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REST0006 Property Development & Feasibility Analysis Term 2, 2024 Assignment No 1: Individual Report on the DA Process The Brief Part of the Development Process involves a Development Application (DA). Select a Local Government

REST0006 Property Development & Feasibility Analysis Term 2, 2024 Assignment No 1: Individual Report on the DA Process The Brief Part of the Development Process involves a Development Application (DA). Select a Local Government Area (LGA) of your choice and visit their planning website. As a development manager, please provide
4 min read

"Pharmacological Management of Major Depressive Disorder" The paper should include a review of the: Pathophysiology of the disease state. Review of the pharmacological agents used for treatment and important information

"Pharmacological Management of Major Depressive Disorder" The paper should include a review of the: * Pathophysiology of the disease state. * Review of the pharmacological agents used for treatment and important information related to advanced practice nurse. * clearly write a title for this topic: For examples, “Pharmacological Effects of Anti-Hypertensive

As a culminating performance project, you will use the information that you identified in Parts A-E of your "School Community Management Plan,"  to develop a plan for an IDEAL "School Community Management Plan.

Drop Box for Culminating Project- School Community Management Plan LINK to the TEMPLATE for the PowerPoint: https://www.mediafire.com/file/yht48kbq1vipcir/EDL+788_School+Community+Plan+Shareable+Sample.pdf/file This assignment must be uploaded to two links in CANVAS.  Failure to do so will result in an incomplete
1 min read

Scholarly Activity This assignment has two parts. Part 1: In the first part of this assignment, you will examine the components of a concept paper/prospectus and identify t

Scholarly Activity This assignment has two parts. Part 1: In the first part of this assignment, you will examine the components of a concept paper/prospectus and identify three organizational problems that you may consider for your doctoral research study/dissertation. Address the questions below for each of the three
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The Doctoral Research Study Journey To prepare for this assignment, you must first identify an organizational problem that you might pursue for your doctoral research study/dissertation. Consider the following questions

The Doctoral Research Study Journey To prepare for this assignment, you must first identify an organizational problem that you might pursue for your doctoral research study/dissertation. Consider the following questions. You do not have to submit your answers to the questions, but they will help you in choosing articles
1 min read

In March, 2020, the state of New York quickly became the epicenter for the COVID-19 virus and worldwide pandemic. Since that time, different variants of the virus have infected the populatio

For your discussion post: In March, 2020, the state of New York quickly became the epicenter for the COVID-19 virus and worldwide pandemic. Since that time, different variants of the virus have infected the population (Delta, Omicron, and more). In this discussion, choose 1 variant of the COVID-19 virus and
1 min read

To gain a perspective of the history and philosophy of the counseling profession, please review the following Topic 1 Resources:  ACA Milestones  ACA Divisions

Assessment Description To gain a perspective of the history and philosophy of the counseling profession, please review the following Topic 1 Resources:  * ACA Milestones  * ACA Divisions  * Mental Health Counseling Historical Timeline  * The History of School Counseling Review the history and philosophy of the counseling profession and its specialty areas. Discuss
1 min read

Topic: Certificate of Deposits (CD)  Research the selected(s) topic and present a measure of information about the topic’s significance to the current business climate. A minimum of 2 reference source

Topic: Certificate of Deposits (CD)  Research the selected(s) topic and present a measure of information about the topic’s significance to the current business climate. A minimum of 2 reference sources for a substantive response (approximately 250 words).  Reference sources must be limited to the Wall Street Journal, Financial

Assessment Description This assignment will focus on introducing you to the question of human dignity and, in particular, the Christian perspective of the intrinsic worth and value of each person. You will have the opportunity to integrate

Assessment Description This assignment will focus on introducing you to the question of human dignity and, in particular, the Christian perspective of the intrinsic worth and value of each person. You will have the opportunity to integrate this insight with scientific and philosophical approaches that inform judgements made in health
1 min read

Complete 3 Clinical Journal  Directions: Each clinical journal should address the following five points: Clinical journals should be typed and include a title page with your name and the date of the clinical experienc

Complete 3 Clinical Journal  Directions: Each clinical journal should address the following five points: Clinical journals should be typed and include a title page with your name and the date of the clinical experience. Formatting should adhere to 7th edition APA guidelines including Times new Roman, 12-point font, double spacing,
2 min read

Intelligence and Achievement Paper This week we began exploring the applications of psychological testing in the educational setting. In this exercise, you will use a standard psychological reference to

Intelligence and Achievement Paper This week we began exploring the applications of psychological testing in the educational setting. In this exercise, you will use a standard psychological reference to evaluate the psychometric properties of 1 intelligence test and 1 achievement test. Imagine you are a teacher at a local high
1 min read

Imagine you are a medical apprentice in the 1800s. Envision your medical training during this era under the apprenticeship model. Jump to the 1960s and envision your training

Write a 3-4 page paper to analyze the scope of change in medical education from the 1800s to today, the apprenticeship and academic models, and the importance of understanding the history in order to help improve medical education in the future. Introduction Jake is seeking a position in health care
3 min read

Select a health promotion program/intervention that you would like to analyse. Choose a particular, named discrete program rather than writing generally about a type/style/method of intervention. You are free to choose a health issue

Assessment 3 Requirements: Health Promotion Program Analysis Worth: 35% Due: Study Week Length: 2,800 to 3,000 words Requirements: This assignment is a synthesis of all that you have learned in this unit over the semester from the readings, lectures and tutorials. Select a health promotion program/intervention that
5 min read

Assessment Task Assessment 2 – An Individual Reflective Performance Report (Based on Business Case Studies) – 1500 words (+/- 10%) – Case study given on Moodle. Introduction: This assessment is two-fold. You will spend th

Assessment Task Assessment 2 – An Individual Reflective Performance Report (Based on Business Case Studies) – 1500 words (+/- 10%) – Case study given on Moodle. Introduction: This assessment is two-fold. You will spend the next few weeks considering a business case study (downloadable from VLE) inorder to follow the appropriate process to
2 min read

Assignment Details : N8002-Professional Reflection in Nursing-G... Purpose Synthesize knowledge from the literature to develop strategies that improve a particular issue in your specialty practice. Task details Students will

Assignment Details : N8002-Professional Reflection in Nursing-G... Purpose Synthesize knowledge from the literature to develop strategies that improve a particular issue in your specialty practice. Task details Students will formulate a reflective improvement plan on an issue they have identified in their specialty practice that requires improvement The students need to
1 min read

Task purpose: For this assessment task, you will review a case study and present an essay discussing how the registered nurse (RN) may facilitate the process of advance care planning for

Task purpose: For this assessment task, you will review a case study and present an essay discussing how the registered nurse (RN) may facilitate the process of advance care planning for people with chronic health conditions. You will explain multiple steps of the advance care planning process. You will apply
5 min read

As students are identified as being at-risk for a reading disability or are struggling with reading concepts, it is important that teachers be able to effectively communicate this information

As students are identified as being at-risk for a reading disability or are struggling with reading concepts, it is important that teachers be able to effectively communicate this information with families. The teacher must be able to articulate what is involved with the reading disability or area where the student
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EDAS 647 LEGAL ENTANGLEMENT PROJECT: PART 2 – PERSONAL REFLECTION AND COMMUNICATION OF PROFESSIONAL NORMS ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW   The purpose of this assignment is to reflect on how you personally model and communicate the professional norms discussed from the three sources previously addressed: Model Code of Ethics for Educators (MCEE), case
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RESEARCH PAPER ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW The Research Paper Assignment for this course will be based on the topic you chose at the beginning of the course concerning teaching and learning. Your paper must be 15–20

RESEARCH PAPER ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW The Research Paper Assignment for this course will be based on the topic you chose at the beginning of the course concerning teaching and learning. Your paper must be 15–20 pages and written in formal current APA style (refer to the information and sample
2 min read

EDUC 735  JOURNAL ARTICLE CRITIQUE ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW During this course, you will complete two journal article critiques. For each of these assignments, select one of the articles you included in

EDUC 735  JOURNAL ARTICLE CRITIQUE ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW During this course, you will complete two journal article critiques. For each of these assignments, select one of the articles you included in your Annotated Bibliography Assignment to critique. The two journal article critiques you will compose for this course are intended
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ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW For this assignment, you will create an annotated list of at least 10 resources (both Christian and secular) that you plan to use for your Research Paper Assignment late

ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW For this assignment, you will create an annotated list of at least 10 resources (both Christian and secular) that you plan to use for your Research Paper Assignment later in the course. The resources must have been published within the last five years. These sources
1 min read

RESEARCH PAPER OUTLINE ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW For this assignment, you will create a short, working, informal outline of how you plan to formulate your Research Paper Assignment.

RESEARCH PAPER OUTLINE ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW For this assignment, you will create a short, working, informal outline of how you plan to formulate your Research Paper Assignment. The outline should be a working outline meaning that it is a beginning point for your research paper.   INSTRUCTIONS Access Jerry Falwell Library
1 min read