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CJ1001: The Contemporary Criminal Justice System: Analyze roles and responsibilities in an evolving criminal justice system.

CJ1001: The Contemporary Criminal Justice System: Analyze roles and responsibilities in an evolving criminal justice system.

Written Response Submission Form

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Write your responses where it reads “Enter your response here.” Write as much, as needed, to satisfy the requirements indicated. Each item contains the Rubric, which will be used to evaluate your responses.

Item 1

Consider this scenario: You are the responding officer to a domestic disturbance at a home in your patrol area. A woman answers the door, face bloodied, and accuses her husband of abuse. The husband becomes violent and threatening, so you arrest him. He is arraigned the next day and denied bail due to previous arrests. The husband has not been convicted in the past, however, because the wife usually drops charges. This time, she has decided to press charges.

Respond to the following based on the above scenario:

  1. Identify the criminal justice roles that are or will be present in the scenario.
  2. Describe the responsibilities associated with each criminal justice role.

Your response should be 175–250 words in length.

Your Response

Enter your response here.


 0 Not Present1 Needs Improvement2 Meets Expectations
Roles and Responsibilities in the Criminal Justice System
Identify the criminal justice roles that are or will be present in the scenario.   LO1: Identify roles and responsibilities in the criminal justice systemResponse is not present.The roles present in the scenario are partially identified or incomplete.    All the roles present in the scenario are correctly identified.    
Describe the responsibilities associated with each criminal justice role.   LO2: Describe criminal justice roles and responsibilities   The responsibilities associated with each role are partially identified; or roles and responsibilities are present but not connected accurately.  The responsibilities associated with each role are correct and connected to the role appropriately.  


Item 2


Respond to the following points:

  1. Explain how the criminal justice system has responded to the rapid growth of the United States since colonial times.
  2. Identify a contemporary crime. Explain why this crime may or may not have occurred at an earlier point in history.

Your response should be 250–500 words in length.

Your Response

Enter your response here.


 0 Not Present1 Needs Improvement2 Meets Expectations
Societal Needs for a Criminal Justice System
Explain how the criminal justice system has responded to the rapid growth of the United States since colonial times. LO3: Analyze the growth of the criminal justice system in the United StatesResponse is not present.The response identifies how the criminal justice system has responded to the rapid growth of the United States since colonial times but does not fully explain the reasons why.  The response explains how the criminal justice system has responded to the rapid growth of the United States since colonial times.  
Identify a contemporary crime. Explain why this crime may or may not have occurred at an earlier point in history.   LO4: Analyze the probability of a contemporary crime occurring in historyResponse is not present.The response may take a position on whether or not the crime would have occurred during the specified point in history, but the rationale for the position on the historical occurrence of the crime scenario is incomplete, lacks cohesion, or is only partially based on information gathered from the learning resources.  The response takes a position on whether or not the crime would have occurred during the specified point in history.   The rationale for the position on the historical occurrence of the crime scenario is well organized and supported by information gathered from the learning resources.  

Item 3

Respond to the following points:

  1. Describe conditions within a society that create the need for a criminal justice system. Explain how these needs may or may not have changed over time.
  2. Explain what has changed in society to necessitate the creation of and reliance on the police.

Your response should be 250–500 words in length.


Your Response

Enter your response here.


 0 Not Present1 Needs Improvement2 Meets Expectations
Evolving Law Enforcement Roles
Describe conditions within a society that create the need for a criminal justice system. Explain how these needs may or may not have changed over time.   LO5: Analyze societal needs for a criminal justice system    Response is not present.The response may describe a condition in society that created the need for a criminal justice system that is not as relevant as it could be, and/or it does not fully explain the named condition.        The response describes relevant conditions in society that create the need for a criminal justice system and explains a relevant change.    
Explain what has changed in society to necessitate the creation of and reliance on the police.   LO6: Analyze evolving social conditions and law enforcement needs  Response is not present.The rationale for the position on society’s need for police is incomplete, lacks cohesion, or is only partially based on information gathered from the learning resources.The rationale for the position on society’s need for police is complete, well organized, and is supported by information gathered from the learning resources.


Provide a citation for each resource you used to write your response to this Assessment. The following citation has been provided as an example:

  • Peak, K., & Madensen, T. (2019). Introduction to criminal justice: Practice and process (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Mastery Rubric

In order to achieve mastery of this Competency, you must achieve a “2” on every rubric row in addition to meeting the additional expectation indicated in the Mastery Rubric.

Mastery RubricNoYes
Exceeds Expectations: Connections to Experience
Compares life experiences and academic knowledge to infer differences, as well as similarities, to concepts/ theories/ frameworks of fields of studyResponses do not integrate professional knowledge and experience from the criminal justice discipline when applied to contemporary processes and structures in the criminal justice system; and responses do not demonstrate an understanding of context, precedent, and history in the relationship between society and the field of criminal justice.Responses integrate professional knowledge and experience from the criminal justice discipline when applied to contemporary processes and structures in the criminal justice system; responses also demonstrate an understanding of context, precedent, and history in the relationship between society and the field of criminal justice.

Professional Skills Building

It is highly recommended that you use this opportunity to practice these important skills in the context of this Competency Assessment in order to receive feedback about your current level of proficiency.

 0 Not Present1 Needs Improvement2 Meets Expectations
LO1: Develop clear introduction statements.Introduction statement is not present.Introduction statement is unclear and/or unfocused.Introduction statement is well defined and clearly describes the topic and focus of the response.
LO2: Use transitions to connect ideas.Transitions are not present.Transitions are used inconsistently or limit a reader’s access to ideas.Writing conveys a cohesive idea through the effective use of transitions.
LO3: Use appropriate tone and vocabulary for a given audience.Vocabulary and tone are inappropriate for the audience.Vocabulary and tone vary throughout the writing, limiting a reader’s access to ideas.Vocabulary and tone communicate key concepts that are appropriate for the audience.
LO4: Apply APA formatting and style guidelines.APA formatting and style are not present.Writing inconsistently uses in-text citations and references. Major errors in APA Style impede understanding and/or violate standards for academic integrity.Writing uses in-text citations appropriately, includes references when applicable, and is formatted according to APA Style. Minor errors in APA Style do not impede understanding or violate standards for academic integrity.