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McDonald’s must be chosen for organisational strategy for your work. Use the strategic management course material (models, concepts, and theories) to evaluate the McDonald’s strategy. Based on your analysis

ASSESSMENT BRIEF: MODULE TITLE: International Strategic Management MODULE CODE: LECTURER: Learning outcomes and assessment criteria specific to assignment: On completion of the assignment, students should be able to demonstrate their ability to: 1. Critically apply conceptual strategic management models and frameworks to analyse a given organisational context. 2. Demonstrate the
6 min read

Clean Quarter Ltd is a small start-up business that will open to the public in two months’ time. Friends Jaspreet and Caroline felt there was a gap in the market for a retailer to sell plastic free food products

3CO04 Essentials of people practice This unit assignment introduces the fundamentals of people practice, ranging from the employee lifecycle to policies, regulation, and law. It further explores a diverse array of specialist subjects such as recruitment, talent management, reward and learning and development essential to a career in people practice.
11 min read

Describe the things that the organisation needs to consider when developing a Cyber Security Incident Response Plan (CSIRP) Your answer should include; the need for a plan and the purpose, links to any

Tasks a) Produce an Information Security Risk Assessment for the organisation described in the case study. A good answer will use a methodical approach to identify threats, vulnerabilities, and impacts. It will include priorities and risk treatment options. It should identify any specific risks from the case study and general
5 min read

Produce an essay of 4000 words in which you critically analyse the role of a care worker in recognising and responding to Mr B.C. in the case study suffering from the abuse and neglect. (In terms of ‘care worker’, students

LO1: Critically analyse the concept of safeguarding vulnerable adults. Module Number: HLT6012 Module Name: Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Year/Semester: 2023-24/S1/April 2021 Cohort and April 2024 Top Up Module Tutor/s: Assignment Brief: April 2024 1. Assessment Assessment Number         001 Assessment Type (and weighting) Essay 4,000 words (100%
12 min read

You are in the role of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Manager and are just about to launch your new diversity strategy for the organisation with an aim to promote and recognise

Scenario You are in the role of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Manager and are just about to launch your new diversity strategy for the organisation with an aim to promote and recognise the different values of people in organisations through practices that are ethical and fair. Your first challenge is
5 min read

Task Identify four sourcing approaches, and for each one, identify and explain how you apply them to a category of spend within your organisation. Choose one of these categories and develop a supplier appraisal

Assessment Code: PSE This assessment tests the learning outcomes and module content of: Module: Sourcing Essentials Task Identify four sourcing approaches, and for each one, identify and explain how you apply them to a category of spend within your organisation. Choose one of these categories and develop a supplier appraisal
4 min read

Critically evaluate the use of motivation theories in contemporary business to determine their effectiveness in improving employee task performance.

Coursework assessment Part A According to Rollinson (2010), who cites Vroom, ‘task performance’ does not rely solely on motivation. Required: Critically evaluate the use of motivation theories in contemporary business to determine their effectiveness in improving employee task performance. Considerations Evidence required of the following: Assess the context, which may
3 min read

Produce a 3200-word essay in which you critically discuss contemporary concepts of mental health and mental health illness, approaches and interventions in mental health care, national policy and mental health legislation and the

Assignment Brief: April 2024 1. Assessments Assessments are internally and externally moderated. Assessment Brief (General) ALL ASSESSMENTS need to go through Turnitin. Any that are not submitted through Turnitin will be treated as non-submissions.  Please see the student handbook for university guidelines on this.  As third years you will be
12 min read

The reflective essay will assess your knowledge and understanding of the key concepts and principles of psychosocial models of communication Learning Outcomes for the module Examine the importance

Assessment Overview Aim The reflective essay will assess your knowledge and understanding of the key concepts and principles of psychosocial models of communication Learning Outcomes for the module * Examine the importance of early years and childhood experiences and the possible impact on behaviour and decision making. * Explain the meaning of
6 min read

Scenario There are a number of Megatrends across the world that are affecting how organizations operate including: Climate change (eg environmental degradation, resource scarcity, etc), Shifts in global economic

CSR Individual Report Scenario There are a number of Megatrends across the world that are affecting how organizations operate including: 1. Climate change (eg environmental degradation, resource scarcity, etc), 2. Shifts in global economic power (eg from G7 to BRIC, etc), 3. Technological breakthroughs (eg automation, Artificial Intelligence, advanced analytics,
6 min read

Your Client, Global Property Services (GPS) Plc – a UK based international real estate investment / development company - is planning to expand their global operations to an emerging property market.

Assessment title: Global Market Report Assessment weighting: 50% Semester 2, 2023/2024 Assessment Brief The Assessment Global Market Report Your Client, Global Property Services (GPS) Plc – a UK based international real estate investment / development company - is planning to expand their global operations to an emerging property market. The GPS
7 min read

MGBBT2ENT Tourism Impacts and Sustainable Development Assignment task This assignment involves preparing an individual written case study on your understanding of the key concepts

MGBBT2ENT Tourism Impacts and Sustainable Development Assignment task This assignment involves preparing an individual written case study on your understanding of the key concepts and models relevant to the tourism industry. Assessment 2 Case Study 2000 Words This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate
9 min read

Assessment Brief 2 The Assessment Select a shopping centre that is for sale, or you have some knowledge of through online sources. Please look to the case studies that we discuss in class and

Assessment title: Commercial Report Assessment weighting: 50% Semesters 1 & 2, 2023/2024 Assessment Brief 2 The Assessment Select a shopping centre that is for sale, or you have some knowledge of through online sources. Please look to the case studies that we discuss in class and complete your independent
7 min read

As a newly appointed International Marketing Executive for GDK, you are tasked with identifying a new international market for the company. You are to select one new international market from the following: India, Nigeria,

This assignment assesses K1, K2, K3. Upon successful completion of this module, students will have demonstrated: K1 Evaluate conceptual frameworks related to management decisions on globalisation and international market selection. K2 Evaluate the strategic impact of the external environment, including sustainable and digital, on the marketing decisions of organisations. K3
8 min read

Reward for performance and contribution Case Study Home International is a furniture manufacturer and online retailer. The organisation is a family-owned busin

Reward for performance and contribution Case Study Home International is a furniture manufacturer and online retailer. The organisation is a family-owned business that was started over 30 years ago, and currently employs 175 people on full-time or part-time contracts in the UK. They have offices based in Oxford, Munich, Santa
6 min read

Secretary of State for the Home Department v AF (No 3)[2009] UKHL 28, Lord Scott [93] Critically evaluate the extent to which Parliament is able, and should be able, to enact laws which violate the

Human Rights Law Essay question: “It is, of course, open to Parliament to enact legislation that is incompatible with one or more of the Convention rights. The ability to do so is inherent in the constitutional role of a sovereign Parliament.” Secretary of State for the Home Department v AF
4 min read

How do different family structures and dynamics (e.g., single-parent households, blended families) influence child welfare outcomes, including academic achievement, social-emotional development, and overall

How do different family structures and dynamics (e.g., single-parent households, blended families) influence child welfare outcomes, including academic achievement, social-emotional development, and overall well-being? Assessment Information/Brief 2023-24 (subject to change) Module title: Research Skills CRN Social WORK Level 5 Assessment title Academic Poster and Presentation Weighting within module
3 min read

Demonstrate understanding of issues in international business law and evaluate the scope and the ways in which business is regulated in a global economy, understand,

Demonstrate understanding of issues in international business law and evaluate the scope and the ways in which business is regulated in a global economy, understand, and analyse contract and tort law. Module code and title: GMDGBS206 International Business Law  Module leader:   Assignment No. and type: Written assignment (scenarios) 3000 words
9 min read

Choose a healthcare topic that you are passionate about and write an op ed as if you are submitting it to a professional journal for publication. Purpose: Student will demonstrate knowledge of and skill in effective

An Op Ed (opinion editorial) represents a strong, informed, and focused opinion of the writer. Choose a healthcare topic that you are passionate about and write an op ed as if you are submitting it to a professional journal for publication. Purpose: Student will demonstrate knowledge of and skill in
5 min read

Step 1: Choose a health need to investigate. From the following list, choose ONE health need to focus on for this assignment: ·        Health needs of men: prostate health, cardiovascular health, sexual dysfunction, alcoh

Week 8 Assignment: Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Prevention   In this written assignment, you will explore the health needs of men or the elderly. Step 1: Choose a health need to investigate. From the following list, choose ONE health need to focus on for this assignment: ·        Health needs of men: prostate
1 min read

Describe dermatitis, diagnostic criteria, and treatment modalities Describe the drug therapy for Conjunctivitis and Otitis Media  Discuss Herp

1. Describe dermatitis, diagnostic criteria, and treatment modalities 2. Describe the drug therapy for Conjunctivitis and Otitis Media  3. Discuss Herpes Virus infections, patient presentation, and treatment 4. Describe the most common primary bacterial skin infections and the treatment of choice.  Submission Instructions: * Your initial post should be at least

Choose one learning theory and/or principle you think is most useful to the advanced practice nurse (APN) in providing high-quality health care to clients. Explain

Choose one learning theory and/or principle you think is most useful to the advanced practice nurse (APN) in providing high-quality health care to clients. Explain your rationale for choosing this theory and principle.  Submission Instructions: * Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current