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NUR2200 Mental Health Across The Lifespan Assessment Subject Code & Title :- NUR2200 Mental Health Across The Lifespan Mental State Examination Weighting :- 40% Assignment Type :-

NUR2200 Mental Health Across The Lifespan Assessment
Subject Code & Title :- NUR2200 Mental Health Across The Lifespan Mental State Examination
Weighting :- 40%
Assignment Type :- Assessment
Brief task description :-
It is expected that as a student you will develop an ability to observe consumer behaviour and accurately document those observations as findings on the Mental Status Examination (MSE) and risk screening tool in the correct assessment categories using the correct terminology. You will also develop patient focused documentation skills in reporting the identified MSE and risk assessment findings concisely and accurately within the nursing report. From your findings, it is also expected that you will be able to identify symptoms about the client and consequently be able to develop mental health nursing specific interventions to assist the client.
NUR2200 Mental Health Across The Lifespan Assessment

NUR2200 Mental Health Across The Lifespan Assessment
NOTE: This is an individual student assessment and not a group assessment Therefore students must submit original work. Students are required to adhere to USQ policies in the gathering and completion of this assessment.

Rationale for assessment task :-
Assessment is one of the most important and fundamental skills of the mental health nurse Through assessment the mental health nurse develops an under standing of the consumer formulates a plan of care and contributes to the decision making of the multi disciplinary teams. Additionally under taking assessments is an important means of connecting with the consumer to commence the process of developing a therapeutic relationship.

Assessments performed in the mental health care setting, which can be consumer or health carecentred is the first step of the nursing process and is on going over the time that the consumer is engaged with mental health care (Evans et al., 2017, p. 519).This process is systematic and organized to ensure that the mental health nurse critically thinks and documents data, to implement and evaluate the individualized healthcare need of the consumer in their care.

NUR2200 Mental Health Across The Lifespan Assessment

Continuity of patient care is achieved by the clear and concise transfer of patient clinical information from one health care provider to another during handover. Effective communication is a vital factor in providing safe patient care.

Standardised assessment tools used can be formal or semi-formal, and include the mental state examination (MSE) and clinical risk assessment how ever there are numerous other tools incorporated to collect data in the clinical setting.

Length :-
There is no word specific word limit how ever there is a 9-page limit to this assessment:
• MSE- Two pages
• Assessment Tool- Three-four pages
• Mental Health Nursing Interventions- One page
• Nursing report – One page
• Reference list- One page

ONE document only using the provided template will be accepted.

Course Objectives measured :-
Aligns to the Course Objectives1, 2, 3, 4 & 5.
LO1 – Explain clinical manifestations associated with the major mental health disorders.
LO2 – Apply evidence-based interventions which informs the development of targeted treatment planning across the lifespan of the consumer including culturally diverse consumers.
LO3 – Analyse and apply the principles of the Recovery process in delivering specific care for consumers living with mental illness and supporting carers and significant other’s needs.
LO4 – Explain the importance of mental health legislation rights of mental health consumers cultural diversity and the legislative implications for nursing practice.
LO5 – Effectively communicate with consumers including Indigenous populations to accurately assess mental state and risk parameters using standardised mental health assessment forms.

NUR2200 Mental Health Across The Lifespan Assessment

Task detail :-
Please include the following consumer details on the appropriate documentation for this assignment.

➢ Download and read the history related to Leroy Brown.
➢ Access and download the assignment template from the study desk. The template includes a MSE and risk assessment in a word document and you are required to type directly into the formatted document provided.
➢ From the information obtained from Leroy and documented on the MSE a risk assessment is also to be completed using a Risk Screening Tool also in the template.
➢ Watch the video interview with Leroy and the clinician. Record your observations from the interview assessment between Leroy and the mental health consultant on the MSE form. Refer to your text and lectures throughout the semester on the study desk for assistance ensuring that you use the appropriate mental health terminology to communicate your findings.

➢ You may record findings in dot point or in a short paragraph how ever you must support and specify the
evidence that substantiates your observation e.g. paranoia Leroy believed that he was being followed as evidenced by The MSE report is to be typed as a word document, be succinct and relevant to your findings that were included in the interview content.
➢ From the findings and documentation in the MSE or Risk Assessment screening for Leroy identify THREE 3 relevant symptoms or issues that Leroy displayed during the interview or are recorded on the Risk Assessment.
➢ Research TWO 2 evidenced based nursing mental health interventions with in the scope of a graduate registered nurse per finding symptom to assist you in completing the management plan for Leroy.
➢ Complete the symptoms / findings and intervention page.
There should be THREE (3) symptoms / findings in total identified and TWO (2) evidenced mental health nursing based interventions per symptom total
of six interventions with one reference per intervention (total of six individual references.)
➢ The symptoms findings that you record on your intervention page, must be from documented evidence with in your MSE and or risk assessment report.
➢ Nursing Report documentation:
Together with your findings from the MSE and the risk screening assessment you are required to write a one page nursing report between 400500 words as if you were documenting your findings into a patient chart using the SHARED tool situation history assessment risk expectation and documentation.

This will require you to gather the relevant and pertinent details and combine this into your nursing report. This is not a narration of your findings; this is to be succinct, pertinent and relevant information that would be important and critical to document in a patients chart. As this is report style writing references are not required for the nursing report as you have gathered the details from your findings.

NUR2200 Mental Health Across The Lifespan Assessment

Resources available to complete task :-
All resources are available in the Assessment block on the study desk.
Link to the video of interview between consumer (Leroy) and mental health clinician.
Assignment template- including USQ Mental State Examination Form and Risk Assessment Screening document.
Nursing report and Reference List.
SHARED document for guidance for nursing report

Writing & formatting requirements :-
This assessment piece will be written in the form of a Mental Health Assessment using the provided template providing links to relevant peer reviewed articles.