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Engage in the process of reflection to learn from others and develop individual professional practice, self-awareness, and emotional intelligence. 2. Examine leadership styles, qualities, and attributes to reflect on

Assignment Task

Learning outcomes:

1. Engage in the process of reflection to learn from others and develop individual professional practice, self-awareness, and emotional intelligence.

2. Examine leadership styles, qualities, and attributes to reflect on own development as a leader of self within professional practice in Part 1


Consider your experience during one of the below:

  • Simulation activities
  • Placement learning experience.

Produce a piece of reflective writing (maximum 1500 words) that explores the development of leadership behaviours by demonstrating self-awareness of your own beliefs, attitudes, values, knowledge, attributes, and skills. You will be using the EDI framework (Clarke 2021) to form the structure of your writing.


Paint the Picture of the experience (observe yourself in your clinical experience to provide a narrative to your marker).

  • Introduce the setting/context of your Year 1 clinical experience
  • What happened during the experience?
  • What were your Thoughts, Feelings, Behaviours?

The marker should feel like they were there with you in your experience. As this is a descriptive factual section, there is no need for interpretation / assumptions / deconstruction / analysis / literature in this section and you can use I/we.


This section will provide your marker with analysis of your developing self-awareness by demonstrating understanding of relevant literature, professional body requirements and leadership styles and how they relate to clinical practice, In this section you will use relevant evidence/guidance that demonstrates understanding how theory relates your clinical practice development in leadership. You do not have to include everything below and choose what to include/exclude however can support the reflection of your clinical experience and will help you to create paragraphs that are analytical in nature. Consider using literature to answer the following questions:

  • Why is this experience important to me as leader?
  • Why do I care about this?
  • What other perspectives/views are there that have influenced my development
  • What are the implications of my learning, for me/service users?
  • What does this tell me about me / how I affect people / how people affect me?
  • What does this tell me about the subject matter?

Draw this section to a close by supplying a Conclusion that reflects on what your clinical learning experience has taught you about yourself and others.


This final section will finalise your reflective piece and should be treated with as much importance as the previous two sections. Whilst this is not as long as the deconstruction phase, it is no less significant.

Inform the reader/marker of:

  • How will this impact on your future self and development as a leader?
  • How will this affect future experiences?
  • How will this inform your practice in the next year?
  • What strategies you will use develop your personage and your professional you?

(Again, you can still position this final discussion in the literature, use the evidence to help support your assertions/opinions).