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Overview of a small to medium business that you are familiar w ith (current workplace, family business, etc.) 2.     Description of the security functions in the organization (hardware, software, practices, and people)

Assignment Guidelines

Prepare a 10-minute presentation with an executive summary of your analysis and solution, focusing on the follow ing guidelines:

1.     Overview of a small to medium business that you are familiar w ith (current workplace, family business, etc.)

2.     Description of the security functions in the organization (hardware, software, practices, and people)

3.      SWOT Matrix

3.1.       Express in your own w'ords what is a SWOT Matrix (p. 16).

3.2.   Provide a complete SWOT Matrix related to the information security perspective of the organization and its departments (Hint: Box 1.2 on p. 16 - note that this SWOT Matrix is focused on marketing, whereas yours should he focused on information securit)' operations!).



1. Market share is high

1. Gross profit is tight with price increases

2. Widely regarded as best in class

difficult to achieve

3. Leader in innovation within its industrial

2. Foreign competition is growing with fresh


marketing approaches


3. Income is too cyclical with no strategy to




deal with troughs


1.  Can build on growth using e-commerce better

2.   May expand into new foreign markets

3.   Monetization of assets through partnerships with noncompetitive organizations


1.   Substantial competitors are poised to be entering the market

2.   Execution risk with growth plans untested for market expansion

3.   Regulatory' environment changing that could impinge on profit and operations



4,       Outline the strategic roles of the following organizational stakeholders in planning and managing security, as wrell as mitigating the weaknesses that you identified above, including:

-        Board of Directors

-        Senior Management

-        Chief Information Security Officer (ClSO}

-        IT Management (CIO, IT Director, etc.)

-        Functional Area Management

-        Information Security personnel

-        End users (employees, customers, etc.)

5,       The anticipated top three biggest challenges that correspond to the weaknesses that you identified in SW'OT Matrix.

6,        Conclusion


All text in the proposal should be word-processed (letter or correspondence-quality font). New Times Roman or Calibri, 12 point, double space and standard margins. The body of the proposal should be 3- to 4 pages long (not including title page. Table of Contents, Reference List, & Certificate of Authorship).

The following information should also be included:

Title page:

-        Assignment Name and Number

-        Name and NSU email

-        Professor's name

-        Class Name and Number (e.g. ISEC-0635 Summer 20xx)

-        Due date


-        Table of Contents (with sections & page numbers identified - Ensure the context text starts on page 1, frontmatter shouldn't be counted in page numbers)

-        Page numbers on all pages

-        Clear and consistent headings of all sections

-        No running heads

-        Reference List following APA (At least seven different references)

A professional and appealing document is expected. As required by the Code of Student Conduct and Academic Responsibility, please make sure to document appropriately your references and state ideas in your own words or use quotation marks.