Poor articulation of ideas within the assessment, including minimal use of professional terminology. Structure and delivery of the discussion do not provide adequate clarity.

No marks

Criterion not addressed.


This criterion is linked to a learning outcome

Criteria 8: Scholarly approach to assignment
Scholarly academic writing using evidence to inform arguments, support definitions and an ethical approach to using the ideas and academic work of others.
Evidence of relevant literature used to support discussion includes:
• Australian current evidence-based practice guidelines, standards of practice, codes.
• Relevant, peer-reviewed academic literature published within five (5) years, XXXXXXXXXX.
• Australian Legislation and case law, seminal works where relevant.
APA 7th Style followed including, not limited to:
• Student ID at beginning of presentation and on each page of transcript.
• Page numbers on each page of transcript.
• Correct use of intext citations for referencing
• Reference list attached to transcript follows APA 7th Style.

Full marks

Outstanding use of evidence to inform arguments, support definitions and adhere to an ethical approach when using the ideas and work of others. Evidence is current and applicable. Outstanding adherence to APA 7th edition with no errors or omissions.

Exceeds expectations

Very good use of evidence to inform arguments, support definitions and adhere to an ethical approach when using the ideas and work of others. Evidence is current and relevant with minor errors, which do not detract from the applicability of the work. Very good adherence to APA 7th edition with minimal errors or omissions.

Meets expectations

Good use of evidence to inform arguments, support definitions and adhere to an ethical approach when using the ideas and work of others. Evidence is current and mostly relevant with some errors and/or omissions which somewhat detracts from the applicability of the work. Good adherence to APA 7th edition with some errors or omissions.


Partial use of evidence to inform arguments, support definitions and adhere to an ethical approach when using the ideas and work of others. Not all evidence used is current and/or relevant with frequent errors and/or omissions which detract from the applicability of the work. Partial adherence to APA 7th edition but errors or omissions present throughout.


Unsatisfactory use of evidence to inform arguments, support definitions and adhere to an ethical approach when using the ideas and work of others. Evidence used is not current and/or relevant with significant errors and/or omissions which significantly detracts from the applicability of the work. Unsatisfactory adherence to APA 7th edition, with significant errors and/or omissions present throughout.

No marks

Criterion not addressed.


This criterion is linked to a learning outcome

Criteria 9: Scholarly approach to assignment
Follows conventional academic approach including – academic language, grammar, spelling, punctuation, and syntax in both the written and narrated components.

Full marks

Outstanding adherence to academic language principles including (but not limited to) spelling, grammar, punctuation, and terminology.

Exceeds expectations

Very good adherence to academic language principles including (but not limited to) spelling, grammar, punctuation, and terminology.

Meets expectations

Good adherence to academic language principles including (but not limited to) spelling, grammar, punctuation, and terminology.


Partial adherence to academic language principles including (but not limited to) spelling, grammar, punctuation, and terminology.


Unsatisfactory adherence to academic language principles including (but not limited to) spelling, grammar, punctuation, and terminology.

No marks

Criterion not addressed.


Total points:100