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For this assignment, you are required to choose a UK-based hospitality organisation and critically evaluate its approach to sustainability and governance, by investigating their latest Governance

Assignment task

For this assignment, you are required to choose a UK-based hospitality organisation and critically evaluate its approach to sustainability and governance, by investigating their latest Governance and/or Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) reports. You will have to choose 3 different sustainability issues, to include one environmental, one social and one economic and assess how the organisation responds to national and international regulations, as well as to pressure from key stakeholders, including media and civil society. Your analysis should refer to theoretical sustainability frameworks as well as to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. Your report should provide substantiated recommendations as to how the organisation could improve its responsibility and sustainability practices.

Indicative Structure:

1. Introduction (250 words)

Provide a brief overview of the organisation (including values, mission statement and approach to governance and/or CSR). Include an overview of regulatory and business environment, in relation to sustainable practices. Refer to theoretical frameworks that underpin your analysis.

2. Aim and objectives (150 words)

State the aim and objectives of your report.

3. Main body (2000 words)

Provide a critical analysis of the organisation’s approach to sustainable practices, by taking into consideration at least one example for each dimension of sustainability (social, environmental, economic). Your analysis should include the extent to which hospitality industry in general and your chosen organisation in particular contribute to each of the chosen sustainability issues; the impact that your chosen sustainability issues have on the industry’s profitability as well as on the organisation’s profitability; and the importance of corporate sustainability management. You should break down this chapter into sections and sub-sections, as suitable for your analysis.

4. Conclusion (200 words)

A critical conclusion, identifying key issues emerging from your analysis.

5. Recommendations (400 words)

Based on the key issues identified in your report, you should provide recommendations on how the organisation should adapt and develop its approach to sustainability in order to meet not only regulatory demands, but also the demands of customers, shareholders, media, and the civil society.

Your report should be of 3000 words (+/- 10%) and should include:

- A cover page

- Abstract/Executive Summary (300 words – not included in the word count)

- Table of Contents

- Headings and subheadings as per the indicative structure provided above

- Appendices (not included in the word count). All tables, diagrams, pictures etc. should be presented as appendices.

Assessment Criteria:

Your report will be assessed based on:

  • Depth of evaluation and analysis of concepts associated with sustainability and corporate responsibility.
  • Critical assessment of key strategies and policies that are and could be adopted by businesses in order to manage sustainability and corporate responsibility.
  • Understanding of the importance and need for sustainability management – and various approaches to implementation, including a critical assessment of potential positive and negative impacts as related to all three dimensions of sustainability management
  • Integration of relevant theories, concepts, and real-world examples.
  • Overall structure, coherence, and quality of writing.

This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of the following module learning outcomes:

LO1 Critically analyse the concepts associated with sustainability and corporate responsibility.

LO2 Explain the need for corporate sustainability management and how appropriate sustainability management approaches can be formulated and implemented

LO3 Identify and evaluate key strategies and policies that can be adopted by businesses in order to manage sustainability and responsibility changes

Practicalities: Referencing, presenting and submitting your work

Please see your programme handbook for information on the standard referencing style, presentational requirements and process for submitting your work.

Referencing Style:

  • Please ensure that your work is referenced according to the [Harvard referencing System] style, as defined in Cite Them Right Online (https://www.citethemrightonline.com/).

Convention for Presentation:

  • Your report should be well-structured, with clear headings for each section.
  • The report should be formatted in Arial or Times New Roman Font 12 and in double-line spacing and justified margins.
  • Ensure that your analysis and evaluations are supported by relevant examples and references.
  • The total word count for the report is 3000 words (+/-10%) (excluding executive summary/abstract, reference list and appendices).
  • Submit your report in digital format (e.g., Word document or PDF) to the designated submission platform by the specified deadline.


    • Submit your report in digital format (e.g., Word document or PDF) to Blackboard in the Submit Your Work section by the specified deadline.


You are expected to take responsibility for maintaining and managing confidentiality issues in your work. You should maintain and respect confidentiality in relation to the protection of personal, technical and/or commercial information of a sensitive nature in your assessed work, whatever the format.

For further information and guidance, please see the relevant section in your programme handbook.

Academic integrity

Academic integrity means taking responsibility for your own work.

When you submit an assignment, you are making a declaration that it is your own work and that you have acknowledged the contribution of others and their ideas in its development (for example, by referencing them appropriately).

For further information and guidance, please see the University website: https://www.bnu.ac.uk/current-students/registry-helpdesk-and-academic-advice/academic-integrity-and-misconduct. HM602 – Sustainable Hospitality Management




0-29 (F) –


Not successful

30-39 E –

Marginal fail

Below required standard

40-49 (D)



50-59 (C)



60-69 (B)


Very Good

70-79 (A)



80-100 (A+)



Introduction, aim and objectives (10)

Absent or significantly lacks clarity in setting the context and purpose of the report.    

Vague or limited introduction that partially outlines the purpose of the report. Vague or not relevant aim and/or objectives.               

Introductory content present but lacks strong engagement with the topic. Aim and objectives are outlined but could be more developed.

Introduces the report`s purpose and context with moderate clarity. Well-developed aim and objectives.

Provides a clear introduction that highlights the importance of the subject matter and engages the reader effectively. Aim and objectives are very well developed and contextualised.

Presents a compelling introduction, demonstrating a deep understanding of the subject`s significance and capturing the reader`s attention. Excellent contextualisation of aim and objectives.

Exceptional introduction, effectively outlining the report`s purpose, context, and captivating the reader from the outset. Aim and objectives are critically developed and contextualised.

A critical evaluation of concepts associated with sustainability and corporate responsibility – and the extent to which the hospitality industry contributes to each of the sustainability issues chosen (LO1) (20%)

This should include evidence of critical assessment of theoretical concepts and regulatory sustainability frameworks, as applied into practice.

The evaluation is very weak, or non-existing It fails to demonstrate the ability to identify relevant sustainability issues that are associated with the hospitality industry.


Shows basic understanding of relevant sustainability issues and does not fully elaborate on the extent to which the industry and organisation contributes to various dimensions of sustainability.

Provides simplistic explanations, minimal insight, and an ineffective evaluation of relevant issues.


Displays satisfactory understanding of relevant sustainability issues and the extent to which industry contributes to various dimensions of sustainability.

Presents a basic evaluation of theoretical concepts and regulatory sustainability frameworks.

Demonstrates a good understanding of relevant sustainability issues and the extent to which hospitality industry contributes to various dimensions of sustainability. There is good evidence of a critical evaluation of theoretical concepts and regulatory sustainability frameworks, with some practical application.

Exhibits very good understanding of relevant sustainability issues and the extent to which hospitality industry contributes to various dimensions of sustainability. Provides a very good, insightful, and critical evaluation of theoretical concepts and regulatory sustainability frameworks, with meaningful application to real world practice.


Displays excellent understanding of relevant sustainability issues and the extent to which hospitality industry contributes to various dimensions of sustainability. Presents an excellent, highly critical evaluation of theoretical concepts and regulatory sustainability frameworks, with excellent application to real world practice. LO1 Critically analyse the concepts associated with sustainability and corporate responsibility.



Demonstrates outstanding understanding of relevant sustainability issues and the extent to which hospitality industry contributes to various dimensions of sustainability.

Presents a highly insightful analysis, that is thoroughly informed by latest research. 

Analysis of management and implementation of sustainability approaches at the three different levels (economic, social, environmental) (20%) (LO2)

This should include evidence of understanding the need for corporate sustainability management, and real-world application and implementation of relevant theoretical and regulatory frameworks.

Demonstrates inadequate understanding of sustainable development and its importance for the industry, environment and society.

Fails to acknowledge the importance of sustainable management and potential positive and negative implications of specific management approaches.

Displays basic understanding of sustainable development and its importance for the industry, environment and society.

Limited acknowledgement of the importance of sustainable management and real-world application. No meaningful links to regulatory and theoretical frameworks.


Shows acceptable understanding of sustainable development and its importance for the industry, environment and society.

Some recognition of the importance of sustainable management and real-world application.

There are some links to regulatory and/or regulatory frameworks, but these are only marginally explored.


Demonstrates a satisfactory understanding of sustainable development and its importance for the industry, environment and society.

Presents a balanced analysis of real-world sustainability management approaches, with adequate critical evaluation.

Acknowledges the importance of sustainable management and real-world application.

Provides a balanced and fairly critical evaluation, with good links to regulatory and theoretical frameworks.


Exhibits a good understanding of sustainable development and its importance for the industry, environment and society.

Provides insightful analysis of real-world sustainability management approaches demonstrating a very good, critical evaluation.

Recognises and critically articulates the importance of sustainable management and real-world application.

Provides a comprehensive and critical evaluation, with very good links to regulatory and theoretical frameworks.



Displays very good understanding of sustainable development and its importance for the industry, environment and society.

Offers comprehensive analysis of real-world sustainability management approaches, showcasing advanced critical evaluation.

Clearly illustrates the importance of sustainable management and real-world application.

Provides sophisticated evaluation with insightful links to regulatory and theoretical frameworks, and an exceptional critical analysis.

Demonstrates excellent understanding of sustainable development and its importance for the industry, environment and society.

Presents sophisticated analysis of real-world sustainability management approaches, demonstrating exceptional critical evaluation.

Profoundly highlights the importance of sustainable management and real-world application. Presents a highly insightful analysis, that is thoroughly informed by latest research, theoretical, and regulatory frameworks.


Identify and evaluate key strategies and policies that are currently being adopted/applied by businesses in order to manage sustainability and responsibility changes – with links to the three different dimensions of sustainability (LO3) (20%)

This should include evidence of a critical analysis of real-world sustainability approaches including positive and negative contributions to environmental, economic and social dimensions of sustainability.

Fails to identify organisational strategies and approaches to sustainable development. Provides inaccurate or irrelevant analysis of real-world sustainability management approaches, with no critical evaluation.




Provides some partially relevant insights into current organisational strategies and policies, but the data provided is either insufficient or inadequate. Presents a superficial analysis of real-world sustainability management approaches, lacking depth and critical evaluation.


Demonstrates the ability to extract and discuss relevant strategies and policies that are adopted and applied into practice.

Provides reasonable analysis of real-world sustainability management approaches, with some evidence of evaluation that may require a more critical approach.

Provides evidence of a meaningful discussion related to relevant strategies and policies that are adopted and applied into practice.

Provides a good analysis of real-world sustainability management approaches, with some good evaluation of positive and negative implications, considering all three dimensions of sustain