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CHNS3611 Chinese for Specific Purposes Research project proposal Due: 23:59 Friday, May 4 in Week 6 A research project proposal 10%: Students are required to plan a mini research project related t

CHNS3611 Chinese for Specific Purposes Research project proposal
Due: 23:59 Friday, May 4 in Week 6
A research project proposal 10%: Students are required to plan a mini research
project related to the latest issues or debates in their relevant professions and write a
proposal for it. This project proposal should guide your mini research project and be
in a similar format as your final research proposal—a more comprehensive and
complete proposal on a different topic.
You can choose a topic which is related to issues in China, about China or Chinese
culture, education, business, economy, etc. It can be cases, events or incidents
happened in other countries, including Australia, as long as it relates to China in
some way. It should contain 800-900 Chinese characters (with 10% leeway on
both sides).
Based on your extensive reading, you should select a relevant topic and narrow it
down to a scope that fit a mini research project that can be completed in a semester.
The research proposal should include the follow sections:
1. Introduction
• Provide some background information to help your reader understand your
research topic.
• Explain the reason for selecting this topic and its significance in your relevant
• State the issues, debates or cases you are going to investigate.
• Clearly state your research aims.
注意简洁,不要使用过多篇幅。 因为你们的课题不同,并不对字数做硬性规定,但建
议不要超过全文的三分之一。 背景介绍只包括与你的主题相关的信息。
Suggested topics (but not limited to) are:
• Graduate employment or unemployment
• The health system
• Gender equality
• Youth culture
• Artificial Intelligence and related issues
• Inflation problems
• China’s investment in Australia
• Australia’s investment in China
• Environmental protection and pollution
• Housing prices in the major cities
• Tourism
• The gap between the rich and poor
• China’s law
• High speed trains or other construction projects
• Chinese teaching in Australia
• Professional identity
• Others
2. Literature reviews
• What have you been reading about this topic, what studies have been done by
other people? Are there any gaps which have not been investigated?
Note, at this stage, you are not expected to have completed your extensive
literature reading. However, you need to show evidence that you have conducted
an extensive search for the publications and have had serious engagement with
some articles or other resources. You are also required to discuss and evaluate
on the issues in question instead of a summary of what you have read.
• Your research question(s): what is/are the specific question(s) you want to
investigate through your project.
3. Data collection (very brief)
• How are you going to collect your data (surveys, interviews etc.).
• What instruments (interview guides, questionnaires etc.) are you going to use to
collect primary data?
• Who are the potential participants and why are you choosing these participants?
4. Your timetable for completing the project
A brief description or a table with illustration is fine.
1. You don’t need to write a lot of sub-headings.
2. Type your assignment in MS Word document. Use size 14 font and 2.0 line
3. Write in plain Chinese. Don’t use jargon.
4. Please follow APA 7 for English references and the guides for referencing on
Canvas for Chinese references.
5. Please attach an assignment cover page to your assignment.
6. Please include page numbers.
Your research project proposal will be assessed based on the following

Total 30 marks (10%)
1. Original research; relevance of topic; clearly stated research objectives;
discussion of issues 10 marks
2. Appropriate research questions and reasonable plan 5 marks
3. Evidence of serious engagement with and reflections on the literature (in contrast
to piling up information only) 10 marks
4. Structure of the writing, grammar, and expressions 5 marks

Research project proposal marking sheet
Category and value
Originality of research;
relevance of topic;
clearly stated research
discussion of issues

10 marks

Appropriate research
questions and reasonable

5 marks

Evidence of serious
engagement with and
evaluation on literature

10 marks

Structure of the writing,
grammar, and
5 marks