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. In your own words, explain what is meant by the term ‘Mass Casualty Incident’. 2. Identify and explain each component of the mnemonic METHANE . 3. Explain why the mnemonic METHANE is used when providing sitreps:

Assignment Task


1. In your own words, explain what is meant by the term ‘Mass Casualty Incident’.

2. Identify and explain each component of the mnemonic METHANE .

3. Explain why the mnemonic METHANE is used when providing sitreps:

4. Describe how sitreps are used by control centres:

5.In your own words, A) explain the term ‘triage’ and B) why it is an essential, early aspect of major incident management.

6. Identify the forms of PPE to consider and describe the circumstances in which these PPE items should be used:

7. a) Provide definitions, in your own words, for the follow terms:

8. Define each of the following terms as they relate to incident management:

9. Which national document is in place as our domestic response plan for mass casualty incidents of national significance?

10. According to MIMMS, how should an incident in which an earthquake produces overwhelming casualty numbers and destroys a number of roadways isolating major sections of the city, power sub stations plunging areas into blackout and has destabilised freshwater access be described?

11. Define the following sequence of actions:

12. Identify the meaning of the following abbreviations as they relate to Australian Disaster Management:

13. Identify the roles which may be fulfilled at a major incident and outline the key functions and responsibilities.

14. For each of the following situation, identify the incident severity level and provide justification for your decision:

15. Acts of terror are an ever-present danger. Identify ten signs \ indicators at a scene which may suggest terrorism as a component\cause of the situation:

16. Chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear incidents pose a threat to large numbers of people through accidental or intentional release \ dispersion. Identify ten signs \ indicators at a scene which may suggest CBRN as a component\cause of the situation (note: there may be similar answers to Q15, and this is acceptable):

17. Explain the Step 1-2-3 approach to HAZMAT \ CBRN incidents:

18. Management of major incidents relies upon effective communication. For each communication event listed below, identify who should how this information should be communicated. 

19. Explain the two-stepped approach to triaging using the Smart Triage System

20. Identify what tool is used within the Smart Triage System in order to appropriately triage paediatric patients/

21. Explain why the paediatric triage process differs to an adult triage process.

22. Identify and explain the four (4) categories (priorities) used when triaging casualties (include what colours are assigned to each priority).

23. a) Define and describe the effects of the following triage errors:

b) Identify and explain two settings in which errant over-triage may occur

24. An incident in the state’s far north is unfolding. Information is limited; however, it is known that a passenger aircraft has crashed on landing whilst carrying 10 passengers on a homestead airstrip. The first ambulance resource is only 25 minutes from arrival however, the next closest crew is 45 minutes behind them. The call has come second-hand via radio to the homestead and phone from the homestead to CONTROL, but it is believed there are four fatalities, however it is not clear if these are part of the 10 passengers or in addition.

a. Would this situation be deemed a major incident?

b. Who would be responsible to make such a declaration?

c. Outline the key steps which occur in the declaration of a major incident:

d. Outline the key steps which occur in the declaration of a major incident

e. Identify the key recommended minimum immediate actions which should be performed by the Ambulance Shift Manager upon identification of a level three incident:

f. Outline the purpose of the Terror Event Workload Exclusion Plan: 

25. Outline the purpose of the Terror Event Workload Exclusion Plan:

26 a) Identify the purpose of a casualty clearing station:

b) Describe five factors that must be considered when establishing a casualty clearing station:

c) Explain why it may be preferable to establish a single Casualty Clearing Station.

d) Describe three situations which may require more than one casualty clearing station:

e) Identify the person you would advise if you were assigned to the position of Casualty Clearing Officer, and there was insufficient space and resources for effective triage and patient management

27. You have been delegated to parking officer for a major rail incident. More than 60 vehicles are on-scene on responding to the incident. Describe how this volume of vehicles should be managed, explaining why you have made these choices:

You are performing the loading officer function at a major incident where a high volume of low-acuity priority 3 patients is being moved to regional facilities for

28. You are performing the loading officer function at a major incident where a high volume of low-acuity priority 3 patients is being moved to regional facilities for assessment, monitoring and management of minor wounds. There are 4 P1 and 7P2 casualties requiring more urgent movement. There are 10, single-stretcher ambulances on scene. Identify the vehicles that may be utilised and the proposed crewing configurations to move this patient load:

29. Identify the actions\activities you are likely to be required to undertake at the end of an incident:

30. Identify two forms of debrief and explain their purpose

31. You are the ambulance commander and are conducting a debrief following the completion of a challenging incident in which a number of victims were killed, and it appears some response procedures may have failed resulting in the major injury of a responder. During the debrief, a responder alleges that managed have messed up and it is their fault these injuries occurred. Describe how you might appropriately manage this situation: