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Identify one journal article within the field of business & management. Conduct a critical evaluation of the journal article which will be presented in the form of an academic presentation. Select an academic journal article

ASSESSMENT 1: Group Presentation

Within each seminar and workshop, you have been allocated to a group of up to 5 people. You should be working within this group on the key tasks set each week. During week 7 you will deliver a recorded 15–20-minute presentation from your group on the below:

Identify one journal article within the field of business & management. Conduct a critical evaluation of the journal article which will be presented in the form of an academic presentation.

  • Select an academic journal article published within the past five years.
  • Your journal article may/may not consider ‘employability’ in your chosen area of interest (e.g., Marketing, HR, Finance) or broader field (Business administration, Management).
  • Download the pdf of the article to your own computer/memory stick so that you have a permanent copy.

In the academic presentation, present the following 3 areas:

(1) Identify the source(s) of information you used for identifying the journal article.

(2) Discuss the credibility of the chosen source(s) of information.

(3) Discuss the journal article in the format given below:

[a] Introduce the audience to the specific subject of the journal article and provide an overview of the current state of the research field.

[b] The research questions addressed in the journal paper are clearly identified, explicitly stated, and connected to the introduction.

[c] The implications of the findings are discussed, both for the specific research field and for organizations/managers.

[d] Merits of the journal article and potential shortcomings are identified and discussed.

ASSESSMENT 2: Individual Reflective Commentary General Information

(1) This is a reflective commentary and should be written in the first person.

(2) You should select a career which you feel is most meaningful and appropriate for your personal circumstances. This can in clude, if appropriate, working for your family business, setting up or developing your own business, or progressing your career in an organisation for which you already work.

(3) Whichever career you choose, it should be specific. For example, ‘Manager’ and ‘Business Consultant’ are too vague and broad. ‘HR Business Partner in a sales-focused organisation,’ ‘Business Consultant in the renewables sector,’ or ‘Depot Manager at DPD,’ are all more appropriate choices. The more specific you can be, the easier it will be to understand the precise requirements of your career and what you need to do in order to meet these requirements in the future.

(4) For the specific career you choose, determine the skills, attributes, knowledge, and experience required for long-term success within it.

(5) Now talk about your planned journey to position yourself for this career choice. This will require you to underpin the claims you make about yourself with supporting evidence in the form of appendices. You will refer to these in your discussion so that your commentary is underpinned with believable real- life evidence drawn from this module and elsewhere. For example, if you are interested in a career in ‘Managing Compensation and Benefits in a Manufacturing Organization’ and conclude that your development needs are around ‘becoming proficient with Human Resource Information Systems’, you need to develop a career development plan that allows you to become more adept in important HR systems. You will also discuss what learning style (s) will be adopted so that you can learn more about HR systems.

(6) Appendices can be drawn from many different sources, including personal networking plan and activity feedback from this module; Feedback from your line manager at work; Project activities for other university modules and beyond. Be creative! Include a rich range of appendices which are especially relevant to you.

(7) All appendices should be professionally presented at the end of your submission. Please DON NOT include links to them in yo ur document as they cannot be accessed directly from Turnitin during the marking process. Feel free to include readable screenshots of items where necessary.

Instructions on Assessment

The individual reflective commentary of this module will be assessed by one summative assessment of 2500 words which comprises the following three components:

Part A – academic essay (1000 words) 40% of mark

Self-awareness is the key to career success. Using a range of relevant literature (both academic and professional sources), choose 2 of the core topics we have studied on this module and explore and critically evaluate why it is important for you to develop in these areas for the successful career development as a manager.

You must include the following in your essay:

  • A definition of self-awareness and an explanation of why it is important for your potential development of leadership and/or management capability.
  • Identify 2 of the core module topics we have discussed in the class and explain their importance to your potential development as manager’s or leader’s self-awareness.

Part B – Establishing the Possessional and the Positional: A self-analysis (1000 words) 40% of mark

This part comprises:

  • An overview of the context of your target job/profession/industry/sector with a focus on why you need to develop in the topics you have selected in order to succeed in this chosen sphere of work.
  • A self-analysis identifying your strengths and weaknesses across the range of interpersonal and intrapersonal skills relevant to your target profession/industry/sector. To complete this statement, you will draw on both academic and professional sources you have completed during the course of this module, including those related to your topics of exploration in Part A.

To complete the self-analysis, you must:

  • provide a summary of your strengths and weaknesses.

This summary must be supported with evidence from that you have identified from previous work or assessment centre experience or researched online.   Your summary answers the question – what skills, attributes and characteristics do I possess?

NB. The contents of strength and weaknesses table are not included in the word count for your submission

Secondly, you must

  • Include a reflective statement in which you critically evaluate your strengths and weaknesses and reflect on any patterns of behaviour identified. Your statement should be underpinned with relevant academic and professional sources
  • Consider what are the implications of your current skills, attributes and characteristics in relation to your target job/profession/industry/sector, i.e. how ‘ready’ are you to enter the career of your choice?

NB This statement is included in the overall word count for your submission This reflective statement establishes your ‘position’

Part C – What Next: Establishing Areas for Development (500 words) 10% of mark

This final part establishes the ‘processual’ – the ‘what next’ element to your career development

  • Based on your self-analysis in Part B outline three areas for development - aligned with your discussion in Parts A and B - which will enable you to bridge the gap between where you are now and where you need to be in the future to ensure career success in your target profession/industry/sector.
  • Conclude your assignment with how the self-analysis and working on areas for development has enabled you to think more strategically and long-term about your career development.

Professional presentation of your essay:  10% of mark

  • You must present all component parts in one document.
  • You must present your work to the academic standard commensurate with Level 7 and that you use APA referencing throughout.

MARKING RUBRIC ASSESSMENT 1: Group PRESENTATION (20% of the total mark for this module)

Does Not Meet Standards

Meets Standards

Exceeds Standards









Completely Insufficient: Work not presented.

OR work giving evidence of serious academic misconduct (subject to regulations in ARTA Appendix 1)

OR work showing no evidence of knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to Level 6

Insufficient presentation on how to critique and evaluate credible sources.

Insufficient discussion of (1) the source of information used for identifying a journal article, (2) the credibility of the chosen source of information (3) the journal article

Slides are insufficient and require significant improvement in terms of structure and engaging content.

Insufficient oral presentation which requires significant improvement in key areas such as teamwork, clarity, pace of delivery, and audience engagement. Significant issues with presentation time limit.

Adequate presentation on how to critique and evaluate credible sources.

Adequate discussion of

(1) the source of information used for identifying a journal article, (2) the credibility of the chosen source of information (3) the journal article, but focus maybe notably positioned towards some areas atthe expense of others.

Slides are adequate but may require notable improvement in terms of structure and engaging content.

Adequate oral presentation but this could be much improved in key areas such as teamwork, clarity, pace of delivery, and degree of audience engagement.

There may be issues with the presentation timelimit.

Good presentation on how to critique and evaluate credible sources.

Good discussion of (1) the source of information used for identifying a journal article, (2) the credibility of the chosen source of information (3) the journal article, but in places focus may be positionedtowards some areas at the expense of others.

Slides are good but may require some improvement in terms of structure and engaging content.

Good oral presentation but this could be further improved in key areas such as teamwork, clarity, pace of delivery, and degree of audience engagement.

Presentation time limit is met.

Very good presentation on how to critique and evaluate credible sources.

Good discussion of (1) the source of information used for identifying a journal article, (2) the credibility of the chosen source of information (3) the journal article.


Slides are very good but may require some minor improvement in terms of structure and engaging content.

Very good oral presentation couldbe enhanced by minor improvements in key areas such as teamwork, clarity, pace of delivery, and degree of audience engagement.

Presentation time limit is met.

Excellent presentation on sources of information and credibility of the information source.

Excellent discussion of of (1) the source of information used for identifying a journal article,                    (2)                  the credibility                     of                  the chosen                  source                    of information (3) the journal article.

Slides are excellent in terms of structure and engaging content.

Excellent oral presentation in terms of teamwork, clarity, pace of delivery, and degree of audience engagement.


Presentation time limit is met.

Outstanding presentation on on sources of information and credibility of the information source.

Outstanding discussion of (1) the source of information used for identifying a journal article, (2) the credibility                   of                  the chosen                  source                                    of information (3) the journal article.


Slides are outstanding in terms of structure and engaging content.

Outstanding oral presentation in terms of teamwork, clarity, pace of delivery, and degree of audience engagement.

Presentation time limit is met.



Does Not Meet Standards

Meets tandards

Exceeds Standards









Completely Insufficient: Work not submitted.

OR work giving evidence of serious academic misconduct (subject to regulations in ARNA Appendix 1)

OR work showing no evidence of knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to Level 6


OR work is significantly below word count.

Insufficient report.

There is no target career showcased.

There may be sections of commentary irrelevant to the assessment brief.

Insufficient discussion of the planned journey from education to future employment or career progression.


There are no supporting appendices.


There is no evidence of engagement with the module’s seminar

+ workshop activities.

Inadequate structure which requires significant improvement.

Work may be notably below word count.

Adequate report.

Discussion may not feature a specific career, or chosen career is too broad and vague.


Adequate discussion of the planned journey from education to future employment or career progression.


Commentary is supported with few appendices.


There is little evidence of engagement with the module’s seminar + workshop activities.

Adequate structure but may require some improvement.

Good report.

Discussion features a specific career, but there could be more detail provided.

Good discussion of the planned journey from education to future employment or career progression.

Commentary is supported with some appendices, but there could be much more underpinning to substantiate claims.


There is good evidence of engagement with the module’s seminar + workshop activities.

Good structure but may require improvements.

Very good report.

Discussion features a specific career, with very good detail provided.

Very Good discussion of the planned journey from education to future employment or career progression.

Commentary is supported with a range of appendices, although these might have been extended to include a broader range from beyond the seminar + workshop activities.

There is very good evidence of engagement with the module’s seminar + workshop activities.

Very good structure with clear links between sections and use of subheadings

Excellent report.

Discussion features a specific career, with excellent detail provided.

Excellent discussion of the planned journey from education to future employment or career progression

Commentary is supported with a wide range of appendices from the module’s seminar + workshop activities and elsewhere.

There is excellent evidence of engagement with the module’s seminar + workshop activities.

Excellent structure with clear links between sections and use of subheadings.

Outstanding report.

Discussion features a specific career, with outstanding detail provided.

Outstanding discussion of the planned journey from education to future employment or career progression.

Commentary is supported with a wide range of appendices from the module’s seminar + workshop activities and elsewhere.

There is outstanding evidence of engagement with the module’s seminar + workshop activities.

Structure is outstanding with consistent links between sections and use of subheadings.

Late submission of work

Where coursework is submitted without approval, after the published hand-in deadline, the following penalties will apply.

For coursework submitted up to 1 working day (24 hours) after the published hand-in deadline without approval, 10% of the total marks available for the assessment (i.e.100%) shall be deducted from the assessment mark.

For clarity: a late piece of work that would have scored 65%, 55% or 45% had it been handed in on time will be awarded 55%, 45% or 35% respectively as 10% of the total available marks will have been deducted.

The Penalty does not apply to Pass/Fail Modules, i.e. there will be no penalty for late submission if assessments on Pass/Fail are submitted up to 1 working day (24 hours) after the published hand- in deadline.

Coursework submitted more than 1 working day (24 hours) after the published hand-in deadline without approval will be regarded as not having been completed. A mark of zero will be awarded for the assessment and the module will be failed, irrespective of the overall module mark.

For clarity: if the original hand-in time on working day A is 12noon the 24-hour late submission allowance will end at 12noon on working day B.

These provisions apply to all assessments, including those assessed on a Pass/Fail basis.

Word limits and penalties