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Module 3 - Required Preview Version 3 Psychology Core Assignment Assignment Content Instructions for Required Preview Version 3 – 1. Include steps A-I from drafts 1 and 2 2. Include t

Module 3 - Required Preview Version 3 Psychology Core Assignment Assignment Content Instructions for Required Preview Version 3 – 1. Include steps A-I from drafts 1 and 2 2. Include title for your Required Psychology Core Assignment example title Required Psychology Core Assignment Document 3 3. Include complete heading for your Preview Version 3 Core Assignment. May be placed in a header section of document. 4.. Include Career Dream Statement in your Preview Version 3 Core Assignment or list of 5 dream career fields. 5. Required to include statement of current course grade calculation process in your Preview Version 3; express current course grade as a fraction , decimal value, percent, and as a letter grade 6. Include statement of overall total grade point average calculation process in your Preview Version 3; also include supporting chart for calculating gpa with 5 columns. Each column required to be labeled respectively. course name/number; course letter grade, course semester credit hours; course grade points calculation; total course grade points; supporting chart will include sufficient rows to list all courses enrolled in plus a totals row to show grand total semester credit hours and grand total grade points; request example if desired. 7.If you have not obtained 200 responses to the ICC Opinion Survey, you may use the ALTERNATE TABLE 1 USING THE LINK BELOW. 8.Remember to calculate 60 measures of central tendency for your required Table 2 in your Preview Version 3 Core Assignment. 9. Required to include list of 10 specific planned actions for final semester at Lamar State College Port Arthur, uniquely and individually numbered. 10. Include list of named 4 major resume-enhancing skills from core objectives for course with definition for each skill; uniquely and individually numbered. 11.Required to include Table 1 listing of numerical opinion survey responses; There will be 200 numerical entries, representing the responses of 10 individuals to the 20 items in the ICC Opinion Survey; Your Table 1 for this assignment alternate version Table 1 v2 for core assignment 5-21-24.docx may be your personal Table 1 or you may use the alternate Table 1 linked above. 12.Table 1 will have 11 columns representing the 10 responders to the ICC Opinion Survey; These 10 columns will have labels reflecting the individual code names of the 10 responders plus a column for ICC Opinion Survey numbered statements; 13.Table 1 will have 20 rows corresponding to the 20 items in the ICC Opinion Survey; These 20 rows will have labels reflecting the number identifiers for the 20 items in the ICC Opinion Survey; Table 1 will have a title containing the words Table 1; Table 1 title will also contain a description of the Table 1 contents. 10. Preview Version Draft 3 will contain a list of at least ten specific action steps needed to enter student's career-field and passion. Each step should be individually and uniquely numbered. 14. Preview Version 3 will also include a list of at least three obstacles preventing students from realizing their career-field and passion. Each obstacle should be uniquely and individually numbered. 15. Preview Version 3 will also include a list of at least 3 opportunities students will use to remove the obstacles between them and realizing their career-field and passion. Each opportunity should be individually and uniquely numbered.