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Explain the rights of children and young people and how these are safeguarded in legislations at national and international level Describe how legislative and rights frameworks can improve the life chances and

Assignment Task

1. Understand the rights of children and young people.

  • Explain the rights of children and young people and how these are safeguarded in legislations at national and international level
  • Describe how legislative and rights frameworks can improve the life chances and outcomes of children and young people
  • Explain why it is important that the voice of the child and young person has a central place in relation to rights
  • Explain how policies and procedures in own work setting reflect the rights and voice of children and young people

2. Understand the implications of equalities legislation for children and young people in residential care.

  1. Explain how current equalities legislation affects the work practice with children and young people in residential childcare
  2. Explain how current legislation supports empowerment for children and young people
  3.  Analyse how and why children and young people in residential childcare can be the subjects of multiple discrimination
  4. Describe the effects of discrimination, stereotyping and labelling on children and young people

3. Be able to address discrimination.

  1. Explain how your own role and responsibilities towards children and young people the potential has to infringe their right to equal treatment
  2. Evaluate your own values and behaviours in relation to equality and diversity and identify areas for improvement
  3. Describe how to address discriminatory or oppressive behaviour of others in a way that is challenging and support change

4. Be able to work in a culturally sensitive way and challenge discriminatory, harmful and illegal practices

  1. Describe differing cultural practices and beliefs
  2. Explain cultural practices that themselves can be discriminatory, harmful, or illegal
  3. Describe how to use policies and procedures to challenge cultural practices that are discriminatory, harmful, or illegal

5. Be able to support the rights of children and young people to raise concerns and make complaints.

  1. Describe reasons why children and young people in residential childcare may find it difficult to raise concerns or make complaints -
  2. Describe how you can recognise that a child and young person might be expressing a concern or complaint indirectly

6. Be able to promote equality and the rights of the children and young people in residential childcare.

  1. Describe the importance of promoting the rights of the child and young people, respect, equality, diversity, and inclusion in the work setting
  2. Explain how you can actively promote respect, equality, diversity, and inclusion in your work setting
  3. Evaluate your current practice supporting the following:
    • Equality and diversity
    • The rights of the child and identify areas for improvement