in mandatory earth-protection-focused anti-extraterrestrial-defense training. Unfortunately we, the governing body of earth (still not aliens), have lost our copy of Atari's 1978's hit cultural phenomenon Space Invaders, and require
CSSE2002 — Programming in the Large
Assignment 1 — Semester 1, 2025
School of EECS
The University of Queensland
Due April 2nd 13:00 AEST
I've never been able to see any boundary between
scientific research and game-playing.
— Donald Knuth
Do not distribute. Version 1.1
1 Overview
Greetings fellow earthling! We, the governing body of earth (not aliens), require your participation
in mandatory earth-protection-focused anti-extraterrestrial-defense training.
Unfortunately we, the governing body of earth (still not aliens), have lost our copy of Atari's 1978's
hit cultural phenomenon Space Invaders, and require you {subject name} to assist in the creation
of a suitable alternative.
Congratulations, {subject name}! Everyone in {subject home town} would be very proud and
impressed with you!
Given our earthling laywers' advice that “Star wars” would upset other earthling laywers, we
have decided to name our new implementation NotSpace Invaders.
In your creation process, you will be guided and evaluated. Your task and evaluation is detailed
Common Mistakes Please carefully read Appendix A. It outlines common and critical mistakes
which you must avoid to prevent a loss of marks. If at any point you are even slightly unsure,
please check as soon as possible with course staff.
Plagiarism All work on this assignment is to be your own individual work. Code supplied by
course staff (from this semester) is acceptable, but must be clearly acknowledged. Code generated
by third-party tools is acceptable but must be clearly acknowledged. See Generative Artificial
Intelligence below. You must be familiar with the school policy on plagiarism:
Generative Artificial Intelligence You are strongly discouraged from using generative arti- ficial intelligence (AI) tools
to develop your assignment. exam. If you do use AI tools, you must clearly acknowledge this in your submission. See Appendix B for details on how to acknowledge the use of generative AI tools. Even with acknowledged AI use, you must be able to explain all parts of your submission. Interviews In order to maintain assessment integrity and in accordance with the course profile, you may be asked by the course coordinator via email to attend an interview to evaluate genuine
authorship of your assignment. Please refer to the course profile for further details.
© The University of Queensland 2025 1
2 Getting Started
To get started, download the provided code from the following location:
After that, you are strongly encouraged to create a diagram mapping out the relationships be-
tween all the classes you must implement (details of which are in the javadoc).
Component #1: Implementation
You are required to implement all of the classes and interfaces specified in the provided Javadoc.
Do NOT modify any package, class, or method that is tagged as provided (such as the game.ui
package or the GameModel.setRandomSeed method). Stubs (such as have been
given to you to help start you on the right path, but the class implementation must be finished.
The staging below is intended to guide and assist you in implementation, but it remains your
responsibility to ensure that you have completed the implementation.
Component #2: Style
You will be required to write well-styled code throughout the assignment as specified in the Style
Guide on Blackboard. Further details in the Marking Breakdown.
© The University of Queensland 2025 2
3 Stages
Your assignment has been split into stages that help deconstruct the task into managable sections, and allow you
to notice progress before reaching complete implementation. Stages are optional, but recomended
. Bullet. – Implement Bullet class and its parents – Implement Logger interface – Implement GameModel.getSpaceObjects and GameModel.addObject – In GameController.renderGame call ui.render with GameModel objects, and uncomment renderGame in GameController.onTick • Stage 1: Contact with the Enemy – Implement Enemy class and its parents – Implement GameModel.updateGame and GameModel.checkCollisions, and uncomment them in GameController.onTick – Implement Asteroid – Comment/Uncomment in GameController.startGame • Stage 2: Taking Control
– Implement Ship class and its parents
– Implement GameController.handlePlayerInput and anything else it depends on or makes
use of.
– Implement the remaining methods required to instantiate the ship (hint: look in GameModel
). You can now control the ship!
– Comment/Uncomment in GameController.startGame
• Stage 3: Level Up
– Implement any and all remaining classes, interfaces, gameplay functionality and game-
play systems. For example, levels, spawning, scoring, health, rendering etc.
Maintain and improve code style and documentation throughout!
© The University of Queensland 2025 3
4 Marking
The assignment is marked out of 100. The marks are divided into 2 categories: functionality (F ),
and style (S).
Weight Description
F 90 The provided code has been extended to include
the specified new components and those components
function as expected.
S 10 Code style conforms to course style guides.
The overall assignment mark is defined as
A1 = (90× F ) + (10× S)
Functionality Each class has a number of unit tests associated with it. Your mark for function
-ality is based on the percentage of unit tests you pass. Assume that you are provided with 10 unit
tests for a class, if you pass 8 of these tests, then you earn 80% of the marks for that class. Classes
may be weighted differently depending on their complexity. Your mark for the functionality, F , is
then the weighted average of the marks for each of the n classes,
F =
i=1 wi · piti∑n
i=1 wi
where n is the number of classes, wi is the weight of class i, pi is the number of tests that pass on
class i, and ti is the total number of tests for class i.
Code Style The Code Style category is marked starting with a mark of 10. Every occurrence of a
style violation in your solution, as detected by Checkstyle using the course-provided configuration1,
results in a 1 mark deduction, down to a minimum of 0. For example, if your code has 2 checkstyle
violations, then your mark for code quality is 8. Note that multiple style violations of the same
type will each result in a 1 mark deduction.
S = max(0, 10−Number of style violations)
Note: There is a plug-in available for IntelliJ which will highlight style violations in your code.
Instructions for installing this plug-in are available in the Java Programming Style Guide on
Blackboard (Learning Resources → Guides). If you correctly use the plug-in and follow the style
requirements, it should be relatively straightforward to get high marks for this section.
Electronic Marking
Marking will be carried out automatically in a Linux environment. The environment will not be
runningWindows, and neither IntelliJ nor Eclipse (or any other IDE) will be involved. OpenJDK 21
with the JUnit 4 library will be used to compile and execute your code and tests. When uploading
your assignment to Gradescope, ensure that Gradescope says that your submission was compiled
Your code must compile.
If your submission does not compile, you will receive zero marks.
1The latest version of the course Checkstyle configuration can be found at
checkstyle.xml. See the Style Guide for instructions.
© The University of Queensland 2025 4
5 Submission Submission is
via Gradescope . your code before the deadline. Anything that is submitted after the dead- line will not be marked (1 nanosecond late is still late). See Assessment Policy . You may submit your assignment to Gradescope as many times as you wish before the due date. Your last submission made before the due date will be marked. You must submit ALL files you create or modify, and NONE of the files you do not. Code Submission Your code submission must include at least the following directories: Implementation Code Files: src/game/* src/game/core/* src/game/exceptions/* src/game/utility/Logger ai/README.txt Do not include the provided code outside of these packages! If you create additional packages, include them in the submission. Only submit code you have modified or created. Ensure that your classes and interfaces correctly declare the package they are within. For ex- ample, should declare package game.model;. Provided tests A small number of the unit tests used for assessing Functionality (F) are pro- vided in Gradescope, which can be used to test your submission against. The purpose of this is to provide you with an opportunity to receive feedback on whether the basic functionality of your classes and tests is correct or not. Passing all the provided unit tests does not guarantee that you will pass all the tests used for functionality marking. © The University of Queensland 2025 5 7 CHANGE LOG VERSION: 1.1
6 Assessment Policy
Late Submission Any submission made after the grace period (of one hour) will not be marked.
Your last submission before the deadline will be marked. Do
not wait until the last minute to submit the final version of your assignment . All requests for extensions must be made via my.UQ. Do not email your course coordinator or demonstrators to request an extension. Remarking If an administrative error has been made in the marking of your assignment (eg marks were incorrectly added up), please contact the course coordinator ( to request this be fixed. For all other cases, please refer to the following page for further information: 7 Change Log Version: 1.1 v1.1 Task Sheet • Fixes assorted typos • Clarifies Section 2.1: it's ok to comment/uncomment provided code (as advised in staging) • Fixes missing submission detail Provided Code • Adjusts provided code in game.ui.gui.Stats.paintComponent() to fix the first stat being hidden (Marking remains unaffected, but there is a visual change for students). • Fixes encapsulation violation in GameModel, where the .random attribute was made private. JavaDocs • Fixes assorted typos • Adds a hint to game.GameController.pauseGame() • Clarifies javadocs of Controllable.move(). • Clarifies javadocs on storage, manipulation, and rendering of the Ship. © The University of Queensland 2025 6 APPENDIX A Critical Mistakes THINGS YOU MUST AVOID Code may run fine locally on your own computer in IntelliJ, but it is required that it also builds and runs correctly when it is marked with the electronic marking tool in Gradescope. Your solution needs to conform to the specification for this to occur. • Files must be in the correct directories (exactly) as specified by the Javadoc. If files are in incorrect directories (even slightly wrong), you will lose marks for functionality in these files because the implementation does not conform to the specification. • Files must have the exact correct package declaration at the top of the file.
incorrect package declarations (even slightly wrong), you will lose marks for functionality in
these files because the implementation does not conform to the specification.
• You must implement the public members exactly as described in the supplied documentation
(no extra public members or classes). Creating public data members in a class when it is not
specified will result in loss of marks, because the implementation does not conform to the
◦ You are encouraged to create private members and protected methods as you see fit to implement
the required functionality or improve the design of your solution.
Java newer than 21 when writing your solution. If you accidentally
use Java features which are only present in a version newer than 21, then your submission
may fail to compile.
B Generative Artificial Intelligence