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During this course we will discuss a variety of topics related to the management of technology in organizations. However, nothing can substitute for the experience of witnessing technolog

During this course we will discuss a variety of topics related to the management of technology in organizations. However, nothing can substitute for the experience of witnessing technology-related issues in practice. The field project is designed to expose you to the realities of how technology is being managed in companies. It also presents an opportunity to apply what you are learning about technology in evaluating how companies are doing in their technology management endeavors. Field Work As a capstone assignment, you are required to choose a company that you know well (preferably a company in which at least one of you currently works). Evaluate what role technology is currently playing in enabling the business to achieve its strategic goals or not. Assess some of the major technology-related challenges facing the business area. You should question at least 4 people – 1 information systems person, 1 business area manager, and 2 end users. Information systems personnel are folks that actively work in the development and maintenance of IT in your organization. Business area managers are managers in the business area that you have selected for your analysis. If you would like to include interviews of additional business managers to get a wider understanding of possible technology related problems in the organizations, you can do so. End users can be anyone who relies on technology for their day-to-day operations.


Once you have gathered the necessary information in your field work, draw upon the knowledge you have gained about technology management from this course to evaluate how the company is performing in its use of technology. Based on your knowledge, develop a specific proposal about how the business area might improve its ability to meet its strategic objectives using technology. The cases you have reviewed can be used as a baseline if you would like.

Be specific in outlining the pros and cons of your proposed solution in your proposal. Imagine you are pitching your solution to the managers with whom you have spoken. What are the estimated costs of your proposed solution? What are the expected benefits? Identify some concrete numbers and outcomes, even if they are rough estimates (e.g., this will expand marketshare by 2%, this will cut delivery lead times by 3 days, this will boost customer retention by 5%). Consider this as a sales pitch to the business managers.

The analysis may focus on the following questions.

  • What value proposition is being created by the firm? In particular, what is the nature of the innovation in the product, service, or offering? How is this value proposition unique, innovative, or disruptive?
  • How are information technologies being used to create this value proposition? How is the firm likely to generate revenue through this innovation?
  • What is the basis of its profitability? What might obstruct this revenue stream from being realized?
  • What is the likelihood that this innovation is sustainable? Will it have a disruptive effect on the industry? If so, how will the disruption occur?


Prepare a written report on your field project that provides a profile of the company, its strategy, the business area on which your project focused and its role within the broader company strategy. The report must also include details from your interviews, including information about how the business area is using technology to meet its strategic objectives as well as the key technology challenges being faced. Finally, the report should detail your analysis and recommended solution. There is no page limit on the report. This report should have a minimum of 4 single-space pages.

Here is an example of the Field project report outline and point breakdown:

  1. Introduction – 10 points
    1. Goal of the project
    2. How it was conducted
    3. How the report is structured
  2. How the project was conducted—Brief – 10 points
    1. Background of the company
    2. Who was interviewed?
  3. Interview results – 70 points
    1. Issues and challenges
    2. Your critical assessment: what are they doing well and what could they do better
    3. Recommendations
    4. Overall observations: What can your organization learn from other organizations with similar business problems, overall trends observed, etc.
  4. Conclusion – 10 points