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In your opinion, why did P&G decide to sponsor the Olympic Games but not the other sports games? You need to focus your discussion on the target audience, buyers, and users.

Question 1 (10 Marks)
In your opinion, why did P&G decide to sponsor the Olympic Games but not the other sports games? You need to focus your discussion on the target audience, buyers, and users.
(500 words)
ANSWER: (box will enlarge as you enter your response)

Question 2 (10 Marks)
Search the information from the Internet and provide some background information about the competition between P&G and Johnson & Johnson.
(500 words)

Question 3 (10 Marks)
The three videos are about the Thank You Mom campaign, however, they have different themes. After watching the videos, provide and discuss the theme of each video from the marking perspective.
(500 words)

Question 4 (10 Marks)
In your opinion, why did P&G create a different theme for each video? What are the connections between these themes?
(500 words)

Question 5 (10 Marks)
Based on the steps in developing effective marketing communication provided in Lecture 10, discuss the effectiveness of their campaign.
(500 words)


Marking Rubric
Criterion Referenced Grading
Question Excellent Very Good Good Slightly deficient Unsatisfactory
1 Insight into decision making clearly explained and applied comprehensively Insight into decision making well- explained and applied correctly Insight into decision making explained and applied Insight into decision making not explained or not applied Insight into decision making not discussed as taught at Holmes
2 Background information re P&G and J&J clearly explained and applied comprehensively Background information re P&G and J&J well- explained and applied correctly Background information re P&G and J&J explained and applied Background information re P&G and J&J not explained or not applied Background information re P&G and J&J not discussed as taught at Holmes
3 Information about themes clearly explained and applied comprehensively Information about themes well- explained and applied correctly Information about themes explained and applied Information about themes not explained or not applied Information about themes not as taught at Holmes
4 Reason for difference of each video theme clearly explained and applied comprehensively Reason for difference of each video theme well- explained and applied correctly Reason for difference of each video theme explained and applied Reason for difference of each video theme not explained or not applied Reason for difference of each video theme not as taught at Holmes
5. Discussion of reasons for marketing communications clearly explained and applied comprehensively Discussion of reasons for marketing communications well- explained and applied correctly Discussion of reasons for marketing communications explained and applied Discussion of reasons for marketing communications not explained or not applied Discussion of reasons for marketing communications not as taught at Holmes