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Develop a critical analysis of a cultural group in Australia and social work approach that may be undertaken to counteract such issues experienced. Students are

Assessment 3


Due Date

Monday 29th April


Develop a critical analysis of a cultural group in Australia and social work approach that may be undertaken to counteract such issues experienced.
Students are to select a specific category of diversity and explore the complexities associated with their marginalisation. Specifically, this could be a group marginalised based on ethnicity, class, gender, religion, sexuality, language, age, ability or immigration status.


Reflect on the following questions to assist in developing your essay:

·        How did this group become marginalised? Provide historical context.

·        What continues to perpetuate their marginalisation in Australian society? (use examples from the Moodle site discussions / or media)

·        How does the anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive approaches view such groups?

·        How then can social work professionally assist in working with such groups across practice, policy and research?



30% of final Grade

Format / Length / Duration

Essay 2000 words

Assessment Criteria

1.      Clear understanding of the historical context associated with the marginalisation of such groups in Australia (10%)

2.      Detailed overview of the structural inequalities that deter social inclusion of such groups, with appropriate use of references from media (10%)

3.      Demonstrated knowledge on the role of anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive approaches (5%)

4.      Concise and relevant examples of social work practice, policy and research with such groups (5%)

Subject Learning Outcomes Assessed

1.      Critically appraise theories and practices about diversity, intersectionality, culture, race, gender, ability and power and their application to social work practice in different contexts.

2.      Research and analyse the essential components of culturally competent models for social work interventions at individual, group and community level.


Method of Submission

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