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Overview Magazine advertising is one of the traditional channels of advertising. Although the world is becoming increasingly digital, print advertisements, such as magazin

Overview Magazine advertising is one of the traditional channels of advertising. Although the world is becoming increasingly digital, print advertisements, such as magazine advertisements, are still very popular for certain types of audiences. For example, you can target people interested in fashion or architecture through advertisements in the magazines they read to stay up to date with current trends. Scenario You have been hired to create a multi-channel advertising campaign for Fresh Fare Farms. This meal kit delivery service prides itself on using locally sourced items from farmers that use sustainable practices. They are launching a multi-channel advertising campaign during Hunger Action Month to expand their customer base. For each customer that signs up this month, Fresh Fare Farms will donate to local food banks in the customer’s area. Directions For the course project, you will create a multi-channel advertising campaign and a client presentation. The multi-channel advertising campaign will include three campaign deliverables: a magazine advertisement, a digital animated advertisement, and a seamless social media carousel advertisement. The client presentation will convey your design rationale and explanations for your choices. For this milestone, design a full-bleed, portrait-oriented (8.625” w x 10.75” h) magazine advertisement using Adobe InDesign. Be mindful that you’ll need to reflect some of the design choices you make in this advertisement in the other campaign components (animated digital and seamless social media carousel advertisements) because they are all part of a single campaign. Refer to the design brief, brand style guide, and visual assets in the GRA 415 Project Client Files linked in the Supporting Materials section to inform your work. Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria: 1. Create a magazine advertisement, including the following required elements: A. Any one tagline from the design brief—this tagline will be used in all three advertisements B. All the specified copy for the magazine advertisement in the design brief—ensure the client’s intended call-to-action message is clearly defined and highlighted C. Any one variation of the vector logos provided in the brand style guide D. Company name and website URL provided in the design brief E. Three to five high-resolution (at least 300 dpi) images aligned with the style and rules defined in the brand style guide. i. You can use the images from your mood board, or you can select new ones. Ensure that the chosen images have appropriate commercial licenses. F. Optional (non-graded): illustrations or iconography from the brand style guide, aligned with the usage rules; including illustrations or iconography is for aesthetic purposes only 2. Select typography and colors from the brand style guide. You must include the following: A. Typography that follows the usage rules for the headlines, body copy, and stylized tagline i. Break down the available copy into short segments while creating a hierarchical structure that includes the three levels listed above (headline, body, stylized tagline). Each hierarchy level should follow the corresponding typography rule defined in the brand style guide. B. All the primary colors and at least two secondary colors that follow the color usage rules i. Ensure the secondary colors have been selected keeping the overall design aesthetic in mind. The chosen colors should create a well-balanced look along with the text and imagery. ii. Ensure there is ample contrast between the colors. 3. Apply the brand rules to the design as outlined in the brand style guide. The rules for the following brand style guide components must be applied: A. Color palette B. Typography C. Images D. Vector logo, including clear space E. Optional (non-graded) illustrations and/or iconography 4. Align the campaign deliverables with the target audience visual preferences as outlined in the design brief. Consider the following questions to guide your design work: A. How have you ensured the magazine design aligns with the design sensibilities of a diverse audience group? Have you honored the target audience’s need for simple designs? B. How have you ensured that your design would grab the attention of multitaskers among the target audience? C. Have you ensured that the advertisement is imagery driven, as preferred by the target audience? D. How have you ensured that the imagery reflects the racial and ethnic diversity of the target audience? E. How have you ensured that the advertisement copy is organized in short segments, keeping the target audience’s need for brevity in mind? 5. Include attributions for each of the images included in the advertisement. A. Record the image attributions in the GRA 415 Attribution Tracking Spreadsheet. Note: Selecting high-resolution images of at least 300 dpi ensures minimal loss of color and sharpness after printing. What to Submit Submit the following three deliverables: • The full bleed, portrait-oriented (8.625” w x 10.75” h), full-color (CMYK) magazine advertisement created in Adobe InDesign (*.indd) • The PDF version (*.PDF) of the magazine advertisement • The completed GRA 415 Attribution Tracking Spreadsheet, including images used in this assignment. For this course, you will use a combination of public domain, openly licensed, and copyrighted images. You are responsible for avoiding copyright infringement by attributing these images according to established copyright guidelines. See the Openly Licensed Images area of your course for details. Supporting Materials The following resources support your work on the milestone: GRA 415 Project Client Files Download and unzip this folder to access the following files provided by the client: • GRA 415 Project Design Brief • GRA 415 Project Brand Style Guide • GRA 415 Project Full Color Vector Logo • GRA 415 Project Full Color Reversed Vector Logo • GRA 415 Project Color Swatches • GRA 415 Project Iconography • GRA 415 Project Shapes GRA 415 Attribution Tracking Spreadsheet If you haven’t already started tracking attributions earlier in this course, use this spreadsheet to record the image attributions for this assignment. If you’ve already been using this spreadsheet to track your attributions, add the attributions for this assignment.