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Mr George is a 58 year old man who is living with Parkinson’s disease and degenerative vision and hearing loss. Mr George also has Down’s syndrome and has been living in a supported

Assignment Task

In a similar manner to what was provided within the learning resource, please respond to the following ethical dilemmas (you must provide responses to both scenarios) by outlining:

1. The key ethical issues presented in the scenario;

2. The legal considerations of the scenario and,

3. The most appropriate way to respond and manage the situation.

Scenario 1

You work within a social housing framework and most frequently work alongside service users who are seeking more permanent accommodation due to issues pertaining to domestic and family violence, substance abuse or mental illness or a combination of all factors.

You have been working with a 24 year old man with a history of alleged child related, violent, sexual offences; mental illness and substance abuse issues. He has been on a wait list for a substantial amount of time for housing and has finally been offered a property for rent. You have been requested to view the property with him to ensure that it meets his needs and that it would be an appropriate residence.

On viewing the address, you notice that a close friend of yours, with 4 small children (under 10 years of age) lives within a block of this house. You are immediately concerned for the wellbeing of your friends children. You have knowledge of this man’s previous and current allegations regarding child sex offences. At this point, there are no Orders in place which prohibit or restrict where he lives and the allegations against him have not yet been heard by the court.

1. What are the key ethical issues presented in the scenario 

2. What legal considerations exist for workers within this scenario 

3. Outline the most appropriate way to respond and manage this situation 

Scenario 2

You have recently commenced work as a youth worker at a family support service program. One of your clients, Stephanie, is a 23 year old woman who lives with her mother.

Stephanie recently spent time in a psychiatric facility following an attempted suicide. Stephanie has been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, however, prior to her attempted suicide, she had ceased taking her prescribed medication because of the unwanted side effects. The side effects included tremors, nausea, fatigue and weight gain. Stephanie's weight gain has impacted her self-esteem and she has increasingly isolated herself at home. Stephanie's case plan included a referral for peer mentoring support with developing community involvement, increasing social skills, self-esteem and developing work or training options.

Although you have a full caseload, you find yourself spending a disproportionate amount of time with Stephanie. Stephanie phones you every day to chat with you and apart from your scheduled time together, Stephanie also drops by the office to see you. This results in you spending an increasing amount of unpaid overtime at work.

You find you strongly identify with Stephanie due to a time in your life when you also experienced isolation and depression. During your time together, you have revealed details about your personal life, including where you live.

Last night, Stephanie phoned you at home. Stephanie was distressed and said that she was havingsuicidal thoughts again. Stephanie asked you to promise that you would not tell anyone because she feared being hospitalised again. You agree not tell anyone on the provision that Stephanie made an appointment with the psychologist you have been recommending her to see. Stephanie has previously told you that she does not want to see a psychologist because she believes that counselling does not help and also because she does not want to tell her story again to another person.

You have been confiding with your close friend Ben about Stephanie. You tell Ben that you feel overwhelmed at times by Stephanie's disclosures about trauma she has experienced. You also tell Ben that you do not want to talk to your manager about your feelings of being overwhelmed as you do not want your manager to think that you are incompetent or that you can’t cope with the job.

1. What are the key ethical issues presented in the scenario 

2. What legal considerations exist in this scenario

3. Outline the most appropriate way to respond and manage this situation

4. What rights and responsibilities does Stephanie have?

Scenario 3

Mr George is a 58 year old man who is living with Parkinson’s disease and degenerative vision and hearing loss. Mr George also has Down’s syndrome and has been living in a supported accommodation unit on Yergon Street, with 3 of his closest friends for 29 years. Mr George loves his service provider and enjoys his weekly bowling, men’s craft activities and Saturday morning movies with his co-tenants. You have been informed by the service provider that, due to Mr Georges degenerating health condition and increased support needs, he is being moved to a Residential Aged Care Facility where he will have better access to medically equipped staff, who are able to respond to his declining health and increased need for support. The service have advised you that he may take the news of this move difficultly and that your role is to support the service by providing anunfailing conviction that this is the right thing for Mr George. The service has explained that they have already accepted another service user to move into the room that Mr George will be vacating, so the move is non-negotiable. Mr George’s daughter, Libby, is his decision-maker but she is rarely around and has only visited him twice in the last 2 years. Libby has provided consent for the accommodation and service provision change to occur, but hasn’t consulted with Mr George at all.

Since finding out about the move and change, Mr George has not spoken and has lapsed into amorbid depression. He is constantly crying and wandering around his home yelling “why you move me, why am I bad, what have I done wrong now?” You have tried to explain the reasons for the move and the benefits he will notice as a result, but he is very upset and unable to be convinced that this is positive. He is begging you to contact his daughter and urge her to change her mind. He has asked you tell her all the wonderful things he does on Yergon Street and to make her tell the service that they are not to move him. He keeps reminding you that if his daughter changes her mind, then they cannot force him to move as she is his decision-maker. You like Mr George a lot and you feel that this move will be detrimental to his wellbeing and completely crush his spirit.

1. What are the key ethical issues presented in the scenario

2. What legal considerations exist in this scenario 

3. Outline the most appropriate way to respond and manage this situation