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Critically evaluating the service users experience to establish potential for improvement in a defined aspect of care/professional practice. Critically evaluate the mechanism that can be used to influence organisational change

Critically evaluating the service users experience to establish potential for improvement in a defined aspect of care/professional practice.

Critically evaluate the mechanism that can be used to influence organisational change and public policy, demonstrating the development of political awareness and skills.

Demonstrate an understanding of the process involved in developing a basic business case for additional care funding by applying knowledge of finance, resources and safe staffing level.

Apply the principles of health economics and their relevance to resource allocation in health and social care organisation and other agencies.

The essay should be around service improvement observed during a nursing placement as a student nurse in a mental health setting either inpatient or community placement that will improve service users experience while under the care of NHS. Also have attached the marking grid from the university. 


The essay should follow below guide:


1. Introduction – 250 words

Student introduces the reader to the assignment, briefly explaining what will be discussed overall.

Introduction is concise but comprehensive to reflect all the different areas that are expected to be covered on the essay. Some subject-specific references may be used in the introduction

2. Critical Evaluation of Experience for people using healthcare services requiring improvement (discussion of the experience and critical appraisal of the issue that need improvement) - 1000 words

  • Identify the experience that requires improvement.
  • Critically discuss the experience considering the benefits and challenges to people using healthcare services.
  • Utilise this discussion to generate a rationale for a quality improvement proposal.

3. Improvement proposal - 2500 words

  • Detail of the proposal
  • Detailed implementation plan, using the guide provided.
  • Key points to consider will be:
    • Impact on people using healthcare services.
    • How are you going to implement it (key aspects of change management, such as resistance to change, leadership).
    • How would you ensure your proposal is successful and how would you know and demonstrate this (measurement, evaluation, spreading good practice)
    • Project and performance management (resources required and keep in mind how they can justify a higher cost in terms of benefit for people and the NHS)

4. Conclusion - 250 words

This is where you briefly summarise what has been discussed.

Conclusion should not have references, unless there is a specific issue you wish to highlight/ reinforce. It should not contain new information and should contain the key aspects of the essa