Assessment 2 – Individual Presentation – Poster (via PowerPoint) This assessment is an individual poster presentation developing the event, trail or festival you introduced in assessment
Assessment 2 – Individual Presentation – Poster (via PowerPoint)
This assessment is an individual poster presentation developing the event, trail or festival you introduced in assessment 1. Further details will be provided from week 8 workshops such as poster size etc. The poster, which will be presented via a Powerpoint Presentation in class, and should include:
• A mini outline description of the destination and its food/drink offer.
• Outline of the overall timetable and summary financial position – what are your core costs and main revenue generating options?
• Recommended Food/Drink Trail or Festival – how are you going to event project manage this event from design, planning and implementation. Who will be the stakeholders who benefit from your Food/Drink Trail or Festival.
• Who will be your target markets and how will you maximise promotion and destination marketing to ensure your idea runs profitability. This can include imagery that you will use to promote the F&D event.
• What are expansion plans for the event in the future?