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MGBBT2ENT Tourism Impacts and Sustainable Development Assignment task This assignment involves preparing an individual written case study on your understanding of the key concepts

MGBBT2ENT Tourism Impacts and Sustainable Development

Assignment task

This assignment involves preparing an individual written case study on your understanding of the key concepts and models relevant to the tourism industry.

Assessment 2 Case Study 2000 Words

This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of the following module learning outcomes:

LO 2

Identify positive and negative impacts of tourism on the environment and critically evaluate the range of techniques available to promote sustainability.

LO 3

Critically analyse the business case and range of corporate benefits relating to sustainability management options and performance in the context of tourism.

LO 4

Demonstrate appropriate academic writing skills, referencing and good academic practice.

Task Requirements


This assignment will encourage students to gain an understanding of the principles of sustainable tourism and the development of the tourism industry.


Students will choose one of the below destinations to analyse for sustainable and ecotourism implications. Discuss different factors which impact on the destination as a result of emerging situations (crises, pandemics, etc..) using different environmental analysis theories and concepts.

These are the four destinations and students should select ONE of them to analyse.

  • Tanzania
  • Galapagos Islands
  • Costa Rica
  • New Zealand

The submission of a written case study that discusses the tourism environment of a sustainable destination country of your choice, from the list provided, using a wide variety of research materials (2,000 words).

Case Study (2,000 words) – 50%

You are required to produce an case study on “Understanding the sustainable tourism environment and ecotourism concepts at the specific chosen tourism destination” through the use of a variety of research materials.

The case study structure

Table of Contents

Chapter one: Introduction (200 words)

  • Aims and objectives of this case study.
  • An overview of the destination and what you are going to cover in your case study.

Chapter two: The nature of your selected destination – 200 Words

  • What would be the route plan (including time and cost) from the UK (any cities) to your selected destination?
  • Introduce any tourism attractions, in general, from your selected destination.

Chapter three: Definition and origins of sustainable tourism – 400 Words

  • What is sustainability? And how does it relate to tourism?
  • Describe the relationship between sustainability and ecotourism.
  • Discuss the difference between sustainable tourism and mass tourism, with examples.
  • Explain the triple bottom line and apply it to your selected destination.

Chapter four: Challenges to implementing sustainability in tourism – 200 Words

  • What are the common challenges when implementing sustainable tourism?
  • Are there any possible solutions to overcome those challenges for implementing sustainable tourism?

Chapter five: Impact of tourism – 800 Words

  • Analyse the positive and negative impacts of sustainable tourism (Social, Economic and Environmental) on your selected destination. (minimum 600 words)
  • Explore contemporary research on policies and guidelines of your selected destination.

Conclusion – 200 words

  • Summary of the key findings from the case study
  • Provide recommendations about how to improve sustainable tourism in your selected destination.

Reference Page

Minimum of 15 Sources, including journals, books and a variety of academically accepted sources. “DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA”

Make sure you choose one out of the four destinations for your case study. Students will be marked at zero if other destinations have been chosen.

You must reference all information used in the case study, using the CCCU Harvard Referencing Guide.

See attached grid for grade descriptors.

Indicative resources:

Recommended texts

Mowforth, M. and Munt, I. (2015) Tourism and Sustainability: Development and New Tourism in the Third World. 4th ed. London: Routledge

Edgell, D. (2019) Managing Sustainable Tourism: A Legacy for the Future, 3rd ed. London: Routledge

Academic journal articles and other resources

Ånstand, M. (2006). Community-Based Tourism and Socio-Culture Aspects Relating To Tourism - A Case Study of a Swedish Student Excursion to Babati (Tanzania). Retrieved from: http://www.Diva-Portal.Org/Smash/Get/Diva2:16436/Fulltext01.Pdf.

Bramwell, B. & Lane, B. (1993) Sustainable tourism: An evolving global approach, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 1(1): 6-16.

Bricker, K., Cottrell, S. & Black, R.S. (2012). Sustainable Tourism & The Millennium Development Goals: Effecting Positive Change. London: Jones and Bartlett. Retrieved from: http://www.Kalahari.Com/Books/Sustainable-Tourism-The-Millennium- DevelopmentGoals_P_44072160

Briggs, P. & Roberts, A. (2010). Uganda. New York: The Globe Pequot Press Inc.

Ceron, J.P. & Dubois, C. (2003).Climate Change, The Environment And Tourism, Milan 4th - 6 th June 2003.Tourism Environment Consultants. In: Hall, M. & Higham, J. Ed. Aspects of Tourism. Tourism, Recreation and Climate Change.–Cromwell Press. Great Britain. P. 21.


Choi, H.C & Sirakaya, E. (2006). Sustainability Indicators for Managing Community Tourism. Tourism Management, 27(22).

Cronin, P., Ryan, F. & Coughlan, M. (2008). Undertaking a literature review: A step-by-step approach. British Journal of Nursing, 17(1), 38-40.

Dillard, J. Dujon, V. & King, M.C. (2009). Understanding the Social Dimension of Sustainability: Routledge. New York.

Identify positive and negative impacts of tourism on the environment and critically evaluate the range of techniques available to promote sustainability.



Dimoska, T. (2006). Tourism and Least Developed Countries -A Sustainable Opportunity to Reduce Poverty. Economics and Organisation, 5(2), 1, Sep.

Duruigbo, E. (2004). Managing Oil Revenues for Socio-Economic Development in Nigeria: The Case for Community-Based Trust Funds. Thesis (Masters). Carlifonia: Stanford University.

You are required to produce an case study on “Understanding the sustainable tourism environment and ecotourism concepts at the specific chosen tourism destination” through the use of a variety of research materials.

Engström, D., & Leffler, F. (2012). Perceptions of Climate Change at Ski Resorts in Midsouth of Sweden. Thesis (BTech). Sweden: Dalarna University

Essex, S.J., Gilg, A.W., Yarwood, R.B., Smithers, J. & Wilson, R. (2005). Rural Change and Sustainability: Agriculture, the Environment and Communities. London: CABI Publishing

Ferrari, R. (2015). Writing narrative style literature reviews. Medical Writing, 24 (4): 230-234.

Goodwin, H. & Santilli, R. (2009). Community-Based Tourism: A Success? Retrieved from: http://Www.Haroldgoodwin.Info/Uploads/Cbtasuccesspubpdf.Pdf .

Henama, U.S. (2016). The Low Cost Carrier Bandwagon: Lessons for Skywise Airline. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 5(2), 1-20.

Henama, U.S. (2013). Attracting Indian Outbound Tourists to South Africa: A BRICS Perspective. India Quarterly, 69(3), 229-247.

Höckett, E. (2009). Socio-Cultural Sustainability of Rural Community-Based Tourism: Case Study of Local Participation in Fair Trade Coffee Trail, Nicaragua 2. Thesis (Phd). African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, Volume 8 (5) - (2019) ISSN: 2223-814X Copyright: © 2019 AJHTL /Author/s- Open Access- Online @ http//: www.ajhtl.com 10 Rovaniemi. Lapland University. Retrieved from: http://www.Academia.Edu/2357891/Sociocultural_Sustainability_Of_Rural_CommunityBase d_Tourism_Case_Study_Of_Local_Participation_In_Fair_Trade_Coffee_Trail_Nicaragu a

Johnston, M.P. (2014). Secondary Data Analysis: A method of which the time has come. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, 3: 619-626. Kauppila, P., Saarinen, J. &

Leinonen, R. (2009). Sustainable Tourism Planning and Regional Development in Peripheries: A Normadic View. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 9(4), 424- 425.

Khanya, P.U. & Roe, D. (2001). Pro-Poor Tourism: Harnessing The World’s Largest Industry for the World’s Poor, Opinion, 100(76),1-12. Kiss, A. (2004). Is Community-based ecotourism a good use of biodiversity conservation funds? Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 19(5): 234.

Koster, R. (2010). Rural Tourism in Canada. Journal of Rural and Community Development, 5(1), 4-5, June. Lewis, A. & Brown, T. (2006). Pro-Poor Tourism: A vehicle for Development in Trinidad & Tobago. Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social & Economic Studies. Lottig, K.J. (2007). Modelling Residents’ Attitudes on the Environmental Impacts of Tourism: A Case Study of O’ahu, Hawai’i. Thesis (Master). Hawai’i: University Of Hawai’i.


%20aug%202007_R.Pdf?Sequence=2.[ Accessed 11 April 2015].

Matarrita-Cascantea, D., Brennanb, M.A. & Luloff, A.E. (2010). Community Agency and Sustainable Tourism Development: The Case Of La Fortuna, Costa Rica: Journal Of Sustainable Tourism, 18(6), 9-15.

Mearns, K.F. (2012). Lessons from the Application of Sustainability Indicators To Community-Based Ecotourism Ventures In Southern Africa. African Journal of Business Management, 6(26), 7851-7860, July.

Ndlovu, N. & Rogerson, C.M. (2003). Rural Local Economic Development through Community-Based Tourism: The Mehloding Hiking and Horse Trail, Eastern Cape. South Africa. Africa Sight, (33)1, 124-125. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, Volume 8 (5) - (2019) ISSN: 2223-814X Copyright: © 2019 AJHTL /Author/s- Open Access- Online @ http//: www.ajhtl.com

Pongponrat, K. (2011). Participatory Management Process in Local Tourism Development: A Case Study on Fisherman Village on Samui Island, Thailand. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 16(1), 57-73.

Radolph, J. (2009). A Guide to Writing the Dissertation Literature Review. Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation, 14(13), 1-12. Rogerson, C. M. (2009). Youth Tourism in South Africa: The Example of Backpacking. Commonwealth Youth and Development, 7(1), 51-69.

Rusu, S. (2011). Tourism multiplier effect. Journal of Economic and Business Research, 1, 70-76. Saayman, M., Rossouw, R. & Krugell, W. (2012). The impact of tourism in poverty in South Africa. Development Southern Africa, 29(3), 462-487.

Scheyvens, R. & Russel, M. (2009). Tourism and Poverty Reduction in the South Pacific. New Zealand. Massey University. Spenceley, A., Ashley, C. & De Koch. M. (2009). Tourism and Local Development: An Introductory Guide. Tourism-Led Poverty Reduction Programme. Retrieved from: http://Www.Intracen.Org/Uploadedfiles/Intracenorg/Content/Exporters/Sectoral_Information/ Service_Exports/Tourism/Tprp%20core%20module.Pdf.

Spenceley, A. & Meyer, D. (2012). Tourism and Poverty Reduction: Theory and Practice is less economically developed countries. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 20(3), 297-317.

Strydom, A.J., Mangope, D. & Henama, U.S. (2018). Lessons learned from Successful Community-Based Tourism Case Studies from the Global South. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 7(5), 1-14.

Swarbrooke, J. (1999). Sustainable Tourism Management. London: CABI Publishing. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, Volume 8 (5) - (2019) ISSN: 2223-814X Copyright: © 2019 AJHTL /Author/s- Open Access- Online @ http//: www.ajhtl.com 12 Tango International. (2009). Knowledge for Development Effectiveness: Sustainability of Rural Development Projects. Asia: IFAD.

Thano, R. & Kote, D. (2015). The tourism consumption, a special economic category of the final demand in Albania and in the countries in the region. EuroEconomica, 24(1), 1-8.

Telfer, D.J. & Sharpley, R. (2008). Tourism and Development in the Developing World. Clevedon. Channel View.

The United Nations. (2003). Tourism and Local 21. The Role of Local Authorities in Sustainable Tourism. Retrieved from: http://Www.Unep.Fr/Shared/Publications/Pdf/3207- Tourismagenda.Pdf. [Accessed 13 March 2014].

Trejos, B., Chiang, L.N. & Huang, W. (2008). Support Networks for Community-Based Tourism in Rural Costa Rica. The Open Area Studies, 1(1),16-25.

United Nations World Tourism Organisation. (2011). Annual Report. Madrid: UNWTO.

United Nations World Tourism Organisation. (2002). World Ecotourism Summit – Final Report. Madrid: UNWTO.

Van Wee, G.P. & Banister, D. (2015). How to write a literature review paper? Transport Reviews, 36 (2),1-13

Wehkamp, A. (2007). A Toolkit for Monitoring and Managing Community-Based Tourism. Vietnam: Snv and Griffith University.

World Commission on Environment and Development’s Report (WCED). (1987). Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future. United Nations, (Isbn-019282080x).

World Travel & Tourism Council. (2018). Travel & Tourism Power and Performance Report. Retrieved from: https://www.wttc.org.

Table of Penalties

Issue with the Assignment

Penalty to be Applied

The assignment is more than 10% over the prescribed wordcount i.e. for 3,000 words, if 3,400 is submitted excluding the Assignment Front sheet, Content page and the Reference list

A 10-mark deduction applied to the overall grade that is manually entered by the Lecturer. This deduction is capped at 40%, which means an assignment cannot get less than 40% after a

deduction for being more than 10% over the total wordcount.

Where assignments are more than 10% less than the prescribed wordcount and lecturers cannot identify if the learning outcomes have been met.

This assignment will be graded below 40.

Where a student submits a .pdf instead of a word document.

This assignment will be graded a Fail.

Students not working in their groups as agreed by the lecturer.

This assignment will be graded a Fail.

Please note: Where a student has asked the

lecturer to move from their original group and the lecturer has agreed this does not apply.

For a presentation assignment that requires oral delivery and the student does not

present in person.

The Oral rubric criteria is not moved and the oral criteria will remain at zero.

For a presentation assignment and the student does not upload a converted PPT To Word File with speaker notes.

The communication rubric criteria is not moved and the communication criteria will remain at zero.

For a presentation assignment that requires oral delivery and the student did not present on the day or upload a converted PPT to Word file with speaker Notes.

This assignment will be graded a Fail.

For a presentation assignment the student uploads a file that contains no slides and is simply continuous text.

This assignment will be graded a Fail.

If the assignment is group work and the resubmission is not changed to individual work.

If a group assignment is failed then the resubmitted work must be changed by a minimum of 25% to make it an individual piece of work.

This means if a Group Presentation is 12 slides a minimum of 3 must be different to the group submission. If the assignment is a Group Poster with 6 text boxes then a minimum of 2 of them must be different to the Group Poster.

The Assignment is failed and graded as Zero.

Written feedback will state ‘This resubmission should be individual and a minimum of 25% of the assignment has not changed’.

Where a written assignment has text that is unable to be read by Turnitin because it is either a graphical image (excluding Presentations & Posters); for example, a screenshot or the assignment is written within text boxes on each page

This assignment will be graded 0 and referred for Academic Misconduct investigation.




An assignment that does not make use of any Mandatory references provided in the assignment brief/Module Handbook.

The reference rubric criteria is not moved and that criteria will remain at zero

An assignment has a reference list, but no citations.

The reference rubric criteria is not moved and that criteria will remain at zero

An assignment has no citations and no reference list.

Foundation & Level 4 - The reference rubric criteria is not moved and that criteria will remain at zero.

At Level 5 and Level 6 this would be graded as a Fail.