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PART 1- Module 3- ASSIGNMENT 1 - (VAL)- Marketing Failure Identify and describe 1 new product or new service that was introduced to the market but failed. Discuss the marketing-related reasons for its failure. What could the comp

PART 1- Module 3- ASSIGNMENT 1 - (VAL)- Marketing Failure

Identify and describe 1 new product or new service that was introduced to the market but failed. Discuss the marketing-related reasons for its failure. What could the company have done to prevent this marketing failure?

SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: Your paper should be at least 2 PAGES, formatted and cited in current APA style, and a minimum of 2 current references (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or journals and magazines (Wall Street Journal or the New York Times; Wikipedia will not be accepted) within your work. You must include a web link or URL so that I can access the articles online.

PART 2- Module 3- ASSIGNMENT 2 - (VAL)-  Researching Emerging TrendsIn recent years, social media has allowed companies to shift their marketing spending from traditional media (tv, radio, print, etc.) to social media. Conduct some research and identify at least 1 new/emerging technology that impacts the way marketers communicate with customers now or in the future.

Keep in mind: This new/emerging technology must be no older than 3 years in existence.

Research three articles that report on the new technology and fill out the primary source document for all three (ATTACHED). 

Submission Instructions:

Complete a Primary Source Template (ATTACHED) for each of the three articles related to the new technology you identified.

PART 3- Module 3- ASSIGNMENT - (VAL)- Course (CATHOLICISM) Summary Paper

We are now about halfway through the course, and we have covered a lot of ground. It is helpful to review what we have done thus far. For this paper, imagine someone came up to you and asked you to explain Catholicism in the amount of time that person could stand on one leg. Well, Jesus already provided an answer. 

Based on what you know thus far, how would you explain what his answer means? For this assignment, you will provide a 400 word summary of the journey we have been on thus far as we have sought to understand Catholicism. You must demonstrate mastery of the basic "narrative" or "journey" of the course and how the major themes of the course fit into that "narrative."  

For these course summary papers, you can follow a basic format like this one:  

Intro paragraph 

Body paragraph 1:  Summary of Module 1: (with one or two references to course material) 

The first module of our course will present the essence of Christianity to you in the amount of time you can stand on one leg. We will begin with one simple truth, the dimensions of which we will unpack throughout the remainder of the course.

Body paragraph 2:  Summary of Module 2 (with one or two references to course material) 

In module 2 we must return to the content of the commandment itself. What is the love that we are talking about, here? And, can love even be commanded in the first place?

Body paragraph 3:  Summary of Module 3 (with one or two references to course material) 

Module 3 will explore how Christianity understands God's action of "picking up the pieces" and fitting them back together in its central figure, the "object" of faith: Jesus Christ. 

Concluding paragraph 

Submission Instructions: 

Your summary must demonstrate evidence of mastering the course lecture and reading materials. You must include at least 5 references to course material (lectures, reading, videos, etc.) in your summary.  

·       The paper is to be clear and concise, and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation, and misspelling. 

·       Please be sure to engage the reading materials and properly cite any references to the texts. 

·       The paper should be formatted per current CMOS format and 400-500 words in length, excluding the title page, footnotes, and bibliography