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How do different family structures and dynamics (e.g., single-parent households, blended families) influence child welfare outcomes, including academic achievement, social-emotional development, and overall

How do different family structures and dynamics (e.g., single-parent households, blended families) influence child welfare outcomes, including academic achievement, social-emotional development, and overall well-being?

Assessment Information/Brief 2023-24

(subject to change)

Module title: Research Skills


Social WORK



Assessment title

Academic Poster and Presentation

Weighting within module

This assessment is worth 100% of the overall module mark.


Leader/Assessment set by


How to

Assessment task details and instructions


Academic Poster: 

You have to design an Academic Poster (no word limit but all the contents have to be fit into one page) based on a research proposal which includes: 

  1. Your research question(s)
  2. A brief review of the literature 
  3. Your proposed research design and method
  4. Your proposed sample and method of recruitment 
  5. Ethical considerations. 

Alongside your Poster you must submit a separate document with your reference list.

Oral Presentation: 

In your 10 minutes online presentation you will need to provide an in-depth justification for all the decisions you have made in your proposal. This will include:  

  1. A discussion of the literature and an introduction to the topic to provide the context.  
  2. A justification of the benefits of this research, linking this to social work practice. 
  3. A justification of why you have chosen the method and research design.
  4. A discussion of your sample and why you have decided on this sample. 
  5. Justification of how you have decided to recruit your proposed sample. 
  6. A discussion of any ethical considerations and how you plan to address them in your research. 

Following your 10-minute presentation you will also need to respond to a series of questions asked by the assessor. The assessor will ask you any questions regarding your proposed research, including asking for further detail related to any points you have made or wanting to know more about the literature you have referred to  - so be prepared to defend all your decisions and know the literature and your chosen area well. 

Learning  outcome

 Upon successful completion of the module, you will be able to:

  1. Organise information clearly and coherently in written form.
  2. Analyse and interpret statistical and numerical data in the form of tables, charts and/or graphs.
  3. Recognise and evaluate a range of research approaches used in social work.
  4. Demonstrate a critical evaluation of social work research.
  5. Identify and evaluate ethical dilemmas and power dynamics within social work research.

Practical, Professional or Subject Specific Skills

On completion you will have had the opportunity to/will be able to:

  1. Link learning to the Professional Capabilities Domains.
  2. Understand Ethical requirements

Transferable Skills and other attributes:

On completion you will have developed:

  1. Communication
  2. Reflection
  3. Independent learning
  4. Self-Assessment

My chosen topic: child welfare and protection 

Focus -  family dynamics and Education

Exploratory research

mixed-methods approach

Variables - Independent, Dependent, Mediating, Moderating

Research questions

How do different family structures and dynamics (e.g., single-parent households, blended families) influence child welfare outcomes, including academic achievement, social-emotional development, and overall well-being?

What are the effects of parental involvement in education (e.g., parent-teacher communication, involvement in school activities) on child welfare indicators such as school attendance, academic performance, and behavior?

How do socioeconomic factors within the family (e.g., income level, parental education, access to resources) impact child welfare outcomes, particularly in terms of educational attainment and overall life opportunities?

What strategies and interventions are effective in promoting positive family dynamics and enhancing parental support for children`s education, particularly among vulnerable or at-risk populations?

What role does parental mental health and well-being play in shaping family dynamics and influencing child welfare outcomes, including educational experiences and social development?

Please summarise the above research question

Please remember to refer to the learning outcome.

Reference APA7TH

Do not use google literature – use very good and appropriate and specifically related to my topic.

I will need example of follow up question  and answers that can be ask by the assessor on the day of the presentation.

Remember citation for the poster and Alongside the Poster there  should be a separate document with the reference list.

Please remember to time the  presentation to make sure its not more than 10 minutes.

Please use child friendly for easy understanding for me, No complicated words and  No jargon.

Successful completion of this assessment will require you to: 

  1. Demonstrate a critical understanding of social work research, research methodologies and research designs. 
  2. Articulate how social work research can assist our understanding of social work practice.
  3. Successfully search for, critically evaluate, and organise literature related to a chosen topic. 
  4. Identify and evaluate ethical dilemmas and power dynamics within a proposed research.

Assessment Criteria


Please refer to the Assessment Rubric that you will find in the Assessment folder on the Module site.

Word count/ duration (if applicable)

There is no word limit for the Academic Poster, as long as all the contents can fit into a single page of poster