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Choose a diverse minority group member and discuss their potential contact with the Criminal Justice System as it relates to their diversity. Describe their (potential or actual) custodial journey

Assessment Information
Choose a diverse minority group member and discuss their potential contact with the Criminal Justice System as it relates to their diversity. Describe their (potential or actual) custodial journey and the services that are in place within your organisation which can support the individual and their families.
Focus your discussion on:
• The lens of the Social Determinates of Health
• Current health and justice statistics specific to this minority (using current data and evidence).
• Your organisation’s support services and how they support this cohort (please use a pseudonym to protect your organisation)
• Services both within and outside your organisation which may be accessed to support this cohort, while in custody and upon release (This includes how you are able to facilitate access for the individual, considering equity and access of minority groups to established services)
• A pseudonym must be used for the organisation and the individual receiving care
• If you are not currently working in a custodial environment, you can use a relevant custodial healthcare model currently used in your state or country of residence (there are Models in Week 7 you can explore)
• Your assessment report is to be presented in formal academic writing style
• All referencing is to be APA 7th edition
• Please double space your work and ensure your student details are included in the header / footer

Assessment 2 - Context Specific Case Study
Assessment Type Written Assignment
Description Choose a diverse minority group member and discuss their potential contact with the Criminal Justice System as it relates to their diversity. Describe their (potential or actual) custodial journey and the services that are in place within your organisation which can support the individual and their families.
Weighting 50%
Compulsory Requirements Submit assessment item - Must submit this assessment to pass the course
Opportunity to Reattempt
Word count Students WILL NOT be given the opportunity to reattempt this assessment

2000 words (+/- 10%)
Assessment 2: Written Assessment Report Rubric

Assessment 2: Written Assessment Report Rubric
Criteria Ratings Points
Criterion 1: Introduction
view longer description 10 to 8.4 pts
High Distinction
Distinction, plus… All the elements of the report illustrating an exceptional outstanding understanding of the social determinates of health including the possibility of a history of psychological trauma experienced by people in contact with the criminal justice system; supported by current relevant data and evidenced by relevant and recent peer reviewed sources
8.4 to 7.4 pts
Credit, plus... All the elements of the report illustrating an excellent understanding of the social determinates of health including the possibility of a history of psychological trauma experienced by people in contact with the criminal justice systems; supported by data and a wide variety of current sources.
7.4 to 5.4 pts
Pass, plus... All the elements of the report with some illustration of an understanding of the social determinates of health including the possibility of a history of psychological trauma experienced by people in contact with the criminal justice systems supported by current sources.
5.4 to 4.9 pts
The introduction is satisfactory containing most of the elements of the report but illustrates a simplistic understanding of the social determinates of health or the possibility of a history of psychological trauma experienced by people in contact with the criminal justice systems.
4.9 to 0 pts
The introduction is inadequate and does not illustrate an understanding of the social determinates of health or the possibility of a history of psychological trauma experienced by people in contact with the criminal justice systems. / 10 pts
Criterion 2: Background
view longer description 30 to 25.2 pts
High Distinction
Distinction, plus… Outstanding critical analysis and discussion through a social determinate lens, using current data and evidence and provides an exceptional understanding of the identified minority group individual, including their custodial journey; with clearly articulated description of the context in which the student is practicing.
25.2 to 22.2 pts
Credit, plus... Detailed analysis and discussion through a social determinate lens, supported by current data and relevant evidence; provides an excellent understanding of the identified minority group and the individual, including their custodial journey; with detailed description of the context in which the student is practicing.
22.2 to 16.2 pts
Pass, plus... Comprehensive discussion using some data and relevant evidence and provides details with illustrate an understanding of the identified minority group and the individual, including their custodial journey and the context in which the student is practicing. With consideration of the social determinates.
16.2 to 14.7 pts
The background provides a simplistic discussion using limited data and evidence. It provides some understanding of the identified minority group, including the potential custodial journey and an outline of the context in which the student is practicing. With a description of the social determinates.
14.7 to 0 pts
The background is inadequate, not supported by appropriate data, and does not demonstrate an understanding of the identified minority group individual, including their custodial journey and the context in which the student is practicing. / 30 pts
Criterion 3: Interdisciplinary support services within custodial healthcare
view longer description 40 to 33.6 pts
High Distinction
Distinction, plus… Outstanding knowledge of the complexities of delivering quality healthcare in custodial environments including analysis of the strength and limitations of the environment and incorporates this into meeting the health and well-being needs of individuals in contact with the criminal justice system; including accessing available services within the identified organisation and the individual’s community.
33.6 to 29.6 pts
Credit, plus... Detailed knowledge of the complexities of delivering quality healthcare in custodial environments including the strength and limitations of the environment and incorporates this into meeting the health and well-being needs of individuals in contact with the criminal justice system; including accessing available services within the identified organization and the individual’s community.
29.6 to 21.6 pts
Pass, plus... Demonstrates an appropriate knowledge of the complexities of delivering quality healthcare in custodial environments including the health and well-being needs of individuals in contact with the criminal justice system, including accessing available services within the identified organisation and the individual’s community.
21.6 to 19.6 pts
Describes some of the complexities of delivering quality healthcare in custodial environments, including the health and well-being needs of individuals in contact with the criminal justice system. Limited understanding of available services within the identified organisation and the individual’s community.
19.6 to 0 pts
Inadequate knowledge of the complexities of delivering quality healthcare in custodial environments including the health and well-being needs of individuals in contact with the criminal justice system. Limited or no understanding of available services within the identified organization and the individual’s community. / 40 pts
Criterion 4
view longer description 10 to 8.4 pts
High Distinction
Distinction, plus… Exemplary writing with very high levels of authenticity and independent thought. Ideas are clearly expressed.? Introductory sentence used at the start of paragraphs. Main subject matter is developed within each paragraph. Concluding sentence used at the end of paragraphs.?? Exemplary spelling, grammar and syntax with no errors. Meets all style requirements.
8.4 to 7.4 pts
Credit, plus... Evidence of superior academic writing skills.? Authentic and original writing that clearly synthesises the key points of the assignment. Expression is clear.???? Correct use of paragraphs. Discussion in each paragraph provides sufficient depth to demonstrate understanding.?? Superior spelling, grammar and syntax 5 minor errors. Meets all style requirements.
7.4 to 5.4 pts
Pass, plus... Evidence of sound academic writing.? Authentic and original writing that clearly addresses the key points of the assignment. Expression is appropriate.?? Paragraphs are 5-7 sentences in length and sentences are clear and concise.?? Minor errors only in syntax, spelling and grammar. Meets all style requirements.
5.4 to 4.9 pts
Authentic writing that attempts to show independent thought. May struggle with written expression.??? Attempts to use paragraphs.? Some sentences may be too long/short.?? Meets almost all style requirements including spacing, page numbers, font, headings.
4.9 to 0 pts
Disorganised and lacks any sense of cohesion or alignment? Language hinders the effective flow of ideas and meaning. Sentences lack structure and are consistently too short or too long.?? Multiple errors in spelling, grammar and style. Not structured as per requirements in Course Outline. / 10 pts
Criterion 5
view longer description 10 to 8.4 pts
High Distinction
Distinction, plus… Sources are appropriate, contemporary and from a range of journals and databases.?? Complies with all the referencing style requirements. There are no errors in referencing throughout.
8.4 to 7.4 pts
Credit, plus... Sources are appropriate, contemporary and from a range of journals and databases.?? APA 7 referencing style is consistently accurate. Less than 5 minor referencing errors.
7.4 to 5.4 pts
Pass, plus... Sources are appropriate, mostly contemporary and from a narrow range of journals and databases.??? Complies with referencing style requirements. Some referencing errors in in-text and/or referencing list (5-7).
5.4 to 4.9 pts
Sources are mostly relevant however there are too few to demonstrate wide reading.?? Attempts to use APA 7 style. Some errors in in-text and/or referencing list (8-10).