For this Performance Task Assessment, you will listen to a bias scenario to consider bias, SDOH, and quality care. After listening and reflecting, you will complete the Bias Scenario handout. Bias Scenario
For this Performance Task Assessment, you will listen to a bias scenario to consider bias, SDOH, and quality care. After listening and reflecting, you will complete the Bias Scenario handout.
Bias Scenario
Student Name Here
Program Name or Degree Name, Walden University
XA3003: Prioritizing Social Determinants of Health
Instructor Name
Month, Day, Year
(Enter the date submitted to Instructor)
Bias Scenario
Complete the title page, respond to the questions below, save the document per the Walden file format, and upload the document to the XA3003 Bias Scenario area.
1. In the break room conversation, identify at least three statements that clearly demonstrate bias or prejudice. Explain why these statements reflect bias and which specific group or characteristic they target.
2. Point out an instance of subtle bias in the conversation. How does the statement perpetuate stereotypes or assumptions about certain groups? Discuss why these subtle biases might be just as harmful as more overt expressions of bias.
3. The nurses in the scenario have expressed bias in many of their statements. How might the bias of the nurses impact social determinants of health and quality care?
4. Imagine you were present in the break room during this conversation. How would you respond to at least one of the biased statements? Outline at least three strategies you could use to address bias and prejudice constructively, fostering a more inclusive and respectful environment in the workplace.