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Master of Science (MSc)  Healthcare Leadership   NUR7008   for May 2023 Cohort  Formative and Summative Assignment  Submission Preparation SummativeAssessment

Master of Science (MSc)  Healthcare Leadership  


for May 2023 Cohort 

Formative and Summative Assignment  Submission Preparation


An 8,000-word systematic review of a  

leadership/management topic or service  


The aim of the dissertation is to conduct a systematic review on a specific leadership/management topic and contribute to the existing body of knowledge in healthcare. The dissertation aims to synthesize the current literature, identify research gaps, and offer valuable insights for future research, practice, or policymaking. 

Deadline02.05.24 by 12noon


Preliminary Systematic Review 

A 1,000-word preliminary systematic review  assignment 


– Choose a leadership/management topic of interest in health and social care and  explain why you are choosing the topic. 

– Formulate your research question. 

– Define clear aim and objectives. 

– Methodology: Literature search approach/strategy with the inclusion and exclusion  

criteria and keywords.  

– Submit your formative assignment by 7th March 2024

For the Formative Assignment, you  


Email your Formative Assignment to the Lecturer responsible for your  group. Please attach your work in MS Word format using the correct cover  page, and include the following with your signature 

(1) Name 

(2) Student Number 

(3) MSc in Healthcare Leadership  (4) Cohort and Group Number

Suggested Structure 

➢ Front cover sheet 

Title: [Title of the Systematic Review] 


Chapter 1 Introduction_background, significance of study Chapter 2 Methodology_(Systematic review) 

Chapter 3 Results _ Summary of the systematic review 

Chapter 4 Discussion 

Chapter 5 Conclusion and Recommendations 


Appendix_ evidence of review

How to check similarity 

You can still complete a similarity check by going into summative submission on Turnitin prior to the cut-off date 25th April 2024. 

When you go into NUR 7008 scroll down to the bottom of the page and go into Turnitin. You will see: May 2023- Summative submission (NUR7008 – Dissertation) 

You can complete a similarity check as many times as you wish, and you will get an immediate  similarity percentage result for the first 3 times. After that it will take 24 hours so, please be mindful  of the cut off time for your final submission as once the date and time has passed on you will not  be able to submit your work. 

Once you have submitted your draft if you wish to recheck your similarity, you can submit a new version by going into your previous submission on Turnitin and clicking the ‘Resubmit’ option.

– Details of authors – Date of publication – Title of publication 

Credible references 

Classic texts: 

This is a researcher whose content has  

stood the test of time. 


– Geographical location of publisher – Name of publisher 

  • School of Nursing Harvard referencing guide: https://bpp.libguides.com/nursing

Maslow (1943) Nightingale (1860) Lewin (1951) 

Herzberg (1974) Kotter (1995) etc

BPP Cover page 

Student Registration Number: BP0xxxxxxxx 

Date submitted: (Actual date you submitted) 

Word Count: 8,000 actual word count (+/- 10% either way) from  

Introduction to Conclusion 

Module name: Exploring the Key Elements in Healthcare Leadership Assignment name: Dissertation 

Tutor’s name: Insert tutor’s name here

Turnitin Submission 

  1. Submit your Summative assignment in the HUB. 
  2. Please name your file as BP0XXXXXX NUR7008 Dissertation. 3. The Similarity check will be opened at noon 18th April 2024 and closed at  

noon 25th April 2024. 

  1. The Turnitin for your Summative Assignment submission will be opened  at noon on 25th April 2024 and will be closed at 12.00 noon 2nd May 2024.  

NB: If you face any issues with Turnitin submission, contact Nursing Support  (NSprogramSupport@bpp.com) before the deadline.

Presentation – this can cost you marks 

  • Font size: all coursework must be typed and submitted electronically in 12 Arial font. 
  • Layout: Use 1.5 line spacing, leaving at least 3 cm margin on each side of the text. 
  • Numbers should be written out in words first from one to ten or when a number starts a sentence. For numbers over ten, use the numeral (i.e 250). 
  • Abbreviations: avoid e.g, i.e, and etc in the text of an essay/dissertation. 
  • Spelling, Grammar & Punctuation: Please check these carefully before submitting your assignment. Remember that a spell-check does not pick up all spelling mistakes. 
  • Please save your document in the following format: ‘[SRN] [Module code] assignment’ – e.g. ‘BP0123456 NUR7008 assignment’ 


o Ensure you insert at the foot of each page, SRN and PAGES

Assessment regulations 

Feedback on your work 

  • You may receive verbal feedback on Formative work, which is intended to aid your learning experience. 
  • For all assessed academic work, feedback will be available four weeks after the submission date.  This feedback and any grade awarded are provisional until the Board of Examiners have ratified  your awarded grade. 

 Remember to use your feedback in conjunction with the assignment; the aim is to improve your 

performance, use feedback constructively to plan future work and performance. Where you are  unclear with regards to the feedback, you should seek further clarification from the module team  and or your personal tutor. 


 There is a fee (£75) for every resubmission. 


 https://learn.bpp.com/pluginfile.php/169862/mod_resource/content/1/JD_Owen.pdf NB: Please pay attention to the information about referencing/ plagiarism)

Assessment regulations ( cont.) 

In some instances, the Programme Leader or nominee may grant an extension of a deadline date for coursework. You must have undertaken the following for this procedure to be considered: 

  • The application MUST be received by 12:00 noon on the day before the deadline • The claim for the extension MUST be on the prescribed form and; 
  • MUST be accompanied by authoritative and objective evidence of the mitigating circumstances  relied on. 
  • You are strongly advised NOT to mention specifically the name of any organisation. More information regarding the extension of course work can be found in the UPPs & GARs.



Academic Misconduct 

It is important that you complete and submit work that is your own and not others. 


Means taking credit for someone else’s words or ideas, either on purpose or accidentally through failure to  cite sources. 

It is important you carefully and completely acknowledge the work of others in your assignments / course  work.  


Collusion is where students work together to complete an assessment that should be taken independently. 

Talking to friends and peers about a topic is a valuable way to improve your understanding and support your  learning. But there is a line between working collaboratively, or in cooperation, and collusion. 

Formal group work is an important skill and likely to be an essential part of your future career. You can  develop this skill in tasks and assessments that are labelled as group work.  

It is important that outside of this group work you must work on your course work / assessments  independently.

If you need further support, please contact your tutor via 


Your hard work and determination have  paid off, and you will be brought to