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Evaluate how psychosocial, economic and physical environments shape vulnerability Assessment pack for Social Justice, Equality and Vulnerability in Health and Social Care

Evaluate how psychosocial, economic and physical environments shape vulnerability

Assessment pack for Social Justice, Equality and Vulnerability in Health and Social Care 

Module 2. 

Word length: Equivalent to 3,000 words

Weighting: 60% written 40% Oral interview

Due date:



In the written section of your assessment, you will write a 1500-word essay. You will evaluate how psychosocial, economic, and physical environments shape vulnerability and critically analyse the role of a social workers to promote social justice. 40%

In the oral section of your assessment, you will present a verbal analysis of a multidisciplinary care plan, critically evaluating how a care plan reduce potential risk and vulnerability (10 minutes maximum). 

Learning outcomes 

  1. Evaluate how psychosocial, economic and physical environments shape vulnerability.
  2. Design a multidisciplinary plan of care which supports care of a ‘vulnerable’ person.
  3. Judge social justice theory in context of safeguarding and service user wellbeing.

Specific Guidance on the Outcomes of the Assignment:

To meet yours learning outcomes you will need to have an understanding of:

  • Underpinning concepts of equality, equity and diversity 
  • Legislation and policy 
  • Ecological models
  • Autonomy, respect and empowerment 
  • Social justice and health – disabilities and social needs


Aveyard H., Sharp, P. (2017) A Beginner’s Guide to Evidence Based Practice in Health and Social Care, 3rd Edition (UK Higher Education OUP Humanities & Social Sciences Health & Social Welfare) UK. Open University Press. 

Edwards, D., Best, S. (2020) The textbook of Health and Social Care. London: Sage.

Thompson, N (2020) Anti-discriminatory practice, 7th Edition, Basingstoke: Bloomsbury.


Aveyard, H (2018) Doing a literature review in Health and Social Care: A Practical guide (4th Edition) UK McGraw Hill Oxford University Press. 

Bronfenbrenner, U. (1977). Toward an experimental ecology of human development. American Psychologist, 32(7), 513–531. Available at: Bronfenbrenner_Toward_an_experimental_ec.pdf (Accessed on 30.06.23)

Lak, A. Rashidghalam, P. Myint, P.K. Baradaran, H.R. (2020) Comprehensive 5P framework for active aging using the ecological approach: an iterative systematic review. BMC Public Health. 20(1) 33. Available at: Comprehensive 5P framework for active aging using the ecological approach: an iterative systematic review - PMC (nih.gov) (Accessed on 30.06.23)

GOV.UK (2013) Equality Act 2010: guidance. Available at: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/equality-act-2010-guidance (Accessed on 30.06.23)

GOV.UK (2023) Health and Social Care Act 2012. Available at: https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2012/7/contents (Accessed on 30.06.23)

Guy-Evans, O. (2023) Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory. Simply Psychology.org [IMAGE] Available at: https://www.simplypsychology.org/bronfenbrenner.html (Accessed on 30.06.23)


Suggested content framework for 1500-word essay 60%:

  • Discuss the importance of social justice in the context of safeguarding.
  • Evaluate how psychosocial, economic, and physical environments shape vulnerability
  • Use social justice theory to analyse the role of a social workers to promote service user’s wellbeing

Suggested content Framework to present 40% - 8–10-minute discussion:

  • Explain the theory behind multidisciplinary care planning and explain how it could be used in practice for the service user in this case
  • analyse how a care plan will support the service users’ needs
  • Conclude with a critical evaluation of how a care plan reduces a service users’ vulnerability




Assignment Sections

A+/A (70-100%)

B+/B (60-69%)

C+/C (50-59%)

D/D+ (40-49%)

Fail (0-39%)

Social justice in the context of safeguarding


Social justice is clearly defined and linked to the context of safeguarding


Social justice is defined and linked to the context of safeguarding


Social justice is clearly defined and there is some links to the context of safeguarding


Social justice is briefly defined and there are limited links to the context of safeguarding


Social justice is not defined and does not demonstrate knowledge of the context of safeguarding



Psychosocial, economic and physical environments

Psychosocial, economic, and physical environments are detailed accurately with clear connection to theory

Psychosocial, economic, and physical environments have been detailed with connection to theory

Psychosocial, economic, and physical environments have been detailed with some accuracy and connection to theory.

Psychosocial, economic, and physical environments have been briefly detailed but this could be more in depth and relate more to theory,

The work does not demonstrate understanding of Psychosocial, economic, and physical environments, and does not relate to theory.


Role of social worker to promote social justice

The outline of the role of the social worker to promote social justice is entirely relevant to the case study and thoroughly explored. Demonstrates exceptional appreciation of the relevance of social justice theory

There is a well-developed outline of the role of the social worker to promote social justice. Demonstrates a very good appreciation of the relevance of social justice theory

There is a good outline of the role of the social worker to promote social justice. Demonstrates a good appreciation of the limits and/or appropriate use of social justice theory

There is a brief outline of the role of the social worker to promote social justice. Demonstrates a good appreciation of the limits and/or appropriate use of social justice theory

The role of the social worker to promote social justice is not clearly stated. There is no appreciation of the limits and/or appropriate use of social justice theory

Use of information to analyse and evaluate


There is an exceptional fluent writing style and organisation and coherence that clearly enhances the argument.  All claims are supported with high-quality sources. The relevance of the information is clearly analysed and evaluations are made. References are correctly formatted using the OBU Harvard style as per the guidance.

There is a fluent writing style and strong logical organisation that enhances the argument. Claims are supported with high-quality sources although there may be one or two errors or omissions. The relevance of the information is analysed and evaluations are made. The reference list uses a different referencing style or has a small number of errors. But all references should be included.  

In some parts, there is a fluent writing style and some logic to the organisation. There are references to support claims, but these may be lower-quality or there may be some omissions.  There is some analysis of the relevance of the information and limited evaluations are made.  The reference list may have multiple errors, but it will be complete, and it should be possible to identify the sources used.     

Writing has limited fluency and organisation to support arguments. There are minimal references to support claims and they are of a low-quality with omissions. There is limited analysis of the relevance of the information and minimal/no evaluations are made.    The reference list may be incomplete or have errors which misses information needed to find sources.

Writing is incoherent and disorganised. Referencing may be missing or may not match sources used. There is no analysis of the relevance of the information and no evaluations are made.  The errors are found in nearly all references.

Presentation 40/100

The speaking communicates the information in an engaging manner. It demonstrates excellent knowledge of a care plan with clear and concise reference to the service user’s needs. There is an exceptional evaluation of how a care plan reduces a service users’ vulnerability

The speaking communicates the information in an engaging manner but with some hesitation or confusion. It demonstrates very good knowledge of a care plan with reference to the service users needs. There is a very good evaluation of how a care plan reduces a service users’ vulnerability

The speaker is clear but not always confident and engaging. It demonstrates good knowledge of a care plan with some reference to the service users’ needs. There is a good evaluation of how a care plan reduces a service users’ vulnerability

The speaker is communicating with limited confidence and engagement. It demonstrates minimal knowledge of a care plan, with errors or omissions in the reference to the service users needs. There is a brief evaluation of how a care plan reduces a service users’ vulnerability

The speaker is presenting content which does not match the assignment brief. It demonstrates unsatisfactory knowledge of a care plan with an incoherent outline of the service users’ needs. The evaluation of how a care plan reduces a services users’ vulne