Levertov, Denise. "Annunciation." Buechner, Frederick. "Vocation." Palmer, Parker. "Now I Become Myself." and viewed King, Jr., Martin Luther. "What Is Your Life's Blueprint?"
Levertov, Denise. "Annunciation." Buechner, Frederick. "Vocation." Palmer, Parker. "Now I Become Myself." and viewed King, Jr., Martin Luther. "What Is Your Life's Blueprint?" This essay will challenge you to bring together King and Buechner. King asks, "what is in your life's blueprint?" Buechner offers one answer: "The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet." King claims that the students to whom he is speaking need a solid proper blueprint for their lives, and the most important part of the blueprint is that they need a deep belief in their own "somebodies. Task: In a 250-word, three-paragraph essay, answer these questions: are these claims by Buechner and King in conflict with each other or do they complement each other? Why? Form: Paragraph one: introduce the topic and pose the question (this should be your final sentence). Paragraph two: discuss what you think Buechner and King mean by their quotations. Paragraph three: answer the central question: are these claims by Buechner and King in conflict with each other or do they complement each other? Why?