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Briefly describe the job that you have found and explain how it fits with your current personal interests and professional development plans. Indicate how an applicant might demonstrate three of the main competencies required by the employer

Part 1  • Briefly describe the job that you have found and explain how it fits with your current personal interests and professional development plans. Indicate how an applicant might demonstrate three of the main competencies required by the employer. (200 words) [This question tests your ability to search for and
3 min read

Analyze whether the resulting profile makes sense and explain why. Ensure that a separate function is used to handle this sensitivity analysis task. Explain in your report any precautions taken to minimize noise in the sensitivity analysis.

* Produce about 10 selected numerical scenarios to illustrate the impact of varying volatility. * Analyze whether the resulting profile makes sense and explain why. * Ensure that a separate function is used to handle this sensitivity analysis task. * Explain in your report any precautions taken to minimize noise in the sensitivity analysis.
1 min read

Consider you are working as a Senior Manager in a small-medium sized insurance private limited organisation, which deals with customers globally, offering motor, home, life, savings, and retirement insurance products and services.

BAM42004 Business and Management Assignment Brief: Learners may use their own employment context to write an assignment based on assessment tasks. Assessment tasks are learning outcomes of the unit associated with Assessment Criteria. You are required to generate sufficient evidence on assessment criteria to meet the learning outcomes of the
2 min read

Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of both a divisional structure and a matrix structure. Within the evaluation, you should include the reasons underpinning each structure. (AC 1.1) Analyse the extent to

5CO01 Organizational Performance and Culture in Practice Task – Questions To complete the task, you should provide a written response to each of the questions below, making appropriate use of academic theory and practical examples to expand your response and illustrate key points. 1. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of both
5 min read

Assess the reasons for Hitler gaining power in 1933. The main arguments to consider include: Economic factors – The impact of the Wall Street Crash and the Great Depression on Germany. Political chaos in Wei

Question: Assess the reasons for Hitler gaining power in 1933. The main arguments to consider include: * Economic factors – The impact of the Wall Street Crash and the Great Depression on Germany. * Political chaos in Weimar Germany – Instability and weaknesses in the Weimar Republic. * Charisma of Hitler / Nazi Party – Hitler’s

This assignment requires you to choose an organisation that must have undergone or is currently undergoing a merger or acquisition process as part of their strategic transformation. You must assess the strategic rationale

This assignment is an individual assignment. This assignment requires you to choose an organisation that must have undergone or is currently undergoing a merger or acquisition process as part of their strategic transformation. You must assess the strategic rationale for the choice of merger/acquisition, and then evaluate the strategic
5 min read

Create a mathematical model of the shear force and bending moments for each beam arrangement, For each you need to present your findings as annotated shear force and bending moment diagrams. Create a mathematic

You need to produce a report that demonstrates analytical and practical skills and use these to explain the effects of loads on simply supported and cantilever beams, suggesting improvements to the structures. Task 1A: Below are diagrams that show two simply supported beams and a cantilever beam, each of which
3 min read

ParcelCare is a long-established national parcel and package delivery service. ParcelCare is now finding it difficult to attract, recruit and retain staff throughout the organisation. You have just started in your new role of People

5HR02: Talent Management and Workforce Planning Scenario ParcelCare is a long-established national parcel and package delivery service. ParcelCare is now finding it difficult to attract, recruit and retain staff throughout the organisation. You have just started in your new role of People Manager and have been asked to report to
2 min read

Identify a workplace problem facing you or your team (or a team within another organisation if you are currently unemployed) and examine ways to resolve it. For the purposes of this assignment,

Unit 300 Problem Solving And Decision Making Introduction Background Verisio is a social compliance auditing company that also offers ethical compliance in supply chain solutions. We have our own custom software that is used to map retailers’ supply chains, host and grade social compliance audits, as well as maintain the
2 min read

You are required to write a report entitled ‘The approaches to developing, managing and leading teams’. To complete the report you are required to: Evaluate the use of a minimum of TWO (2) theoretical models for developing,

CMI L5 Principles of Developing Managing and Leading Individuals and Teams to Achieve Success Learner Instructions: Each task in this assessment has been developed to enable you to evidence achievement of the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for Developing, Managing and Leading Individuals and Teams to Achieve Success. Each of
6 min read

Research, Evidence-Based Practice, and Theoretical Frameworks: Explain the relationship between research, theoretical frameworks, and evidence-based practice.

XR4001: Research, Evidence-Based Practice, and Theoretical Frameworks: Explain the relationship between research, theoretical frameworks, and evidence-based practice. Performance Task Submission Template Your Name: First and last Your E-Mail Address: Your email here Part 1: Blog (700–1000 words) Review the Learning Resources and complete all the Learning Activities in Module

you'll develop an intervention as a solution to the health problem you've defined. To prepare for the assessment, think about an appropriate intervention, based on your work in the preceding assessments, that will produce tangible, measurable results

Develop an intervention (your capstone project), as a solution to the patient, family, or population problem you've defined. Submit the proposed intervention to the faculty for review and approval. This solution needs to be implemented (shared) with your patient, family, or group. In a separate written deliverable, write
2 min read

PPT TASK- Select a disorder from the DSM-5 that you have explored in this course but have not written about extensively.Search the Walden Library and/or the internet for at least 8 peer-reviewed

Select a disorder from the DSM-5 that you have explored in this course but have not written about extensively.Search the Walden Library and/or the internet for at least 8 peer-reviewed articles related to the disorder that you have selected.Note: You are required to include 8–10 citations
1 min read

Select two psychological theories and consider how they relate to the topic you chose in Week 1 and Week 7.  Cognitive development theory conceived by Jean Piaget and Social role theory as refined by Eagly  a

For this assignment, you will finalize your Final Project Assignment for final submission.. Select two psychological theories and consider how they relate to the topic you chose in Week 1 and Week 7.  Cognitive development theory conceived by Jean Piaget and Social role theory as refined by Eagly  are the
2 min read

You work for a large UK-based NHS trust in its People Management department where you specialise in providing advice and guidance to colleagues about employment law issues.

5OS01: Specialist Employment Law – Learner Assessment Brief & Guideline  Learner Assessment Brief This unit considers key areas of employment legislation and its legal framework, focusing on how people professionals are obliged to take account of legal requirements in different jurisdictions when carrying out the varied aspects of their role. Preparation
4 min read

Examine the client's business issue and provide a brief context by addressing the segmentation, targeting, and positioning (STP). You must include the competitor analysis of the organization. Use a variety of theoretical

Assignment Task As a business consultant, you are required to pitch to your client to get the project. You must evaluate the projects available in the Business Consulting module folder on LSST Connect as a consulting group. In class, the projects will be covered in further detail. Identify the TWO
1 min read

You are to choose one of the following locally based companies and look to take the company to another country by adapting it using the theories of consumer behaviour. You are free to choose the country of destination

Assessment Brief This assessment is one report split into two distinct tasks. You are to choose one of the following locally based companies and look to take the company to another country by adapting it using the theories of consumer behaviour. You are free to choose the country of destination
2 min read

External and internal environments including economic and labour market trends. Whilst some of this information can provide an overview, the majority of critical analysis must include your organisational context.

Assignment Brief This assessment requires you to produce a business case report of 4,000 (+/10%) focusing on one of the following areas: * Resourcing * Talent Management * Reward Management * Performance Management Your intended audience for this assignment is the Director of HR. Total marks available = 100, split as indicated below. You
2 min read

Critically evaluate and synthesise theories and models in practice to improve performance through effective leadership, operations management and financial analysis to inform decision making

Unit learning outcomes 1). Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding  Demonstrate a systematic understanding and critical appreciation of the integration between leadership, operations management in the context of contemporary work organisations and how the funding and operations of these functions can impact on the reported financial performance. 2). Demonstrate the
1 min read

Drawing on your knowledge gained in this module as well as your own reading, research and experience, for Strategic International Marketing you will be required to create a marketing report for a product of your choice

Task Drawing on your knowledge gained in this module as well as your own reading, research and experience, for Strategic International Marketing you will be required to create a marketing report for a product of your choice to enter one new international market. The market must be somewhere where the
1 min read

Report and analysis of a video case study interaction with a service user in health, wellbeing and social care. The report will include an evaluation of communication techniques and the principles of biomedical ethics in context

Assignment Brief  Report and analysis of a video ‘case study’ interaction with a service user in a health and social care setting. The report will include an evaluation of communication techniques and the principles of biomedical ethics in context. Report statement: Report and analysis of a video case study interaction
1 min read

Critically evaluate Innocent Drinks' non-traditional business ways. This could relate to how demand is created and how they carry out their operations. Assess the benefits and drawbacks of using non-traditional decision

Case study: Innocent Drinks was set up in 1998 by three best friends of Richard Reed, Adam Balon and Jon Wright. The company is known for their fruit smoothies and a brand image of being natural. Innocent Drinks has a reputation for doing things “a little bit differently”. For example,
1 min read

Report and analysis of a video ‘case study’ interaction with a service user in a health and social care setting. The report will include an evaluation of communication techniques and the principles

Assignment Brief  Report and analysis of a video ‘case study’ interaction with a service user in a health and social care setting. The report will include an evaluation of communication techniques and the principles of biomedical ethics in context. Report statement: Report and analysis of a video case study interaction
1 min read

Analyse current drivers shaping adult care, funding mechanisms and related services gaps in current market provision. Drivers may include, but not limited to: national policy or local initiatives and which may impact

Unit 4 Assignment Questions  Question 1 Evaluate the impact of national and local strategies and priorities on resource planning and management in relation to: * financial resources. * physical resources. * human resources. Word count is 300. Criteria: 1.1: Evaluate the impact of national and local strategies and priorities on resource planning
3 min read