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NUR 430 Selecting, Developing, and Evaluating Staff Nov 2022 Unit Description (10 points) a. (10 points) Exemplary: The paper includes a detailed description of the unit and the # beds, types of patients, management structure in the organization and what

NUR 430 Selecting, Developing, and Evaluating Staff Nov 2022
Unit Description (10 points)
a. (10 points) Exemplary: The paper includes a detailed description of the unit and the # beds,
types of patients, management structure in the organization and what you plan for on the
unit; the number of RNs, LPNs, Certified Nursing Assistants, and staff you will need to hire.
The plan is fully appropriate for the type of unit and patients.
b. (8 points) Proficient: The paper includes a description of the unit and the # beds, types of
patients, management structure in the organization and what you plan for on the unit; the
number of RNs, LPNs, Certified Nursing Assistants, and staff you will need to hire. The plan is
mostly appropriate for the type of unit and patients.
c. (6 points) Marginal: The paper includes an incomplete description of the unit and the # beds,
types of patients, management structure in the organization and what you plan for on the unit;
the number of RNs, LPNs, Certified Nursing Assistants, and staff you will need to hire. The plan is
only partially appropriate for the type of unit and patients.
d. (4 points) Weak: the description of the unit is significantly incomplete.
e. (0 points) No Credit: Description not included.
Unit Management (10 points)
EPSLO5 AACN Domain 10 10.3 Develop Capacity for Leadership
10.3d Demonstrate Leadership Behaviors
a. (10 points) Exemplary: The paper provides a detailed description of the management structure
in the organization of which your unit is a part, the nurse manager roles, and their behaviors,
and other leadership roles and behaviors of the unit personnel are included. The credentials
and experience required of nurse leaders will also be included.
b. (8 points) Proficient: The paper is missing one of the following: a detailed description of the
management structure in the organization of which your unit is a part, the nurse manager roles,
and their behaviors, and other leadership roles and behaviors of the unit personnel. The
credentials and experience required of nurse leaders.
c. (6 points) Marginal: The paper is missing two of the following: a detailed description of the
management structure in the organization of which your unit is a part, the nurse manager roles,
and their behaviors, and other leadership roles and behaviors of the unit personnel. The
credentials and experience required of nurse leaders.
d. (4 points) Weak: The paper is missing three or more of the following: a detailed description of
the management structure in the organization of which your unit is a part, the nurse manager
roles, and their behaviors, and other leadership roles and behaviors of the unit personnel. The
credentials and experience required of nurse leaders.
e. (0 points) No credit: The description is not included.

Interprofessional Partnerships (10 points)
EPSLO2 AACN Domain 6: Interprofessional
6.2 Perform effectively in different team roles, using principles and values of team dynamics.
6.2a Apply principles of team dynamics including team roles, to facilitate effective team functioning.
a. (10 points) Exemplary: The paper includes a detailed description of other disciplines that are
involved in the healthcare team and how each contributes to the quality of care. An effective
communication model is provided in detail to facilitate delegation and continuity of care. At
least one scholarly reference is provided.
b. (8 points) Proficient: The paper is missing one of the following: a detailed description of other
disciplines that are involved in the healthcare team and how each contributes to the quality of
care. An effective communication model is provided in detail to facilitate delegation and
continuity of care. At least one scholarly reference is provided.
c. (6 points) Marginal: The paper is missing two of the following: a detailed description of other
disciplines that are involved in the healthcare team and how each contributes to the quality of
care. An effective communication model is provided in detail to facilitate delegation and
continuity of care. At least one scholarly reference is provided.
d. (4 points) Weak: The paper is missing three of the following: a detailed description of other
disciplines that are involved in the healthcare team and how each contributes to the quality of
care. An effective communication model is provided in detail to facilitate delegation and
continuity of care. At least one scholarly reference is provided.
e. (0 points) No credit: No description included.
Schedule (10 points)
a. (10 points) Exemplary: The plan includes a clear and complete two-week schedule of staffing
that is fully appropriate for the type of unit, organizational structure, and staffing.
b. (8 points) Proficient: The plan includes a two-week schedule of staffing that is mostly
appropriate for the type of unit, organizational structure, and staffing.
c. (6 points) Marginal: The plan includes a schedule of staffing that is partially appropriate for the
type of unit, organizational structure, or staffing.
d. (4 points) Weak: The schedule is significantly incomplete or inappropriate.
e. (0 points) No credit: No credit.
Evidence-based Staff Selection (10 points)
a. (10 points) Exemplary: The paper includes a detailed description of the selection process used
to interview and hire the staff. Includes any background checks, testing, etc. that you find
beneficial. The reason for each decision is clearly explained. All decisions are evidence-based.
b. (8 points) Proficient: The paper includes a description of the selection process used to interview
and hire the staff. Includes any background checks, testing, etc. that you find beneficial. The
reasons for most decisions are clearly explained. Most decisions are evidence-based.

c. (6 points) Marginal: The paper includes a partial description of the selection process used to
interview and hire the staff. The reasons for some decisions are clearly explained. Some
decisions are evidence-based.
d. (4 points) Weak: The description of the selection process is significantly incomplete.
e. (0 points) No credit: No credit.
Evidence-based Orientation (10 points)
a. (10 points) Exemplary: The paper details the orientation process for your unit and includes
how will you onboard and orient the new staff to your unit and expectations. Paper explains
why you made these decisions. Decisions should be evidence-based and appropriate for the
staff and unit.
b. (8 points) Proficient: The paper outlines the orientation process for your unit and includes how
will you onboard and orient the new staff to your unit and expectations. Paper explains reasons
for most decisions. Decisions are evidence-based and mostly appropriate for the staff and unit.
c. (6 points) Marginal: The paper provides a partial orientation process for your unit. The paper
explains reasons for some decisions. Some decisions are evidence-based and appropriate for the
staff and unit.
d. (4 points) Weak: The orientation is significantly incomplete and lacking in reasons or evidence to
support decisions.
e. (0 points) No credit: Orientation process was not discussed.
Evidence-based Evaluation (15 points)
a. (15 points) Exemplary: The paper fully describes what your evaluation system looks like. The
paper explains how you will provide feedback and evaluation to your newly hired staff for the
first two years. Rationale explains why all decisions were made based on evidence.
b. (13 points) Proficient: The paper describes what your evaluation system looks like. The paper
explains how you will provide feedback and evaluation to your newly hired staff for the first two
years. Rationale explains why most decisions were made based on evidence.
c. (11 points) Marginal: The paper partially describes what your evaluation system looks like.
Rationale explains why some decisions were made based on evidence.
d. (9 points) Weak: The evaluation system is significantly incomplete.
e. (0 points) No credit: No description included.
Research Supporting the Plan (10 points)
a. (10 points) Exemplary: The paper is supported with a minimum of 3 published, peer-reviewed
articles within the last 5 years; all clearly support the decisions in the plan.
b. (8 points) Proficient: The paper is supported with a minimum of 3 published, peer-reviewed
articles all from within the last 5 years; most clearly support the decisions in the plan.
c. (6 points) Marginal: At least 2 sources are published, peer-reviewed, and from within the last 5
years; some support the decisions in the plan.
d. (4 points) Weak: One source is published, peer-reviewed, and from within the last 5 years.
e. (0 points) No credit: No sources were provided.

Written Communication & Originality (10 points)
a. (10 points) Exemplary: The plan uses professional language and includes an introduction and
summary. There are no spelling or grammar errors. Turn-it-In Report verifies student
produced original content.
b. (8 points) Proficient: The plan uses mostly professional language and includes an introduction
and summary. There are no more than 2 spelling or grammar errors. Turn-it-In Report verifies
student produced original content.
c. (6 points) Marginal: The plan uses somewhat professional language and includes an introduction
and summary. There are no more than 3 spelling or grammar errors. Turn-it-In Report verifies
student produced original content.
d. (4 points) Weak: The language of the plan is significantly lacking in professionalism or has more
than 3 spelling or grammar errors, or is missing an introduction and/or summary, or the Turn-it-
In Report verifies substantial similarity (>50%) to other content.
e. (0 points) No credit: The language of the plan is significantly lacking in professionalism, missing
an introduction and summary, and the Turn-it-In Report verifies substantial similarity (>75%) to
other content; may be cause for disqualification of the submitted assignment.
APA Formatting (5 points)
a. (5 points) Exemplary: The paper is in correct APA format, including title page, margins,
headings and subheadings, in-text, and reference page citations, including DOI's.
b. (4 points) Proficient: APA formatting is mostly correct.
c. (3 points) Marginal: APA formatting has a few errors or omissions.
d. (2 points) Weak: APA formatting is significantly incorrect.

e. (0 points) No credit.