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Introduction Plan Assessment Description In tutorial 1, you will participate in an activity that generates data relating to a Cultural Psychology topic. The data will then form the basis of the introduction plan and the lab report.

PSY 101 Introduction to Cultural Psychology

Introduction Plan

Assessment Description

In tutorial 1, you will participate in an activity that generates data relating to a Cultural Psychology topic. The data will then form the basis of the introduction plan and the lab report.

The introduction plan is to help you prepare the introduction of your lab report and to ensure you have a good understanding of the topic before writing your lab report.

Word limit: 500

Your plan needs to include the following:

  • An outline of the topic that you are researching
  • Reference details for 3 peer-reviewed journal articles (presented in APA style) and a short statement of how each article is relevant to the topic*
  • A statement of the specific aims of your study
  • Clearly stated hypothesis

*Do not include a separate reference list


Participants were university students from a first-year psychology unit.

The data for 217 participants was used in the analysis: female, male, non-binary, and prefer not to say.

Data Screening

Originally, there were 223 entries.

  • Three participants had duplicate entries. The most recent entry was kept, resulting in the removal of 4 data entries.
  • The data from 2 participants could not be included due to a lack of UAI rating for their country of origin/cultural identity (Myanmar and Sudan).

Age Range

17 years to 51 years with a mean age of 22.86 years (SD = 7.45).


25 countries were included in the analysis. The majority of participants were from: Australia (55.76%) & Singapore (14.29%).


Participant/sample information

AgeGenderCountry of origin/NationalityIndividualism RatingSWB


Prefer not to say32170.014

Results: How do you report them in your lab report?

How to report inferential statistics:

To assess the size and direction of the relationship between
Individualism Index rating and Subjective Wellbeing, Pearson’s correlation
coefficient (r) was calculated. The relationship between the variables was
non-significant: r (215) = .06, p > .05, 2 tailed.

This can be copied and pasted into your report