Discuss the methodological tensions between corporate social performance (CSP) and financial performance (FP). Describe how some of the specific researchers cited by Wood (2010) sought
This unit is focused on research and measurement of corporate social performance. For this discussion, complete the following:
Discuss the methodological tensions between corporate social performance (CSP) and financial performance (FP). Describe how some of the specific researchers cited by Wood (2010) sought to resolve these methodological tensions?
Explain why corporate social performance researchers often experience difficulty in obtaining empirical data. How might the scarcity of empirical data inhibit the predictive power of corporate social performance research in terms of validity and reliability?
Response Guidelines
In your response to at least two other learners, provide additional insights you gathered from the literature about methodological tensions, data scarcity issues, and any other issues you encountered with CSP research.
Readings: Boulouta, I. (2013). Hidden connections: The link between board gender diversity and corporate social performance. Journal of Business Ethics, 113(2), 185–197.
Bouvain, P., Baumann, C., & Lundmark, E. (2013). Corporate social responsibility in financial services. The International Journal of Bank Marketing, 31(6), 420–439. doi:10.1108/IJBM-05-2012-0054
Chiu, S.-C., & Sharfman, M. (2011). Legitimacy, visibility, and the antecedents of corporate social performance: An investigation of the instrumental perspective. Journal of Management, 37(6), 1558–1585. doi:10.1177/0149206309347958
Wood, D. J. (2010). Measuring Corporate Social Performance: A Review. International Journal of Management Reviews.DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-2370.2009.00274.x