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Chapter 3 Methodology Individual Project  Activity 2: Module 2 Individual Project  Topic: Focus and assumptions  Details There are several ways of collecting and

Chapter 3 Methodology Individual Project

 Activity 2: Module 2 Individual Project

 Topic: Focus and assumptions


There are several ways of collecting and understanding information and finding answers to your questions – research is one way. The difference between research and other ways of obtaining answers to your questions is that, in a process classified as research, you work within a framework of a set of philosophies, use methods tested for validity and reliability, and attempt to be unbiased and objective. 

For this first assignment, you will take the feedback from your first discussion to write a draft of Chapter 3’s Introduction and a list of the research questions. (While there is an introduction there is no heading of introduction. For a quantitative study the hypotheses are also included.)


·        Introduction includes a discussion of the problem.

·        Research questions are listed. 

Write at least 1-2 pages. Your introduction and research questions will follow APA formatting. 



Activity 4: Module 4 Individual Project


Topic: Participants



Study designs in qualitative research are more appropriate for exploring the variation and diversity in any aspect of social life. In contrast, quantitative research is more suited to finding out the extent of this variation and diversity. Qualitative study designs are more appropriate if you are interested in studying values, beliefs, understandings, perceptions, meanings, etc., as they provide immense flexibility.

For this assignment, you will take the feedback from your Module 3 discussion to write a draft of Chapter 3’s Research Method and Participants. 

Research Method

·        A statement of either a qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods approach

·        Discuss why your chosen methodology was the correct choice to answer the problem and research questions of the study.

·        Discuss how the research design, whether phenomenological, narrative, case studies, correlational, descriptive, causal-comparative, or quasi-experimental, is the legitimate, appropriate research design compared to other designs associated with the methodology chosen.

·        Explain why other research methods were not applied to this study.


·        Describe the location of the participants; discuss the criteria for selecting those participants (e.g., what characteristics do they possess that make them suitable for the area of investigation).

·        Explain number of participants in the study and how the sample size was determined.

·        Discuss how the sample members were selected (such as random sampling or snowball) and include any essential distinctions between the participants (e.g., gender or ethnicity).

*Use peer-reviewed sources to ground your discussion


·        The research method is clearly described and justified with citation.

·        An explanation is supported by a citation of why other research methods are not used.

·        Participants are clearly described.

·        The number of participants to be recruited is clearly presented and supported with a citation.

Your Research Methods section should follow APA 7 formatting.


Activity 6: Module 6 Individual Project


Topic: Collection Data



When research questions form background work to identify a problem and establish a need for your study, their connections to interview questions and observation guides direct what you find in the field. When research questions inform the content—the exact wording—in interviews and prompts in observations, you have a higher likelihood of being able to evaluate your research questions at the end of your study.

For this assignment, you will take the feedback from your Module 7 discussion to write a draft of Chapter 3’s Instrumentation Section

·        Describe the instruments or protocols used in your surveys, interviews, observations, or artifacts. *Provide an example of each instrument as an appendix.

·        Describe in detail the instruments used in your study.

·        Provide a thorough explanation of why these instruments or protocols were selected.

·        Questions your created in the surveys should be directly related to the research questions.

·        Discuss the reliability and validity of all instruments and how those factors were obtained.


·        The instrument is clearly presented, and the statistical information supporting tool is included when applicable.

·        There is a clear justification for the use of the tool.

·        Interview questions for qualitative studies are listed according to the research question that the information will be used to answer.

Your Instrumentation section should follow APA 7 formatting.


Activity 8: Module 8 Individual Project


Topic: Data Analysis



Connecting data collection instruments and procedures to the rest of your qualitative methodology chapter is a task that integrates your work across chapter sections and builds a cohesive, coherent plan to perform fieldwork for your dissertation study. 

For this assignment, you will take the feedback from your Module 9 discussion to write a draft of Chapter 3’s Data Collection

·        Provide a concise but thorough description of the steps used to collect participant data. (Qualitative and Quantitative studies will include a detailed description of the recruitment processes and communication, the informed consent process, and the data collection schedule.) All documents will be identified and listed as appendices. 

·        If interviews were conducted, indicate the length, the number, where conducted, and stipulate how they were recorded. (For scales and surveys, describe the procedures for how they will be distributed and collected.)

·        If artifacts/archival data are to be utilized, describe how the data was procured, selected, and utilized.

·        For any other data collection methods, provide a complete description of all processes.

·        Include all other procedures and processes needed to replicate the study.

·        Discuss the analysis of the data that was performed as well as the specific steps taken. 


·        Data Collection is presented in a step-by-step discussion.

·        All documents included in the data collection process are included and listed as appendices.

·        The process is presented clearly, and the instructions allow replication.

·        Discuss the analysis of the data that was performed as well as the specific steps taken.

·        If conducting human subject research, the Informed Consent from page 41 of the doctoral project manual. 

Your Data Collection and Analysis section should follow APA 7 formatting. 


Activity 10:  Individual Project


Topic Ethical Assurances



Understanding the complexity of human participant research is one of the most critical yet misunderstood aspects of the social, behavioral, and health sciences. Navigating the complex terrain of federal regulations and institutional guidelines can be one of the most frustrating aspects of human participant research. 

·        Confirm in a statement the study will (proposal) or did (manuscript) receive approval from the University’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) prior to data collection.

·        If the risk to participants is greater than minimal, discuss the relevant ethical issues and how they will be (proposal) or were (manuscript) addressed.

·        Describe how confidentiality will be protected including storage of materials (proposal) or was (manuscript) achieved.

·        Describe the role of the researcher in the study.

·        Discuss relevant issues, including biases as well as personal and professional experiences with the topic that may influence the study.

·        Present the strategies that will be (proposal) or were (manuscript) used to prevent these biases and experiences from influencing the analysis or findings.


·        State the study will receive IRB approval prior to recruitment.

·        Discuss any risks that exceed minimal concerns and methods to address any possible negative effects.

·        Provide clear information on storage of data including how long and when it will be destroyed.

·        Examine any biases that may influence the study and how these will be mitigated.

Your Section on Ethics should follow APA 7 formatting. 

Activity 12: Module 12 Individual Project


Topic: Committee submissions



In the previous modules you have worked on each section of your Methodology Chapter Three. Review the Rubric for Chapter Three. 

Make sure you have reviewed the Rubric for Chapter Three Download Rubric for Chapter Three. Gather the information from Modules 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 and apply to the template below making sure that you have covered all of the data points.



In the introduction provide a discussion which encompasses the re-statement of the problem and the research questions. While there is an introduction there is no heading of introduction. For a quantitative study the hypotheses are also included.  Note: Chapter Three must include sufficient information to allow the study to be replicated.

Required content checklist to ensure completeness of the section.



§  Introduction includes a discussion of the problem.

§  Research questions are listed.

Research Method

A statement of either a qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods approach should follow. Include a discussion of why your chosen methodology was the correct choice to answer the problem and research questions of the study. A discussion is provided of how the research design, whether phenomenological, narrative, case studies, correlational, descriptive, causal-comparative, or quasi-experimental, is the legitimate, appropriate research design as compared to other designs associated with the methodology chosen. You will also include a clear explanation why other research methods were not applied to this study. Use peer-reviewed sources to ground your discussion.

Required content checklist to ensure completeness of the section.



§  The research method is clearly described and justified with citation.

§  There is an explanation supported by citation of why other research methods are not used.


The candidate will describe the location of the participants; discuss the criteria for selecting those participants (e.g., what characteristics do they possess that make them suitable for the area of investigation). Include the number of participants in the study and how the sample size was determined. Discuss the process by which the members of the sample were selected (such as random sampling, snowball) and include any important distinctions existing between the participants (e.g., gender or ethnicity. 

Required content checklist to ensure completeness of the section.



§  Participants are clearly described.

§  The number of participants to be recruited is clearly presented and supported with a citation. 


Provide a description of the instruments or protocols that were used in surveys, interviews, observations, or artifacts. Provide an example of each instrument as an appendix. Describe in detail the instruments used in the study. Provide a thorough explanation of why these instruments or protocols were selected. Questions in created surveys should be directly related to the research questions. Discuss the reliability and validity of all instruments and how those factors were obtained.

Required content checklist to ensure completeness of the section.



§  The instrument is clearly presented and when applicable the statistical information supporting tool is included.

§  There is a clear justification for the use of the tool.

§  Interview questions for qualitative studies are listed according to the research question that the information will be used to answer.

Data Collection

The candidate will provide a concise but thorough description of the steps used to collect data from the participants. Qualitative and Quantitative studies will include a step-by-step description of the recruitment processes and/or communication; the informed consent process; and note the data collection schedule. All documents will be identified and listed as appendices.  If interviews were conducted indicate the length, the number, where conducted, and stipulate how they were recorded. For scales and/or surveys, describe the procedures for how they will be distributed and collected. If artifacts/archival data are to be utilized, describe the process by which the data was procured, selected, and utilized. For any other methods of data collection provide a complete description of all processes. Include all other procedures and processes needed to replicate the study.


Required content checklist to ensure completeness of the section.



§  Data Collection is presented in a step-by-step discussion.

§  All documents included in the data collection process are included and listed as appendices.

§  The process is presented clearly, and the instructions allow replication.

§  If conducting human subject research, the Informed Consent from page 41 of the doctoral project manual. 

Data Analysis

The candidate describes the analysis of the data that was performed as well as the specific steps taken. It is important to reference a research method book to detail this process. Researcher bias, validity, reliability, and other research factors should be addressed as appropriate.

Required content checklist to ensure completeness of the section.



§  Each step of the analysis process is clearly presented.

§  The discussion includes ethical considerations related to bias, reliability, and validity.

Ethical Assurances

·        Confirm in a statement the study will (proposal) or did (manuscript) receive approval from the University’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) prior to data collection.

·        If the risk to participants is greater than minimal, discuss the relevant ethical issues and how they will be (proposal) or were (manuscript) addressed.

·        Describe how confidentiality will be protected including storage of materials (proposal) or was (manuscript) achieved.

·        Describe the role of the researcher in the study. Discuss relevant issues, including biases as well as personal and professional experiences with the topic that may influence the study. Present the strategies that will be (proposal) or were (manuscript) used to prevent these biases and experiences from influencing the analysis or findings. 

Required content checklist to ensure completeness of the section.



§  State the study will receive IRB approval prior to recruitment.

§  Discuss any risks that exceed minimal concerns and methods to address any possible negative effects.

§  Provide clear information on storage of data including how long and when it will be destroyed.

§  Examine any biases that may influence the study and how these will be mitigated.

In one or two paragraphs, provide a summary of the chapter and transition to Chapter Four. 


Activity 14: Module 14 Individual Project



At this point you have met with your Chair and incorporated all committee feedback into the Final Draft of Chapter Three.


Follow the template below to ensure that your draft meets the requirements prior to sending to Academic Review.


In the introduction provide a discussion which encompasses the re-statement of the problem and the research questions. While there is an introduction there is no heading of introduction. For a quantitative study the hypotheses are also included.  Note: Chapter Three must include sufficient information to allow the study to be replicated.

Required content checklist to ensure completeness of the section.



§  Introduction includes a discussion of the problem.

§  Research questions are listed.

Research Method

A statement of either a qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods approach should follow. Include a discussion of why your chosen methodology was the correct choice to answer the problem and research questions of the study. A discussion is provided of how the research design, whether phenomenological, narrative, case studies, correlational, descriptive, causal-comparative, or quasi-experimental, is the legitimate, appropriate research design as compared to other designs associated with the methodology chosen. You will also include a clear explanation why other research methods were not applied to this study. Use peer-reviewed sources to ground your discussion.

Required content checklist to ensure completeness of the section.



§  The research method is clearly described and justified with citation.

§   There is an explanation supported by citation of why other research methods are not used.


The candidate will describe the location of the participants; discuss the criteria for selecting those participants (e.g., what characteristics do they possess that make them suitable for the area of investigation). Include the number of participants in the study and how the sample size was determined. Discuss the process by which the members of the sample were selected (such as random sampling, snowball) and include any important distinctions existing between the participants (e.g., gender or ethnicity).

Required content checklist to ensure completeness of the section.



§  Participants are clearly described.

§  The number of participants to be recruited is clearly presented and supported with a citation.


Provide a description of the instruments or protocols that were used in surveys, interviews, observations, or artifacts. Provide an example of each instrument as an appendix. Describe in detail the instruments used in the study. Provide a thorough explanation of why these instruments or protocols were selected. Questions in created surveys should be directly related to the research questions. Discuss the reliability and validity of all instruments and how those factors were obtained.

Required content checklist to ensure completeness of the section.



§  The instrument is clearly presented and when applicable the statistical information supporting tool is included.

§  There is a clear justification for the use of the tool.

§  Interview questions for qualitative studies are listed according to the research question that the information will be used to answer.

Data Collection

The candidate will provide a concise but thorough description of the steps used to collect data from the participants. Qualitative and Quantitative studies will include a step-by-step description of the recruitment processes and/or communication; the informed consent process; and note the data collection schedule. All documents will be identified and listed as appendices.  If interviews were conducted indicate the length, the number, where conducted, and stipulate how they were recorded. For scales and/or surveys, describe the procedures for how they will be distributed and collected. If artifacts/archival data are to be utilized, describe the process by which the data was procured, selected, and utilized. For any other methods of data collection provide a complete description of all processes. Include all other procedures and processes needed to replicate the study.

Required content checklist to ensure completeness of the section.



§  Data Collection is presented in a step-by-step discussion.

§  All documents included in the data collection process are included and listed as appendices.

§  The process is presented clearly, and the instructions allow replication.

§  If conducting human subject research, the Informed Consent from page 41 of the doctoral project manual.

Data Analysis

The candidate describes the analysis of the data that was performed as well as the specific steps taken. It is important to reference a research method book to detail this process. Researcher bias, validity, reliability, and other research factors should be addressed as appropriate.

Required content checklist to ensure completeness of the section.



§  Each step of the analysis process is clearly presented.

§  The discussion includes ethical considerations related to bias, reliability, and validity.

Ethical Assurances

·        Confirm in a statement the study will (proposal) or did (manuscript) receive approval from the University’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) prior to data collection.

·        If the risk to participants is greater than minimal, discuss the relevant ethical issues and how they will be (proposal) or were (manuscript) addressed.

·        Describe how confidentiality will be protected including storage of materials (proposal) or was (manuscript) achieved.

·        Describe the role of the researcher in the study. Discuss relevant issues, including biases as well as personal and professional experiences with the topic that may influence the study. Present the strategies that will be (proposal) or were (manuscript) used to prevent these biases and experiences from influencing the analysis or findings.

Required content checklist to ensure completeness of the section.



§  State the study will receive IRB approval prior to recruitment.

§  Discuss any risks that exceed minimal concerns and methods to address any possible negative effects.

§  Provide clear information on storage of data including how long and when it will be destroyed.

§  Examine any biases that may influence the study and how these will be mitigated.

In one or two paragraphs, provide a summary of the chapter and transition to Chapter Four.



At this point you have met with your Chair and incorporated all committee feedback into the Final Draft of Chapter Three.


Follow the template below to ensure that your draft meets the requirements prior to sending to Academic Review.


In the introduction provide a discussion which encompasses the re-statement of the problem and the research questions. While there is an introduction there is no heading of introduction. For a quantitative study the hypotheses are also included.  Note: Chapter Three must include sufficient information to allow the study to be replicated.

Required content checklist to ensure completeness of the section.



§  Introduction includes a discussion of the problem.

§  Research questions are listed.

Research Method

A statement of either a qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods approach should follow. Include a discussion of why your chosen methodology was the correct choice to answer the problem and research questions of the study. A discussion is provided of how the research design, whether phenomenological, narrative, case studies, correlational, descriptive, causal-comparative, or quasi-experimental, is the legitimate, appropriate research design as compared to other designs associated with the methodology chosen. You will also include a clear explanation why other research methods were not applied to this study. Use peer-reviewed sources to ground your discussion.

Required content checklist to ensure completeness of the section.



§  The research method is clearly described and justified with citation.

§   There is an explanation supported by citation of why other research methods are not used.


The candidate will describe the location of the participants; discuss the criteria for selecting those participants (e.g., what characteristics do they possess that make them suitable for the area of investigation). Include the number of participants in the study and how the sample size was determined. Discuss the process by which the members of the sample were selected (such as random sampling, snowball) and include any important distinctions existing between the participants (e.g., gender or ethnicity).

Required content checklist to ensure completeness of the section.



§  Participants are clearly described.

§  The number of participants to be recruited is clearly presented and supported with a citation.


Provide a description of the instruments or protocols that were used in surveys, interviews, observations, or artifacts. Provide an example of each instrument as an appendix. Describe in detail the instruments used in the study. Provide a thorough explanation of why these instruments or protocols were selected. Questions in created surveys should be directly related to the research questions. Discuss the reliability and validity of all instruments and how those factors were obtained.

Required content checklist to ensure completeness of the section.



§  The instrument is clearly presented and when applicable the statistical information supporting tool is included.

§  There is a clear justification for the use of the tool.

§  Interview questions for qualitative studies are listed according to the research question that the information will be used to answer.

Data Collection

The candidate will provide a concise but thorough description of the steps used to collect data from the participants. Qualitative and Quantitative studies will include a step-by-step description of the recruitment processes and/or communication; the informed consent process; and note the data collection schedule. All documents will be identified and listed as appendices.  If interviews were conducted indicate the length, the number, where conducted, and stipulate how they were recorded. For scales and/or surveys, describe the procedures for how they will be distributed and collected. If artifacts/archival data are to be utilized, describe the process by which the data was procured, selected, and utilized. For any other methods of data collection provide a complete description of all processes. Include all other procedures and processes needed to replicate the study.

Required content checklist to ensure completeness of the section.



§  Data Collection is presented in a step-by-step discussion.

§  All documents included in the data collection process are included and listed as appendices.

§  The process is presented clearly, and the instructions allow replication.

§  If conducting human subject research, the Informed Consent from page 41 of the doctoral project manual.

Data Analysis

The candidate describes the analysis of the data that was performed as well as the specific steps taken. It is important to reference a research method book to detail this process. Researcher bias, validity, reliability, and other research factors should be addressed as appropriate.

Required content checklist to ensure completeness of the section.



§  Each step of the analysis process is clearly presented.

§  The discussion includes ethical considerations related to bias, reliability, and validity.

Ethical Assurances

·        Confirm in a statement the study will (proposal) or did (manuscript) receive approval from the University’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) prior to data collection.

·        If the risk to participants is greater than minimal, discuss the relevant ethical issues and how they will be (proposal) or were (manuscript) addressed.

·        Describe how confidentiality will be protected including storage of materials (proposal) or was (manuscript) achieved.

·        Describe the role of the researcher in the study. Discuss relevant issues, including biases as well as personal and professional experiences with the topic that may influence the study. Present the strategies that will be (proposal) or were (manuscript) used to prevent these biases and experiences from influencing the analysis or findings.

Required content checklist to ensure completeness of the section.



§  State the study will receive IRB approval prior to recruitment.

§  Discuss any risks that exceed minimal concerns and methods to address any possible negative effects.

§  Provide clear information on storage of data including how long and when it will be destroyed.

§  Examine any biases that may influence the study and how these will be mitigated.

In one or two paragraphs, provide a summary of the chapter and transition to Chapter Four.

Activity 16: Module 16 Individual Project



For this module, you will need to have an Academic Review approval prior to moving forward with the assignment details.

·        This assignment is to apply receive IRB approval. 

·        Must Receive Academic Approval of Proposal before applying.

·        Go to: LibGuideLinks to an external site. (https://careered.libguides.com/tui/doctoral/irb)

·        Summarize Chapter in two paragraphs.

A completed, signed, and dated IRB application;, proof of CITI certification (certificate or transcript issued by CITI), an appendix containing:, letter of invitation to participate in the study; informed consent form; proposed research instruments (surveys, interview protocols, spreadsheets, etc.) permissions to use copyrighted or otherwise commercially-controlled instruments; site permissions (if required); confidentiality agreements (if required); URLs or access portals to secondary data (if utilized); and summary of deidentification strategies compatible with the study’s proposed data collection and analyses. Assistance with redaction and deidentification may be obtained via IRB and/or the committee chair.