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Overview A portfolio is the best way to present your design aesthetic and skills to your potential clients and employers. The assignments you completed in different courses in this program have

Overview A portfolio is the best way to present your design aesthetic and skills to your potential clients and employers. The assignments you completed in different courses in this program have given you a chance to create a diverse range of design artifacts. Throughout this program, you have been saving some of your best design work in OneDrive. In this course, you will choose at least 10 design artifacts to include on your portfolio page that will be a part of the portfolio site you will create for your final course projects. To begin creating your portfolio page, review the design artifacts you’ve saved in your OneDrive throughout the program and choose two or three design artifacts that you think best showcase your design skills. When choosing design artifacts for your portfolio page, you should also perform a self-evaluation of the design artifacts to ensure they reflect what you want to present on your portfolio page. You should take this opportunity to refine your design artifacts so that they are of the best quality for your portfolio page. For example, you may find that you want to revise your design artifacts to incorporate instructor or peer feedback from earlier courses, incorporate new skills and techniques, or simply improve their overall effectiveness and visual appeal. Directions Create a PDF that includes two or three design artifacts you have created so far in this program. Choose design artifacts that are diverse and exemplary and showcase your skills as a designer. Explain the purpose, design rationale, unique design aspects, and effectiveness of each design artifact you chose. You can choose any program, such as Word or InDesign, for your work, but you should save the file as a PDF document for submission. Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria: Identify at least two design artifacts that showcase your design skills to include on your portfolio page. Include different types of design artifacts. Describe the purpose of each design artifact. What is the intent of the design artifact? Who is the audience for the design artifact? What did your design artifact need to show to be effective? Describe the design rationale for each design artifact. What is the overall concept of your design artifact? How does your design artifact meet the audience’s requirements? What message does your design artifact communicate? How did you use elements and principles of design to make your design artifact effective? Explain whether your design artifacts represent your best work. What are some unique aspects of your design artifacts? How do they showcase your skills and abilities as a designer? Evaluate your design artifacts for potential improvements. Do you think your design artifacts need to be updated or revised? Why or why not? What changes, if any, would you make to enhance your design artifacts? How will your proposed revisions improve the visual appeal or effectiveness of your design artifacts? What to Submit Submit your chosen design artifacts and your answers to the questions above in a PDF document. If you reference any sources in your response, they should be cited according to MLA style.