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Critically evaluate the use of motivation theories in contemporary business to determine their effectiveness in improving employee task performance.

Coursework assessment Part A

According to Rollinson (2010), who cites Vroom, ‘task performance’ does not rely solely on motivation.


Critically evaluate the use of motivation theories in contemporary business to determine their effectiveness in improving employee task performance.

Considerations Evidence required of the following:

Assess the context, which may include factors such as: Industry, Organisational age, Organisational size, Et. al.

Definitions, examples and theories surrounding motivation from a range of sources. Analyse at least two observable practices which have been adopted by organisations which has been designed to enhance ‘task performance’.

Critique how the given theories may work, in practice. You should consider the practice in different workplaces, industries and reasons for change. Give examples.

Furthermore, you should explore the advantages and disadvantages of the theories presented in obtaining enhanced organisational effectiveness.

It is important to use appropriate references for the facts given; through application of the APA 7th Ed Referencing system.

Word count for Part A: 2,000 words (+/- 10%) Submit by 23.59 on 26th April 2024 Please:

  • ensure you submit answers to Part A and Part B as one file.
  • Provide a separate bibliography / reference list for Part A + B.
  • Use your Matriculation number as the file name when uploading to Turnitin.

Management and Organisational Change HRM11417 Tri 2 [2023 - 24]

Coursework assessment Part B

"Soft systems approaches to change emphasize not just the content and control of change but also the process by which change comes about. They require consideration of the cultural and political aspects of organisations as much as the structure and systems". (Senior and Fleming: 2006).


Determine in what situations it is either appropriate or inappropriate to employ soft system methodologies.


Analyse the practice of organisational change methodology by discussion of the differences between the soft and hard systems models of change.

Analyse how these models might work by exploring the advantages and disadvantages of the theories presented.

Give examples.

Critically analyse the factors that should be identified when considering hard systems approaches to change.

It is important to draw a parallel between the theory and practice and use appropriate references for the facts given through application of the APA 7th Ed Referencing system.

Word count for Part B: 2,000 words (+/- 10%) Submit by 23.59 on 2u6th April 2024326th April 2024


  • ensure you submit answers to Part A and Part B as one file.
  • Provide a separate bibliography / reference list for Part A + B.
  • Use your Matriculation number as the file name when uploading to Turnitin.

Total word count for A + B is 4,000 words (+/- 10%)

Our Expert`s Response (Plagiarised)

Assessing the effectiveness of motivation theories in contemporary business for improving employee task performance requires a multifaceted approach, considering various contextual factors. Let`s break down the evaluation by examining different aspects:

  1. Industry: The relevance and applicability of motivation theories can vary significantly across industries. For example, in highly competitive industries like technology or finance, where innovation and quick adaptation are crucial, motivation theories emphasising intrinsic rewards and empowerment may be more effective. On the other hand, in industries with more routine tasks like manufacturing, motivation theories focusing on extrinsic rewards and performance-based incentives might be more suitable.
  2. Organisational age and size: Young startups might prioritise motivation theories that foster creativity, risk-taking, and a sense of ownership among employees to drive growth and innovation. In contrast, larger, more established organisations may benefit from motivation theories that promote stability, consistency, and long-term commitment among employees. Additionally, the size of the organisation can influence the implementation of motivation strategies; smaller companies may have more flexibility to personalise incentives, while larger corporations might rely on standardised approaches.
  3. Organisational culture: The existing culture within an organisation plays a significant role in determining the effectiveness of motivation theories. If the organisational culture values teamwork, collaboration, and employee development, motivation theories emphasising intrinsic motivation and social recognition may align well. Conversely, in cultures focused on individual performance and competition, motivation theories emphasising extrinsic rewards and performance-based incentives may be more effective.
  4. Leadership style: The leadership style within an organisation can either reinforce or hinder the effectiveness of motivation theories. Transformational leaders who inspire and empower their employees are more likely to successfully implement motivation strategies that promote intrinsic motivation and engagement. Conversely, autocratic or transactional leaders may rely heavily on extrinsic rewards and punishment, which could undermine employee morale and long-term performance.
  5. External environment: Factors such as economic conditions, market trends, and regulatory changes can also impact the effectiveness of motivation theories. During times of economic uncertainty, for instance, employees may prioritise job security and stability over other motivational factors. Similarly, shifts in consumer preferences or technological advancements may necessitate adjustments to motivation strategies to keep employees aligned with organistional goals.

In evaluating the effectiveness of motivation theories, it`s essential to consider both theoretical frameworks and practical implementation. While motivation theories provide valuable insights into human behavior and performance, their effectiveness depends on how well they are adapted to the unique context of each organisation. Additionally, regularly assessing and adjusting motivation strategies in response to changing internal and external dynamics is crucial for sustaining long-term employee engagement and performance