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Choose a health risk associated with adolescence. Some categories to consider may include: o   Suicide o   Pregnancy o   Substance use and abuse o   Motor vehicle crashes

For this assignment, you will develop and deliver a 10–15 slide seminar/workshop (not counting the title and reference slides) aimed at the teen or young adult audience on a specific health risk associated with the population.

1.     Choose a health risk associated with adolescence. Some categories to consider may include:

o   Suicide

o   Pregnancy

o   Substance use and abuse

o   Motor vehicle crashes

o   Tobacco use

o   Sexually transmitted disease

o   Domestic violence

o   Mental health issues

o   Eating disorders

o   Nutrition and fitness

2.     As the health care advocate, you will present the following to the target audience (adolescents or young adults)in 10-15 slides or screens:

o   An overview of the risk factor

o   Contributing factors

o   Prevalence of the health risk (meaningful data)

o   Explain your role with the issue as a health care practitioner/advocate (REGISTERED NURSE)

o   Ways to identify a problem and address the issue

o   Present an activity or project or exercise for the audience to engage in related to the topic

o   Help and support resources

3.     In your research materials, incorporate 3–4 current sources with one containing the most current statistics.

4.     Use age-appropriate creativity to ensure the message gets across to the selected audience.

5.     Use APA for citing and referencing your sources.

What is a seminar? Links to an external site.

See this week's Resource folder for curriculum and topic ideas.

Review the rubric for further information on how your assignment will be graded.



NURS_561_DE - Copy of Presentation Rubric NURS

NURS_561_DE - Copy of Presentation Rubric NURS




This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent

105 to >91.35 pts

Meets Expectations

The introduction is attention getting and lays out the topic well. It establishes a strong framework for the rest of the presentation. The conclusion is comprehensive and compelling. Presentation contains accurate and complete information. Ideas, facts, and information provided demonstrate a strong, confident, understanding of the material. Content is very well suited and appropriate for the designated audience.

91.35 to >78.75 pts

Approaches Expectations

The introduction lays out the topic. It establishes some framework for the rest of the presentation. The conclusion is clear. Presentation contains accurate and complete information. Ideas, facts, and information provided demonstrate an understanding of the material. Most content is appropriate for the designated audience, although some may be off target or inappropriate.

78.75 to >61.95 pts

Below Expectations

There is minimal introduction establishing a vague framework for the rest of the presentation. The conclusion is abrupt or unclear. Presentation contains some inaccurate and incomplete information. Ideas, facts, and information provided demonstrate little understanding of the material. Much of the content may not be suited or appropriate for the designated audience.

61.95 to >0 pts

Not Meeting Expectations

The introduction is missing. No framework is established for the presentation. The conclusion is missing. There may be multiple instances of inaccurate or incomplete information. No understanding is demonstrated. Content is not appropriate for the designated audience.

105 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization

75 to >65.25 pts

Meets Expectations

Information is presented in a clear, logical order with an apparent beginning, middle, and end. The speaker introduces the topic and identifies the topic skillfully.

65.25 to >56.25 pts

Approaches Expectations

Information is generally presented in a clear, logical order with an apparent beginning, middle, and end. The speaker introduces the topic.

56.25 to >44.25 pts

Below Expectations

Information is presented in a way that shows little organization or order. The speaker fails to introduce the topic or does so in a way that is confusing.

44.25 to >0 pts

Not Meeting Expectations

Information is not presented in a logical, cohesive order. Topic is unclear.

75 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeNarration Presentation (audio)

60 to >52.2 pts

Meets Expectations

The speaker speaks clearly and articulately without a lot of pauses, ums, and ahs. Information is presented in a confident, rehearsed manner. The speaker presents herself/himself with a tone and manner appropriate for the designated audience. Audio is clear and free from background noise distractions. The length of the presentation is within the assigned time limits.

52.2 to >45.0 pts

Approaches Expectations

The speaker speaks clearly and articulately for most of the presentation but may lapse occasionally with several pauses, ums, and ahs. Information is presented in a somewhat confident, casually rehearsed manner. The speaker generally presents herself/himself with a tone and manner appropriate for the designated audience. Audio is generally clear and free from background noise with a few distractions. The length of the presentation is slightly outside the assigned time limits.

45 to >35.4 pts

Below Expectations

There are numerous lapses in audio or multiple background distractions. Speaker demonstrates little preparation. Tone may be inappropriate for the designated audience. The length of the presentation is far outside the assigned time limits.

35.4 to >0 pts

Not Meeting Expectations

It is difficult to follow the speaker due to many pauses, starts and stops, and other factors suggesting that the speaker has not practiced or rehearsed. Little preparation or understanding of the topic is apparent. Audio is missing or difficult to hear. There is little or no audio.

60 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSlide Presentation

30 to >26.1 pts

Meets Expectations

Use of visual aids/images is appropriate. Slides are easy to read, interesting, and relevant to the content. All main ideas are presented succinctly. Contains the required number of slides.

26.1 to >22.5 pts

Approaches Expectations

Use of visual aids/images is generally appropriate. Slides are generally easy to read, somewhat interesting, and relevant to the content. Some main ideas are presented succinctly. May be missing some of the required number of slides.

22.5 to >17.7 pts

Below Expectations

Use of visual aids/images is not fully appropriate. Slides are not generally easy to read. Main ideas are missing or difficult to find quickly. May have irrelevant visual aids or images. Missing several of the required number of slides.

17.7 to >0 pts

Not Meeting Expectations

Use of visual aids /images is not appropriate. Slides are not easy to read. Missing most required slides. Slides missing main ideas.

30 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics and APA

30 to >26.1 pts

Meets Expectations

The assignment consistently follows current APA format and is free from errors in formatting, citation, and references. No grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. All sources are cited and referenced correctly.

26.1 to >22.5 pts

Approaches Expectations

The assignment consistently follows current APA format with only isolated and inconsistent mistakes and/or has a few grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Most sources are cited and referenced correctly.

22.5 to >17.7 pts

Below Expectations

The assignment generally follows current APA format with several mistakes and grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Most sources are cited and referenced incorrectly.

17.7 to >0 pts

Not Meeting Expectations

The assignment does not follow current APA format and/or has many grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Sources are missing.

30 pts

Total Points: 300