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Integration of care for people with acute and long term needs across health and social care Formative assessment Throughout the module, you will be expected to complete formative activities to help you to achiev

Assignment Task

 Integration of care for people with acute and long term needs across health and social care Formative assessment
Throughout the module, you will be expected to complete formative activities to help you to achieve the modular learning outcomes and prepare for the summative assessment. You will gain both peer and lecturer feedback on these activities.

Summative assessments
There are 2 summative assessments associated with this module. An open book nursing and biology exam and a 2000-word, field specific essay. You must pass both of the summative assessments to pass the module. Each assessment will have a 50% weighting in the overall module grade. Both assessments will be marked anonymously.

Assessment title - Biology and nursing exam
Assessment specification - The exam will contribute to 50% weighting of the overall grade for the module.
 The exam will assess your knowledge and understanding of the biology and nursing content of the module. This open book exam will be divided into two separate sections that will be completed on different days. The first section will include biology questions and the second section will include the nursing questions.
‘Open book’ means that the exam paper will be made available to you online on Moodle on a set date and it will be available for 24 hours. When you access the exam paper you will be expected to download the paper, complete the paper and then upload your answers to a drop box within a 24 hour time frame. You may use educational resources during completion of the open book exam, but the work must be your own. You may not work in groups to complete the exam.
The biology section will have a 40% weighting of your exam grade and the nursing section a 60% weighting.
The biology section of the exam will be the same for all fields of practice. The nursing section will be field specific.
Biology exam
The biology exam will consist of 15 multiple choice questions (Section A) and short answer questions (Section B).
You will be given 24 hours to complete both sections of the biology exam. The short answer questions will be available for you to complete in a word document. You will be required to upload these once they are completed. The MCQs will also be available for you to complete on Moodle, but you will have 30 minutes to complete these once you initiate them.
Nursing exam
The field specific nursing section of the exam will consist of 3 short answer questions. Each short answer question may be divided into parts and if so, marks allocated to each part will be clearly indicated. You will complete the answers in a word document. The broad topic areas will be given to you 4 weeks before the exam. This section will be available for 24 hours. As a guide it should take you no more than 2 hours to complete the nursing section of the exam.
Pass markYou are required to pass each section of the exam with a minimum of 50% for biology and 50% for nursing.

Assessment Specification
You will develop a field specific essay based on a patient/ service user who you have cared for who requires long term care/ support. You will critically evaluate nursing interventions of two care priorities identified through the assessment of your patient/ service user. You will critically evaluate and synthesize on-going care needs including multi-agency working. You will also be expected to discuss implications for your future practice.
You must include, as an appendix, a brief outline of the patient/ service user you chose to base this work on and key assessment findings. The key assessment findings should be structured using an appropriate framework.

You will have:
Used the recommended City University citation practice throughout the essay
Identify 2 care priorities derived from the assessment findings and critically evaluate nursing interventions to address these care needs.

You will have:
Stated what the two care priorities are, with rationales for your choiceCritically evaluated nursing interventions to address the identified prioritiesSupported your work with contemporary literature, research and practice initiatives
Critically explore on- going care requirements, incorporating health and social care interventions and multi-agency working

You will have:
Identified and critically discussed key on-going care requirements of your chosen patient/ service user
Critically evaluated the role of different agencies across health and social care in relation to the on-going care requirements of your chosen patient/ service user
Critically evaluate and synthesise implications for your on-going nursing practice and knowledge

You will have:
Critically discussed your learning about supporting patients/ services users across health and social care
Considered how this will influence your nursing care in the future when you encounter patients/ service users who require health and social care
Incorporate critical evaluation and synthesis of relevant theory within the essay

You will have:
Demonstrated a depth of critical thinking through the application and evaluation of contemporary evidence and theoryDemonstrated synthesis of ideas within the essay.