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Nursing Assessment 4: Community Health Assessment and Plan Using your community health profile, policy analysis, and stakeholder mapping, develop the final piece of your CHAP: the community health intervention

Nursing Assessment 4: Community Health Assessment and Plan

Using your community health profile, policy analysis, and stakeholder mapping, develop the final piece of your CHAP: the community health intervention plan. This plan should include evidence-based strategies to address the identified health disparities, promote health equity, and improve overall community health related to the top three population health priorities you identified. Address, too, those necessary resources, potential barriers, and methods for evaluating the success of your proposed interventions.


In the context of community health assessment and planning, embracing change and transformation theories can lead to the development of more effective and targeted interventions that address the unique needs of various population groups. By fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation, health care organizations can better collaborate with community stakeholders to design and implement strategies that promote better health outcomes for all. This holistic approach to population health management not only benefits individual patients and health care providers but also contributes to building healthier, more resilient communities overall.

Where do we go from here? Looking ahead, technological advancements have the potential to transform both private and public health in ways that will increase access to care, enhance quality and safety, and support more equitable health outcomes. Innovations such as telehealth, remote monitoring, and artificial intelligence will play a significant role in shaping the health care landscape. As organizations continue to build cultures of health and wellness, they will also need to adapt to these technological advances and leverage them to create more efficient and patient-centered care. This forward-thinking approach will ultimately contribute to the overall well-being of communities and promote a healthier future for all, emphasizing the importance of population health management.

For this assessment, you will use the information from your previous assessments to create a CHAP presentation that is ready for publication and distribution to community stakeholders. Based on your community health profile, policy analysis, and stakeholder mapping, you will develop the final piece of your CHAP: the community health intervention plan. This plan should include evidence-based strategies to address the identified health disparities, promote health equity, and improve overall community health related to the top three population health priorities you identified. You will also consider the resources needed, potential barriers, and methods for evaluating the success of your proposed interventions.


For this assessment, you will use the information from your previous assessments to create a CHAP presentation that is ready for publication and distribution to community stakeholders. Based on your community health profile, policy analysis, and stakeholder mapping, you will develop the final piece of your CHAP: the community health intervention plan. This plan should include evidence-based strategies to address the identified health disparities, promote health equity, and improve overall community health related to the top three population health priorities you identified. You will also consider the resources needed, potential barriers, and methods for evaluating the success of your proposed interventions.


Before you begin the assessment:

·        Review the Assessment 4 Template: Community Health Assessment and Planning [PPTX].

o   You will use this provided template to complete your assessment.

·        Review the Assessment 4 Tutorial.

o   This video will walk you through the assessment template.

·        Review Assessment 4 Exemplar: Community Health Assessment and Planning [PDF].

o   The exemplar is only for guidance; do not copy any information from the exemplar. All coursework must be original.


Using Assessment 4 Template: Community Health Assessment and Planning [PPTX], complete the following:

1.     Produce a title slide with hospital name and presenter’s name and a follow-up purpose statement slide that includes stakeholders.

o   Align both slides with the top three health priorities in the CHAP.

2.     Provide a clear and comprehensive executive summary introduction.

o   Provide an engaging summary of the CHAP research and content.

3.     Provide accurate, detailed, and insightful community profile data.

o   Provide effective analysis and interpretation that aligns with the CHAP.

4.     Provide well-researched, clearly articulated health priorities.

o   Include disparities, barriers, and corresponding SMART goals.

o   Draw strong connections drawn between research, priorities, and goals.

5.     Propose detailed and innovative community health intervention programs.

o   Include clear and practical implementation steps.

6.     Provide a clear, insightful conclusion.

o   Include specific, actionable next steps that align directly with and build upon the CHAP.

7.     Produce a visually appealing, engaging, and relevant CHAP presentation.

o   Communicate effectively with the community.

o   Design the presentation to resonate with members of the community.

Additional Requirements

Your assessment should meet the following submission requirements:

·        Written communication: Apply scholarly and professional communication skills consistent with expectations for the intended purpose. Offer academic citations or professional experiences as examples. Consider exploring the resources at the Writing Center and Academic Writer.

·        APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA style and formatting guidelines. Visit Evidence and APA for help with APA citations.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

·        Competency 1: Apply evidence based strategies for wellness promotion and disease management within diverse populations.

o   Provide a clear executive summary introduction that effectively summarizes the CHAP research and content.

o   Provide well-researched, clearly articulated health priorities, including disparities, barriers, and corresponding SMART goals, with empirical research for support.

·        Competency 2: Synthesize principles of epidemiology, population health, and community engagement to design effective interventions.

o   Provide detailed community profile data that accurately reflects the CHAP community.

o   Propose detailed community health intervention programs, including clear implementation steps.

o   Provide a clear conclusion and detailed next steps.

·        Competency 4: Explain the critical need for private and public health collaboration to ensure effective community health assessment, planning, and implementation of population health strategies.

o   Produce a title slide with hospital name and presenter’s name and a follow-up purpose statement slide that includes stakeholders.

·        Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and is consistent with expectations for health care professionals.

o   Produce a visually appealing and relevant CHAP presentation.

o   Write with minimal grammar, usage, spelling, and mechanical errors.