In Case Study 3, you will acquire DSM 5 clinical information by viewing of a movie of your choice. Based on the information you gather from the movie, you will be asked to complete your third, and most thorough case study report
In Case Study 3, you will acquire DSM 5 clinical
information by viewing of a movie of your choice. Based on
the information you gather from the movie, you will be
asked to complete your third, and most thorough case
study report. See the "Case Study Guidelines" document
for additional information. Please be sure to select a movie
where you believe that a character exhibits symptoms
which can lead to a diagnosis.
To give you an idea of how to complete the Case Study
Report Template, an intake history and corresponding
sample case study reports for a fictitious client, Alan, will
be provided. In addition, be aware that these templates
are not complete and do not include scholarly sources.
For your reports, use the DSM-5 for the sections titled:
- Clinical & Personality Disorders and Other Conditions
That May Be the Focus of Clinical Attention (DSM 5)
- Clinician Scores from the WHODAS 2.0; (DSM 5 p.747-
For the Etiology, Prognosis, and Recommendations
- Include at least a minimum of three scholarly journal
sources (total number for all sections)
- Be sure to tie the Etiology and Prognosis sections directly
to your client. In other words, do not write a 'research
paper'-like summary. Instead write a 4-6 sentence
narrative pointing out how the literature supports your
clinical judgment regarding the etiology of the client's
condition and their prognosis for treatment moving