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Locate each of the following key terms within the textbook chapter or index. Type/copy each definition verbatim (word-by-word) beside the key term.   1.      Authority

Chapter 4 Assignment

Max Weber (1864–1920)

SOC 3060-001: Sociological Theory

25 Points

Due by Monday, October 3, 2022 @ 11:59 pm

Part 1: Defining Key Terms (10 Points)

1 point each: Locate each of the following key terms within the textbook chapter or index. Type/copy each definition verbatim (word-by-word) beside the key term.


1.      Authority (a.k.a. legitimate domination) —

2.      bureaucracies—

3.      calling—

4.      ideal types—

5.      iron cage—

6.      power—

7.      Protestant ethic—

8.      rationalization—

9.      status—

10.   Verstehen—


Part 2: Key Theorists (5 points)

1 point each: Provide a brief explanation of each person is linked to Max Weber and his theorizations.


1.      Wilhelm Dilthey:

2.      Immanuel Kant:

3.      Friedrich Nietzsche:

4.      Karl Marx:

5.      Heinrich Rickert:


Part 3: Chapter Questions (10 points)

2 points each: Provide a full and thorough answer to each of the following questions/ prompts by relying on the information in Chapter 4. If including direct quotations from your textbook, use quotation marks and cite the page number: “Quoted text here” (p.#). Do NOT overuse quotations in your assignment. Rather, focus on explaining what the text means, in your own words, in order to demonstrate your understanding of the reading.


1.   How is the Protestant ethic connected to the spirit of capitalism?  According to Weber, what role did the “calling” and outward signs of grace play in the development of capitalism? Once it was firmly established, what effect did capitalism have on these religious ideas?


2.      Define each of Weber’s three types of authority. Then, select one or more persons/leaders that represents each of the three types of authority.  


3.      Compare and contrast Weber’s themes and theoretical orientation with that of Karl Marx. On what points do they agree? On what points do they diverge? Be sure to discuss their understandings of capitalism, class, and power.


4.      Compare and contrast Weber’s and Durkheim’s theorizations of religion. On what points do they agree? On what points do they diverge? Which theorization appeals more to you?


5.      According to Weber, what are the key components of an ideal type of bureaucracy? How does Weber highlight the (over)rationalized aspects of this organizational form? Provide 2-3 examples of how bureaucracies have “dehumanized” social life, transforming modernity into an iron cage.