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Choose from using the Pebble pad template provided or create your own word Porfolio Perform a SWOT analysis of current own professional practice Engage in pr


  • Present a reflective account to evaluate your performance when working in the aesthetic clinic. The reflective essay should contain FOUR specific dates of reflection between the assignment launch date and submission date recommended to be 3-4 weeks apart.

       Plan, organise and manage the following:

  • A minimum of TWO client case studies consisting of a minimum of FOUR treatments for each case study, one of the four appointments will be consultation


  • Choose from using the Pebble pad template provided or create your own word Porfolio
  • Perform a SWOT analysis of current own professional practice
  • Engage in professional aesthetic practice through client engagement, consultation and treatment application adhering to GDPR and Health & Safety
  • Plan, organise and manage client treatment frequency and duration
  • Manage client expectations and results of treatment demonstrating interpersonal skills
  • Evaluate and reflect on outcomes achieved using Skin Scanning equipment
  • Perform a final SWOT analysis to reflect on progression of own professional practice
  • Focus on attention to detail, quality of work and overall academic standards.
  • For additional guidance on this assignment, please access the assignment vodcast available on Canvas.


  • 10% Introduction explaining work and rationale for assignment, conclusion is reflective demonstrating a critical self-reflection of the work, recommendations should demonstrate confident analysis and evaluation of what has been learnt with a plan for improvement
  • 10% Reflection of SWOT analysis findings and progression from professional practice
  • 30% Evaluation of own performance of professional aesthetic practice when consulting, planning and monitoring client requests and expectations, to include key theories such as SMART objectives, goal setting and time management.
  • 40% Evaluate and analyse through reflection own organisation, efficiency, and knowledge through engaging with key reflective models/cycles used in context relating to your own performance during professional practice and outcomes achieved.
  • 10% Engage with reliable, current academic sources, key theories, studies and clinical trials throughout your work to create a balanced analysis and evaluation, adhere to UCB referencing standards.



  • 3. Demonstrate application of advanced aesthetic treatments. 
  • 4. Critically evaluate one`s own performance, reflecting on outcomes achieved in professional practice. 


  • The skills outcomes to be developed by completing this assignment can be found here


Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) ethically within your assessments

Please read the guidance attached within this link on how to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) ethically within your assignments – https://rise.articulate.com/share/4h250QmyY8hNnsQ9HS7B702dJedhlsM6

Teamwork and ITS Assessment

Should this assignment require you to work as part of a team, you will receive an individual grade based upon your performance as well as personalised feedback. The module leader will explain how your individual grade and feedback will be determined.

Importance of Word Count and Presentation Timings

Assignment word counts and presentation timings should always be observed. Ignoring a word count increases significantly the risk of your work losing marks because it lacked focus and clarity.  Students will be required to state their word count on all submissions. A 10% leeway will be allowed – so the maximum a student should submit will be the word count + 10%.

The word count will exclude:

  • The title page
  • The contents page
  • Models, graphs, data tables and other exhibited figures or images
  • Lists of references
  • Appendices (these should be kept to a minimum)

In addition, timings must be observed for assessed presentations for the same reasons. 



Cut-off date for late work


Grading criteria




Extenuating Circumstances


UCB Referencing Guide


Access the Assignment Life Cycle
