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To analyze the data using the logistic regression model (logit) in Excel, we will need to use the free Excel add-in I introduced earlier called “RegressItLogistic”. We used it to do

To analyze the data using the logistic regression model (logit) in Excel, we will need to use the free Excel add-in I introduced earlier called “RegressItLogistic”. We used it to do Regression Analysis in Practice Exercise #4.For Practice Exercise #5, please run the three models (using the HMGT400Hospital.CSV
3 min read

Select a company you are familiar with, such as your own employer or a public company that you know you can find customer service data on. Identify the type(s) of service system used in the

Assignment ContentTop of Form The purpose of this assignment is to align proper service system applications to certain industries. You will also analyze and evaluate a company’s customer service strengths and challenges. Select a company you are familiar with, such as your own employer or a public company that
1 min read

Imagine you have been asked to plan a schoolwide event leveraging home and school connections for ELL families. In 150 words, create a proposal of the event to submit to your school principal that addresses the following:

Imagine you have been asked to plan a schoolwide event leveraging home and school connections for ELL families. In 150 words, create a proposal of the event to submit to your school principal that addresses the following: Part 1: Schoolwide Event Proposal * Title, description, and rationale of the event * Agenda,
1 min read


EDAS 647 LEGAL ENTANGLEMENT PROJECT: PART 2 – PERSONAL REFLECTION AND COMMUNICATION OF PROFESSIONAL NORMS ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW   The purpose of this assignment is to reflect on how you personally model and communicate the professional norms discussed from the three sources previously addressed: Model Code of Ethics for Educators (MCEE), case
2 min read

Educational Solutions for the 21st Century Learner   Module 2 Structured English Immersion 15 Hours                   Revised March 2021  Arizona SEI Required Framework Components      Module Learning Goals

Educational   Module 2 Structured English Immersion 15 Hours                   Revised March 2021  Arizona SEI Required Framework Components      Module Learning Goals   After completion of this module, you will know you are successful if you can...    Terminology Used in Arizona            •    Define English Learner (EL).  ●       Define and explain SEI as it is used in
3 min read

RESP 207 Cardiopulmonary & Renal Pathophysiology Spring, 2024 Disease Report Guide Sheet Written Report Topic: ASTHMA. Due Date: May 1, 2024 (Submit on Blackboard only) Report Content must include: 1.     Etiology 2.

RESP 207 Cardiopulmonary & Renal Pathophysiology Spring, 2024 Disease Report Guide Sheet Written Report Topic: ASTHMA. Due Date: May 1, 2024 (Submit on Blackboard only) Report Content must include: 1.     Etiology 2.     Pathophysiology 3.     How to diagnose 4.     Treatment 5.     Medications (discuss all categories, give examples [with generic and brand
1 min read

Review the specific elements of the Danielson FrameworkLinks to an external site. and the HLPs Download HLPslisted below. Danielson Domain 3 component D: Using Assessment in Instruction

1.     Review the specific elements of the Danielson FrameworkLinks to an external site. and the HLPs Download HLPslisted below. Danielson Domain 3 component D: Using Assessment in Instruction  HLP 19: Use assistive and instructional technologies. HLP 21: Teach students to maintain and generalize new learning across time and settings. HLP
2 min read

After you view the Group Counseling With Inmates: San Quentin Prison video in Week 2: Group Leadership SkillsLinks to an external site., draft a 3–4 page paper that

Instructions After you view the Group Counseling With Inmates: San Quentin Prison video in Week 2: Group Leadership SkillsLinks to an external site., draft a 3–4 page paper that analyzes the group facilitators' performance when addressing issues related to group engagement and in-group authority. Please structure your paper
2 min read

Reflection (before action) is a very important part of the learning process, and an essential component of the Jesuit Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm of: Experience - Reflection - Action. Additionally,

WEEK 7 PAPER HUMANITIES Reflection (before action) is a very important part of the learning process, and an essential component of the Jesuit Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm of: Experience - Reflection - Action. Additionally, synthesis of material is necessary to demonstrate evidence of the higher registers of learning, and this class
2 min read

Draw from a criminological theory – or multiple criminological theories – to hypothesize how (1) terrorists and violent extremists (2) cyberterrorists, and (3) actors

Draw from a criminological theory – or multiple criminological theories – to hypothesize how (1) terrorists and violent extremists (2) cyberterrorists, and (3) actors in positions to engage in cyber warfare will use the Internet and technology in the future. Note: this exercise is highly speculative (so have fun with it) but

Unit 5 - Individual Project (250 points) Due: Sun, Apr 21 |Printer Friendly VersionDescription Add a Summary and Recommendations section to your Supply Chain Process Improvement Proposal. This section will

Unit 5 - Individual Project (250 points) Due: Sun, Apr 21 |Printer Friendly VersionDescription Add a Summary and Recommendations section to your Supply Chain Process Improvement Proposal. This section will summarize your findings and specify your recommendations for the organization you chose as the basis for your improvement proposal. Present
1 min read

Develop a critical analysis of a cultural group in Australia and social work approach that may be undertaken to counteract such issues experienced. Students are

Assessment 3 Essay Due Date Monday 29th April Description Develop a critical analysis of a cultural group in Australia and social work approach that may be undertaken to counteract such issues experienced. Students are to select a specific category of diversity and explore the complexities associated with their marginalisation. Specifically,
1 min read

Capstone Foundation V Phase E Evaluation 1.Describe specifically how you would evaluate the outcome of your Capstone project, if it were to be implemented. To do this, refer to the objectives (personal as well as project g

Capstone Foundation V Phase E Evaluation 1.Describe specifically how you would evaluate the outcome of your Capstone project, if it were to be implemented. To do this, refer to the objectives (personal as well as project goals) you developed as part of the proposal. Evaluations must be clear and
1 min read

Imagine you have submitted a proposal in written form, and your audience asks you to deliver an oral presentation to a virtual or asynchronous audience. How would you need to adapt your content to fit within the time constraints

Week 8: Problem-Solution Presentation   * Submitting a website url, a media recording, or a file upload   * Available after Apr 13 at 11:59pm This week, you will prepare your written argument for oral delivery. Imagine you have submitted a proposal in written form, and your audience asks you to deliver an
3 min read

A generation ago, people used to see their doctor only when they were sick or dying. Today, preventative health care is becoming commonplace as people become more educated

Scenario: A generation ago, people used to see their doctor only when they were sick or dying. Today, preventative health care is becoming commonplace as people become more educated and empowered about their own health. Regular, routine medical check-ups can help find potential health issues before they become a problem.
2 min read

1. Write an introduction that includes an analysis of your speech. 2. Identify scholarly sources related to the social issue, question, or concern represented by your speech. 3. Synthesize these sources in an annotated bibliography.

This assignment has three tasks: 1. Write an introduction that includes an analysis of your speech. 2. Identify scholarly sources related to the social issue, question, or concern represented by your speech. 3. Synthesize these sources in an annotated bibliography. In short, you will find two sources relating to your
1 min read

Critically assess the utility of guidelines such as the National Incident Management System (NIMS). Does NIMS offer useful policy suggestions? Explain why health and medical preparedness is necessary for homeland security

Critically assess the utility of guidelines such as the National Incident Management System (NIMS). Does NIMS offer useful policy suggestions? Explain why health and medical preparedness is necessary for homeland security and consider the 2020 pandemic in your discussion.

A patient on your team is experiencing difficulty breathing. There is no change in the patient's status after you elevate the head of the bed, apply oxygen, have the patient use pursed-lip breathing and obtain a breathin

A patient on your team is experiencing difficulty breathing. There is no change in the patient's status after you elevate the head of the bed, apply oxygen, have the patient use pursed-lip breathing and obtain a breathing treatment for the patient. Auscultation of the lungs demonstrates crackles bilaterally
1 min read

Program Design & Evaluation Project (CRITICAL ASSIGNMENT) (20% of course grade) Through the course students will complete components of an evaluation of a project. Due to the nature of the project it is

Program Design & Evaluation Project (CRITICAL ASSIGNMENT) (20% of course grade) Through the course students will complete components of an evaluation of a project. Due to the nature of the project it is important for students to identify an educational or behavioral program (reading, mathematics, social emotional learning, PBIS) supporting